Happy Wakening of the Dahlias Festival!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I have brought them up into the warmth of the new season. Some are very sproutilicious. Some are still sleeping. I'm so excited I can't stand it.

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

That's a monster stalk in the making! Congratulations, dahlianut!

I love your adjectives!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Tomorrow the potting will begin now that they are at room tempurature. I did check and it looks like only lost a couple to rot. That sprout is 'Mango Sunset'. Obviously a kid keener!

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

I have that one coming from Ferncliff- hooooray! Lots of oranges and yellows this year, pinks and whites and a couple lavenders too LOL.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Sounds like my orders as well, Annie.

Only one more order for me to place and, no, I haven't any idea where I'll plant them all. That's the fun of gardening.

Kannapolis, NC

Great sprout, Dahlianut. Here's one of my decorative dahlias from Lowe's, sprouted and growing like crazy. There were 3 in the package and so far this is the only one that has sprouted.

Thumbnail by Hemophobic
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Great gadzooks hemophobic: that's a great start on the season. I hope your other two emerge as well.

Dnut, how's the great Northern Dahlia Waking coming along?

I have the daunting task of sorting all labels from last year. No matter how I do it, it's a pain in the neck. By color or alphabetically or both, they always end up in a big mess.

Kannapolis, NC

Poochella: Me, too, but so far nothing in either pot. Hope the others weren't duds. They looked and felt viable when I planted them.


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Dahlias waking here too! I didn't do anything to wake them, just have been keeping an eye on them and finding more waking each time I check. A few of the sprouters were looking a bit shriveled, so I potted those up. I divided tubers yesterday, and this is a great new experience for me- I usually lose so many while stored, even with dividing survivors I end up with fewer than the year before. This year most stored beautifully, and I'm getting plenty of divisions...visions of multitudes of Dahlia blooms dance in my head!

Kannapolis, NC

I love dahlias! I think they're one of the most underused perennials (for us here) there are. I leave mine in the ground and haven't lost any yet. Each year I try to add more. They bloom all summer and just are a beautiful addition to the garden.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Neal - how did you store them over winter?

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Pirl, this makes no sense at all, but this year I was lazier about winter store than ever before! I just shook the excess soil off the tubers, let them dry, and plopped them into plastic grocery bags, loosely tied. I kept them in a crate in my plant room that stays quite cool in winter. In the past I've washed, disinfected, dried, placed them lovingly in a bed of dry peat, and stored them in the cool basement, only to lose half of them, LOL.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I always did it as you did last year though I did hose them off and most came through just fine. This time around I went to extremes and don't care to do that again. I'll return to the grocery bags. Thanks, Neal.

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