jeanne from tx, how does your garden grow

Delaware, OH

jeanne from tx, how does your garden grow? haven't seen you on the site lately and i think you are in prime clem season. how's it going? any new pics?

(Zone 4a)

Hi Jeanne I have missed seeing you around.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi glad to have been missed..I was sick with the crud for 2+ weeks and then my internet was out for transistor on the satlite went out and I couldn't seem to make those techs in India understand that it was NOT my computer but their equipment..LOL..
CG....I am not in "Prime Season" right now..My Clematis are just starting to leaf and having been ill and not in my garden means I still need to get out there and prune and 6 new clematis to plant..yikes...Jeanne

Palestine, TX(Zone 8b)

Don't even get me started on the techs from India. I'm glad you are back Jeanne.


Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

Are y'all aware that when you get a tech you can't understand, all you have to do is tell them you want to speak with a supervisor (they speak clear English) and they are obligated to put one on the phone for you? It makes such a difference.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

NL..I was told to tell them to talk to you like they do their grandparents..they talk slower and enunciate their words better..I've haven't had too many that I can't communicate with..they are very nice but their "taught" procedures of making you do this and that to try and fix the problem so they DON'T have to send a rep out is frustrating..I am computer literate and know what to check..they swore it was my computer and not their equipment..I LIED and told them I had a computer guru come out to check out my computer and he said my computer was fine..I HATE when people MAKE you lie to them..grrrrr...but it worked and they finally after all that time sent someone took him about 2 hours to figure that they transistor had burned out in my satelite!

Delaware, OH

hey, welcome back jeanne. the forum missed you and hopes you and garden back in peak form!!!
as for me, still mostly dormant but expecting last two weeks march to be in the thick of clean up and the start of spring action.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks..the weather here is gorgeous..I've had the doors & windows open enjoying the 70's and sunny...things are starting to bloom and my Purple Martins have been back since late Feb and singing their little hearts out..I've got 3 PM tons of those babies will be born here...Jeanne

(Zone 4a)

Oh Jeanne I am so envious of your nice weather.....we are still buried under 3-4 feet of snow here ugh! It will be a while yet before I see anything starting to grow.

It is so good to see you again!!! I can't wait to see all your new clem photo's this year!!! I find your photo's to be a real treat!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Ahhh..I am so glad you enjoy my pics!!..Hang in there won't be long and you'll have Spring!!...Jeanne

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