Cayuga Duck info

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

HeeHee! Going to drive my DH up the proverbial wall!! I was all set to order some Pekin ducks when I came across the Cayuga duck. Does anyone have any input on these?

I can't decided if I want to scrap the whole idea of more Pekins & just order Cayuga or get a mix of Cayuga & Pekin or just stick to my original plan of just the pekins. Didn't know if the Cayuga ducks will get along w/ other ducks. I know the Pekin I have can get pretty bossy so I don't want one breed of ducks harrassing another breed of ducks. Did any of that make sense! Sorry been drinking alot of coffee today. :-)

I was going to order through Ideal but they have a note that crested ducks may be included in the order. Then there's a note about some lethal gene when breeding the crested ducks. GadZooks!! So now I'm looking at Metzer. Also thinking about adding a pair of Buff Geese. :-)

Ok, deep breath.........Sue :-)

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Just get one (or two) of each!!!!!

(Zone 7b)

OMG! Cayuga's are my favorite duck! every time i see them at the auction i want to buy them. Theres nothing more beautiful than than beetle green sheen in the sun "Just Beautiful"!! I wish i could have them but i don't have a pond or enough space


(Zone 7b)

Just looked and Cackle Hatchery has Cayuga and if you get some please post pics!!

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Ok,you win Harm! lol!

I had checked out Cackle but they don't offer the Buff Geese. Maybe I'll check out their geese again and see if there is something else I like. My neighbor orders through Cackle and likes what he's gotten from them.

(Zone 7b)

Oh and pics there must be pics (please)

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Absolutely! I love the pics I've seen on the internet. I'm excited to see how they look in person! I read that they can lay black or dark green eggs-that'll freak my kids out! lol! Maybe I'll actually get a few to bake a cake with. :-) my son eats my pekin's eggs as fast as she lays them.

(Zone 7b)

As I said before i see these at the auction and i want to buy them so bad they are so beautiful with that green sheen.
I didn't know they laid green eggs oh and green is my favorite color (wish i could have some **sigh**)

Jealous just real jealous and hoping you get some just so i can see them ~he~ he~ he~ he

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

lol! I love green too. Ooo, green eggs and ham(or is it Harm!)!heehee! sigh...I think I've been hanging around my nephew too much!
Ok, I think I'm up past my bedtime! I'm going to go to bed and dream about shiny green ducks and warm weather....

(Zone 7b)

Goodnight and sweet Cayuga Dreams♥

Green eggs and ham was my favorite book as a kid and yes i would eat green eggs and ham LOL

Ferndale, WA

GEESE!!!! You really do need some sleep. LOL Maybe it's just me, Geese always seem to go after my backside. I really really HATE them. Haystack. Oh I'm sorry,, I forgot they'r not for me. LOL Still HATE them.

Foley, MO

Cayugas are great! I have one crested Cayuga female named Rasta. She's a doll. I must admit that I think the Pekins are equally as cute though. I have one of those also.

Thumbnail by Patchouli78
(Zone 7b)

Cayuga! Cayuga! Cayuga! i just love your Ducks Patch!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I just love the doos on them. The colors are great!!!

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

I agree on the geese, Haystack. But after doing some reading the Buff geese are supposed to be friendly towards people(I'm hoping!). If anyone has info on this area, it would be greatly appreciated as well. :-)
Patch, I love your ducks! Where Rasta is a crested, do you have to becareful about freezing temps with her?

Ferndale, WA

Sorry Patch!! Now I know where the story of the ugly duckling came from. HA HA haaaaa. Just kidding Patch.

Come on Harm... As dear to my heart as you are, your a lot like Mox you love everything. Don't you realize that that doesn't give your discernment opportunity to function. You can't just go on loving everything. I just love giving you flack. Oh I forgot theres me. You can hate me. That will get your discernment skills and opportunity to function. GEESE. CAYUGAS, CALL DUCKS. !!!WHAT!!! Are you kidding me. What have ya'll done with my friends?? The chicken-heads.

Sewin: My dear sewin, stay away from these folks, They will pollute your mind with non-chicken ideas. It's very hard to get back on track, once you are derailed. Pleeeeezzzzzzze Sewin... You guy's make my day. Haystack

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

No worry here. DH has a very tight grip on my reality. hehehe He says no way. He wont build the coops or pens so I guess thats it. I am no ZZ who seems to build everything herself. LOL Chickens it is. He has even taken my incubator away. :( He is right though really. We do not have the yard for much more. We only have 1 acer. And DH seems to think landscaping and the house need more room than the chickens. huh? I just dont get people. hehehe So I will live vicariously through everyone here who does have everything. :D

Monroe, MI(Zone 5b)

IMHO Holdrreads in Oregon is the place to go. They're not cheap but they have the best quality I've ever seen. Years ago I bought some "Show Quality" (meaning they come from the best quality parents) Pilgrim Goslings. When they grew up I was never beaten at a show with them. They have Cayuga ducklings and Buff Goslings. But I would order soon! Good Luck!

Foley, MO

Thanks guys!!! Saansandy; no the freezing temps don't affect my crested ducks at all.Rasta's crest always hangs off to the side of her head like a little tam or beret, hence the name. The chickens with the crests are another story though. Must be the ducks oil that keeps their crests from becoming a problem.

Thumbnail by Patchouli78
Ferndale, WA

I was going to enlarge that pic PATCH, then on second thought I realized that bill would take up the whole screen. He should be named BEAKER< or

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Good to know the crested ducks are cold hardy. :-) cover your ears duck duck! I think you're beautiful!

Foley, MO

; )

(Zone 7b)

I saw some ducks at the sale saturday and they had little silkie puffs on their heads anybody know what they are??
They were really cute with that little puff

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Hmmm..not sure myself

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Well, the deed is done. I ordered 2 female Cayuga, 1 drake Cayuga, 2 female Pekin and 1 drake Pekin. Skipped on the geese, although Ideal lets you add to your order before it's shipped so we'll see! They are supposed to be shipped next week. I'm going to have so many babies in my basement!!

(Zone 7b)

OH! I'm glad you got the Cayuga's i will be looking forward to seeing them ^_^

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

me, too! Very excited. :-)

(Zone 7b)

I want to see the green eggs ^_^

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)


Foley, MO

You will sooooooooooooo enjoy your ducks! I have ordered a few more as well, along with one solitaire goose. A female brown chinese. Never had one in my adult life, this ought to be interesting. Not telling my kids, just going to let them say "Hey mom, your duck is huge, and I think it's honking"!

Foley, MO

Harm, they could've been nearly any breed. There are plenty of pekins, cayugas, khaki campbells, buffs, ect with crests (puffballs).

(Zone 7b)

Thanks Patch it was just a site those white ducks with that little puff of fuzz on top of their heads.

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

I love watching ducks! One changes direction, they all change direction! Hmmmm.....maybe I'll order one goose and say Geez I wonder how that got in there!! heehee....shhhh don't tell!

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Update: Added a pair of Roman Tufted Geese to order. :-) and I was a good girl and talked to DH about it beforehand.
What I've read about them online seems like they are a friendly goose(hope so!)

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

I used to have a whole flock of Cayugas. 20+ Mine layed dark pearl gray eggs. They were not too friendly mostly because they had each other....and LOVED to tease the cats. They would wait until a cat was interested in them and then one would sneak behind and grab the cat's tail.

Cat would scream.. ducks would all look and snicker....
I love ducks.


Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

That sounds like a lovely egg color! I can see them teasing the cat; poor thing probably never stood a chance! lol!
I love ducks too. When my pekins were babies I would lie in the grass and they would come up and nestle next to my head. Too cute!
Ginger, did yours hatch out their own eggs?

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Yes. ZILLIONS......They were very good parents. At one point we had 40+ ducklings traveling the yard in packs w/mommies....


Foley, MO

Oh my! I bet that was adorable : )

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Here's a baby cayuga.....


Thumbnail by beadmom
Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Here's a fat Swedish Blue.......


Thumbnail by beadmom

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