What's blooming in your garden?

Kannapolis, NC

Okay. Just wanted to get us started for spring. Here's a sample of what's blooming at my house, starting with Prunus cerasifera (purple leaf plum):

Thumbnail by Hemophobic
Kannapolis, NC

This is good old dependable Forsythia.

Thumbnail by Hemophobic
Kannapolis, NC

Here's Spirea thunbergii, breath of spring:

Thumbnail by Hemophobic
Kannapolis, NC

Iberis sempervirens starting to bloom.

Thumbnail by Hemophobic
Kannapolis, NC

Of course, winter daphne, the queen of spring:

Thumbnail by Hemophobic
Kannapolis, NC

Here's Bergenia `Tubby Andrews' with flower stalks forming, not yet blooming, but soon:

Thumbnail by Hemophobic
Kannapolis, NC


Thumbnail by Hemophobic
Kannapolis, NC

Violas and tulips (which look surprisingly more like daffs):

Thumbnail by Hemophobic
Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Your Hellebores look much happier than mine do. They're particularly anemic this year for some reason.

I have Spring Snowflakes. :)

Thumbnail by DebinSC
Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Peach Tree is about to pop.

Thumbnail by DebinSC
Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

..and of course....the Bradford Pear. :)

Also blooming are a few Azaleas, some Grape Hyacinths and Daffs., a couple of Iris, and even a Clematis.

Hate to think what this freeze is going to do. :(

Thumbnail by DebinSC
Kannapolis, NC

Me, too, Deb, but I'm trying to think about how good all the rain has been for the plants :-)

Beautiful shot of your blooms, especially the peach tree with your visitor.

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Well Hells Bells!! No wonder my forsythia doesn't bloom in the summer. I keep looking at that little clump that one of my patients brought to me from his wife's garden...waiting..waiting..for it to bloom. I thought it bloomed in the summer!! It is off in a corner that I don't really look towards or notice..but I do remember to check every single summer ...but I thought it was just sterile or had the wrong conditions for bloom. If it wasn't raining so hard, I'd go check right now.

Your daphne leaves have white edges --mine are solid.

Seabrook, SC(Zone 8b)

My Daphne has white/yellow edges, too. It's variety Carol Mackie, Deb's could be the same. I love it, I can smell it all over the yard.

Did you see it's going to be really cold again tomorrow? They're forecasting 25F for my area.

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Ha! Missingrosie, that's very funny. Thanks for the laugh. Yeah - check on that lil ole Forsythia in spring this year. :)

I should look on the bright side because we did get 4" of rain in the last 24 hrs.

I forgot to add, that the lonicera (Al. Crimson) is blooming, too, but no pics yet.


Kannapolis, NC

Once again, gals, the daphne is compliments of my mother, who never thinks to find out the cultivar, and with the daphne, I don't mind. It makes up for that minor fault with its divine fragrance!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

We had 4" of rain here too, it was wonderful. The temp never dropped like it was forecast to, we stayed above 40. The birds are singing and it is time for spring!

I've still got many camellias blooming; I purposely bought early blooming varieties so I would have some in December and they never start until mid February. Go figure.

The azaleas are starting to put on their show.

This message was edited Mar 2, 2009 6:35 AM

Thumbnail by ardesia
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

A few ground orchids - Bletilla maybe?

Thumbnail by ardesia
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

A very sad Kalenchoe. Their flowers fade badly when it is unusually cold.

Thumbnail by ardesia
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I can never remember the name of this one. It is not a favorite plant.

Thumbnail by ardesia
Columbia, SC

Lovely, ardesia!

Is that a white camellia beside the Bletilla?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Yes thanks, it is Nuccio's Pearl. I took a picture of the whole bush, it was covered with flowers but they all came out like white spots, no definition. My cameral skills are sorely lacking. I'll have tot ry again.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

ardesia - I think your yellow flower is a bush daisy (Euryops).

One more cold night here (15F) and then it's supposed to warm up. I just hope nothing gets too badly frozen. Here is one of my hellebores in the snow.

Thumbnail by TomH3787
Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Here are a few from last week, before the snow.

Crocus ...

Thumbnail by TomH3787
Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

another crocus...

Thumbnail by TomH3787
Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Daffodil 'Monal'

Thumbnail by TomH3787
Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Ya gotta love Crocus. So cheery!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Ditto on the crocus and we rarely see them down here, they must not like the salt or the humidity.

You are right Tom the plant is Euryops, it's no wonder I can't remember that name. Good grief, who comes up with these monikers.

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

I've got some creeping Phlox. :)

Thumbnail by DebinSC
Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Some pale pink Azaleas, too.

Thumbnail by DebinSC
Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Narcissus "Avalanche"

Thumbnail by DebinSC
Raleigh, NC


every year I forget to take a photo of my early Marieke daffs. (large yellow upturned trumpet). They started blooming as I was leaving for Texas. Just got back and I've lost the camera. They're almost out.

but I found a bulge on an SDB iris today! my first. guess it was the two snows. Hyacinths in full bloom. Neighbors' forsythias are in bloom, not mine.

All my TB irises are looking very very happy. can't wait for late April

Seabrook, SC(Zone 8b)

I just bought this... it's one of the Forever & Ever hydrangeas called "Peppermint". I thought I'd take it's picture while it's pink. It will turn blue soon like all the others in my garden.

Thumbnail by bordersandjacks
Seabrook, SC(Zone 8b)

I forget about this azalea every year until it bursts into bloom.

Thumbnail by bordersandjacks
Seabrook, SC(Zone 8b)

Dogwood blossoms. This one is prolific with it's offspring. I've been digging them up and planting them about the yard.

Thumbnail by bordersandjacks
Seabrook, SC(Zone 8b)

I always think the sedum looks like flowers when they first emerge.

Thumbnail by bordersandjacks
Seabrook, SC(Zone 8b)

Pot of "left for dead" pansies from Lowe's. They were 50 cents and they've recovered well.

Thumbnail by bordersandjacks
Kannapolis, NC

B&J: Don't you just love that? Some of my best plants have been dead-looking sale plants at Lowe's, my hydrangea `Blaumeise,' for example:

Thumbnail by Hemophobic
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Jenny, I think you had better bring that Hydrangea peppermint to my house. It will stay pink here. :-)

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