Red camellia japonica

Kannapolis, NC

For anyone who's interested: We have blooming now around the old courthouse here in Concord, NC, some red camellias which I noticed yesterday for the first time. They are red, not deep pink. I have no idea what cultivar they are, but if anyone is interested in cuttings later this spring, please let me know and I'll try to obtain some without getting arrested!


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I'm not sure the courthouse would be the best place to try and steal cuttings from...I guess it's a better bet than the police station though! LOL In all seriousness though, I wouldn't take cuttings from public places like that without permission, think what would happen if everyone ran around doing that, pretty soon there wouldn't be any plants left in public areas for people to enjoy!

Kannapolis, NC

I understand your caution, ecrane, and would certainly obtain permission first. I work at the new courthouse, which is right beside the old one, and noticed the red ones the other day. It may or may not be possible to get permission, but I thought I'd see if anyone is interested first before pursuing it.

Since my work is in the court system, I would be the last to try to steal anything, believe me!

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

I've got some red ones - I think Yule Tide but they may not be Japonica - not in bloom now. But, that really doesn't mean much ..the deer browse so badly (or so well as the case may be) that the only leaf/bloom area is about 5 feet up. I am afraid it would be a waste of the cuttings to even try.

Are you getting a good drench there? We are here in Hillsborough. I am glad for the rain, but I am worried about the budding maple and the daphne which are finally scenting everything. I brought a sprig (just one!!) in the house yesterday along with a few sprigs of edgeworthia, and the entire house (sans the back bedroom) is perfumed. These things are incredible. I can't imagine what a full bouquet would do. Anyway, I hope that the snow and the cold won't wreck havoc on what is blooming (the thyme looks great with its happy yellow blooms) and what is budding. Kannapolis is that where W. Buffet and Dole have that new food science campus?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Oh, OK, I misunderstood--sorry!

Kannapolis, NC

Missing: Yes; you are correct about the new NC Research Campus being here. After Pillowtex/Fieldcrest folded the mill, everyone here was out of work, because this is a one-industry village. We're still waiting to see what effect, if any, the new venture will have. I hope, for the sake of everyone here who's out of work, that they indeed are going to provide employment for those locally.

We'll see what the weather brings over the weekend. I can smell the daphne the minute I open the door from the den onto the patio and it smells so good. Despite the rain (which I'm delighted to see), I'm going to make a quick foray into the yard and see what's going on. Things are really starting to pop here now. My daffs have buds, some are blooming already, and my purple leaf plum is starting to bloom as well. Spring is just around the corner!


Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Yes same here - I haven't had a chance to go outside to see all that is going on. I worked all week and then the rain today. It seems that last week's warmth helped get things going. I think the weather can be a bit dicey this weekend tho with the snow/ice (and the wind maybe 38 miles/hour ..after a good drench..) My husband has to sometimes do business at the research site (I thought it was Kannapolis - glad my memory served me well) and he thinks the local economy will improve - there is an awful lot of money being invested there by the various institutions setting up their individual research labs.. at the very least the supermarkets/restaurants ought to pick up and things to do with housing/rentals/home repairs since folks will need to relocate. Fingers crossed for an injection of money into your local economy. I know all the labs/partners aren't up and running so it can only get better for you all.

Kannapolis, NC

Thanks, Rosie. I hope so. Kannapolis has always been a mill town and it was pretty depressing to see the mill come down. I hope and pray this gives us a needed shot in the arm.

Now I'm out in the rain to see what's stirring!

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