Organic lawn care, Gardens Alive?

Rockport, ME(Zone 5b)

I'm trying to get opinions of anyone who has tried organic lawn care. I don't want to blow big bucks on Gardens Alive products if they don't work, frankly. Anyone in the Northeast tried this? If not Gardens Alive products, any others work? I'm not going for the golf course thing, I would just like my lawn to have more grass than crabgrass without nuking anything with chemicals. I've tried the Organic Gardening forum, but no real help yet.

North Brunswick, NJ

Don't waste your money. The year after I used their corn based weed killer/fertilizer, I had more weeds than I ever did before! Sorry, I don't have any alternatives for you.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Try this. I haven't personally, but hear it does work.
I live on a small farm with lots of grass areas. I don't even call them lawn. I never fertilize, we have very fertile soil. Use no chemicals. Just have green grass all the time, even ibn dry spells. Secret, mow a little bit high, leave the clippings on the lawn. Plenty of earth worms to do their thing. I do have some crab grass in fall, but not serious. I do use a little Round Up on an occasional thistle.
I am trying to replace grass with flowers. A big job with near an acre of grass.

This message was edited Feb 28, 2009 8:05 AM

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