Found some GREAT clems locally - PLEASE I HAVE QUESTIONS!

Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

ooo, ooo, EXCITEMENT!!! I need input kinda quickly!
after I dropped the kids off at school I pulled in our local little nursery to see what new stuff they have & found a few clems from last year... they are all tangled up & not pruned but otherwise look good. The guy told me to name a decent price & I could have them! PLEASE HELP ME!!!! ahhhhhhhh!!!!! so here's what he's got

Duchess of Edinburgh
large flowered white with pink center - tag broke don't know which. Maybe clair de lune looking from looking at pics
hagley hybrid
the president
belle of working
nelly moser
& a few others that didn't have tags but are budding
all have $12.95 stickers from last season

most of these have buds and look pretty good, just need pruning & a trellis & untangled
once they get growing they are going to look a complete mess if they don't get them fixed
my MIL wants some too and money is really not an issue since she is great & will pay for them all (as usual :D)

So what is a decent price to offer him? I'd like to go back today so they don't disappear. lol

*edited to add:
forgot to mention these are gallon containers & roots are coming out of the bottom.
also forgot to mention the tags say Donahue's

This message was edited Feb 26, 2009 8:48 AM

I would offer him five or six bucks each and see if he takes the offer or offer half of the original.

Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

that's what i was thinking. He doesn't seem to care if he keeps them or not so he'd probably rather have half then nothing.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Buy them all. Offer $4.00 each or a set price for all of them. They're all beauties.

Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

I know! lol I want them all.
MIL has TONS of space down there (only 8 houses down) & I have my own section for full sun since I don't have that here.

Donahues is here in Minnesota I visited there once. Take a look at the website it may help you decide on your offer.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I might even start at $3.00 each. Typically there's a huge markup with plants.

(Zone 4a)

What a great thing!!! I think I would offer less than half the price tag since he does seem to want to get rid of them. I would say 4.00 each???

Let us know how it goes....

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Those are all wonderful Clematis with extremely well developed root systems! I would start the bidding low, which then gives you "wiggle room". Know in your mind what the top price is that you are actually willing to pay and hopefully you & the nursery owner will meet somewhere in the middle.

Please keep us informed!

Delaware, OH

gallon pots with pot bound roots?

sounds like you lucked out!!

6 $ is a fab price, actually 10$ is still good.

check the bottom to see if they are pot bound...if so all the better!

wen you plant them out, hydrate the roots well before planting and prune back to at least 50% , if not lower of the height right now. make the plant wait to bloom.......

lucky break form the sounds of it.

Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

Dh & I went back to the nursery for the clems & they were closed. It was only 4 o'clock. I called this morning & the voice mail said that they are closed until monday because of the severe thunderstorms we are having & supposed to have this weekend. Personally I could care less if it's pouring down rain or not. I just want those plants! lol Reckon we'll be going back on Monday.

Delaware, OH

i've lucked out like this before in my 3rd year and 4th year of clematis. i even bought dupes. the strength of the roots was amazing, really jump started my obsession as i was seeing some of the potential that you can not see when you have 20 1 yr old plants in the ground.
the ones i got were so root bound and soil had eroded to the point i bought them to rescue them......
but it was my good luck and will be yours too.

good luck with your storm. last year we had hurricane ike come thru my zone. we lost 5 big trees and our entire 2 acres was covered with little branches, leaves and sticks, but no clems were damaged beside very minor loss of leaves on a few.

Athens, PA

Kristy - were you able to go back and get these plants?

Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

sadly no. :(
with the 30+ hostas I've already ordered and oral surgery coming up on Monday I can't spend another dime. It was alot more than I thought it was going to be - even with MetLife dental coverage.

Athens, PA

oh..... that's too bad. What a disappointment.

Good luck with the oral surgery. We have MetLife dental coverage too, so I know where you are at! I hope feel ok afterwards.

Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

we'll see. 4 wisdom teeth have to come out since I don't have room and doc said I was kind of "old" to be getting them and have a better chance of infection. CAN YOU BELIEVE! He said I was KIND OF OLD! I'm offended. At least I don't "look" old. -I hope. lol

Athens, PA

Kristy - you look great - you don't have anything to worry about. I will tell you though, I had mine out when I was 19. I think that is what your dentist was getting at.

Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

I know lol. I will be 32 this year :(
I know that's what he meant though even though I don't like the term "old" lol

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

LOL Kristy! Think like I do--I will be 59 next month and I always tell people, "I'm just thankful I made it this far!" Too many people die young. Good luck with your oral surgery.

(Zone 4a)

Good luck - I had mine out when I was wasn't fun but it had to be done. You will do just fine. Just do exactly what they say so you can prevent infection.

Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

yea, he told me about the 3 "s" 's.
Don't smoke (which I don't), don't use a straw and don't spit.
I think I can hang with that. lol

(Zone 4a)

You sure can!

Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

Dawn, the only thing I don't think I can hang with is no coffee or toaster strudel for the next few days! What oh what am I going to do!?! lol

(Zone 4a)

Hahaha I agree with the that might be a bit difficult!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Ask if you can have decaf. You may not be able to have it steaming hot but at least you'll get the taste you want. Good luck with the surgery.

Good luck with the surgery once they are gone you will never miss them. I remember when I had two removed many years ago a couple of day later when taking the kids to school I felt something in between the car seats. They had sent the teeth home with me like I would want them. LOL

Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

ewwww, lol. Why would they do that?! Like your a 6 year old or something. lol

Athens, PA

I know somebody that had their wisdom teeth removed (she was in her late 20's early 30's at the time) and the tooth fairy brought $100 for each tooth!

Kristy - Good luck today with the oral surgery. I'll be thinking about you.

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