Follow the 2009 Hummingbird Migration!!

Dixon, IL(Zone 5a) are not the only one to whine! Two summers ago two of my neighbors had so many hummingbirds it was not funny(since they were not at my house) that my hubby listened to me whine all summer. Last year I put in 2 new gardens and one of my neighbors asked me if I was trying to 'steal' her hummers. I said 'no of course not! Just trying to get them to like my yard better' LOLOL. I hope it works this year!

Thank-you nanny! :)

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Well I will make no secret that YES I'm trying to steal hummers. As far as I know, only two others on this block have a feeder up, but not so huge of gardens.

Since you're a good 15 miles from me, I think yours will be safe! ;)

Klamath River, CA

Had a second hummer show up today. Wasn't able to get a pic or ID it yet.

Glen Burnie, MD

I can only share this stuff with fellow bird nuts (my neighbors just call me nuts!).
I had a redbud tree planted 2 days ago. I was so excited about getting a new
tree (one with a little height to it - it's about 12ft), I practically did a dance around
the thing. It was a hoot that birds were perching in it even as the guy was trying
to straighten it up! Then yesterday I saw a titmouse at my feeder for the first
time. Put me in the mood for Spring stuff, so I dropped a small bundle at Lowe's.
Then this morning I ordered 4 agastaches for the hummers I hope to be seeing
in a couple weeks. Come on, little dudes - I'm only about 2 1/2 hrs north of you
(as the crow flies!).

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

hee! contagious stuff!

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Good Gravy, one has made it to my state!

Thumbnail by Mrs_Ed
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Bear west little hummers! Bear west! (After you visit Mrs_Ed of course)

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Do they get all the way to you Dahlia?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

They come through between Mother's day and Father's day to nest higher up in the mountains and then come back through in August. I only see a couple in my garden but I'm good with that ^_^

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

they nest HIGHER in the mountains, wow!

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Gee's , They are all around my area but haven't seen any yet! The watch continues!

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

well from NJ to me I should see them in less than two weeks which is about right usually by april 15th I put up the feeder it never goes lonely for long

Katy, TX(Zone 8b)

Yesterday afternoon a female Ruby Throat showed up. The sugar water feeders are near the grain feeders (for the larger birds) and the White Wing Doves scared the hummers off for a bit.


Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

cant wait to see them I have missed them so much they are my summer entertainment on the deck

Dixon, IL(Zone 5a)

I did not see a Hb until May 3 last year. They will arrive earlier this year. I better get my feeders up soon. Good luck this year Mrs_Ed.

Yikes, showed my hubby the map and he thinks he will be chasing my hummers with his remote control helicopter. Th remote might have to disappear.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

ha. Silly DH. Unless the helicopter has a camera on it, it MUST be grounded! LOL

My first spring HB sighting last year was 4/26. Then I had one again on 5/6. But I don't think I had any again until the end of August.

Marlton, NJ

LOL, I agree Mrs Ed. No unless there is a camera on on it!

Fort Worth, TX

My feeders have been up for over a week now, but I haven't seen a single hummingbird yet, although I had several last year...some who stayed quite late, in fact. I'm not seeing many posts from Texans who are having much better luck. Any ideas why?

Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

I've had my feeders up for 2 weeks, but I haven't seen any either. I have no idea why were're not seeing them. According to the migration map, there have been several sightings in this general area.


Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

OMG Rose, they are only 77 miles from you!

Thumbnail by Mrs_Ed
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

I am stuck inside painting our bedroom...what was I thinking when I decided that I just had to paint!! Anyway...I have a feeder in the front and one in the back plus some potted red geraniums, a flat of red petunias, tulips and daffodils blooming, purple weeds blooming in the yard, and a wild peach tree in bloom! All I need to do is get some of that bright pink surveyors tape when I go to town and tie all over the place!! And of course the message spray painted in red on the roof tops "choose me...choose me.."!! LOL!!

Painting but I'd rather be bird watching in MO....


Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)


Hey I think I'll call you D-Ro now.

so, D-Ro, I have that big red plastic ribbon from Christmas that I put out. I'm looking for an old fashioned metal lawn chair to paint red too! I think you need to get one of those game or web cameras to go off when it senses movement.

Fox Island, WA(Zone 8b)

I'm not sure why I am not seeing any. I have lots of hummer favorites in bloom right now, plus 2 big red feeders that they went nuts for last year. Also have feeders at my parents houses (also in the Houston area) and there haven't been any there either. COME ON GUYS!

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

last summer was my first here in toronto the would come by in my and then back in september but last summer was amazing I had six of them so three sets of parents they never missed one day from around the 20th of april till about the 23 of september and at the end of july I had all the babies coming to so I have to get another two feeders, I used up 5 huge bags of sugar over the summer, the trick to keeping them is to go out just after dark and bring in the feeders, clean and refill but I only put about a cup in each that is about what they use from each per day
they dont like it old it has to be fresh and sweet for them to stay if the stuff goes stale they will just go somewhere else

the funniest was when it got really hot and they decided that my shade canapy was a good place to cool off and play lol they chased each other inside the canapy and then would sit on the little chandelier I have hanging in the center
so cool to have them

Marlton, NJ

Don't feel bad if you haven't seen them yet. These are the mature males. The females and immature males are usually 2-3 weeks behind.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

make sure you are changing the sugar water since after a couple of days with heat hummers will not drink it and I dont blame them

Oklahoma City, OK

Well I'm sure bummed !!!!! I was expecting to see something by now.....Of course the way the wind has been blowing the last few days the little guys probably got blowen clear to Now they're predicting lots of snow ,rain ,ice and power outages for here begining friday. AM : (

Marlton, NJ

Oh gee that's awful pink!

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Good luck finding your chair Mrs. Ed and yes I NEED a web camera with a motion detector!!

One of the birders here in Mo puts out that pink surveyors tape and last year he had an Allen's Hummer for quite awhile at his feeders. He had a steady flow of birders come to see him!

I think our recent cold snap will hold off the little ones for awhile!

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

yes the big bad wind has bloom all kinds of birds my way that I usually dont see till mid april but since we have been having good weather compare to most of the US can you blame them lol I cant believe the snow storms out west and the tornadoes its awfull weather I am not going to complain about it anymore

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

got a five pound bag of sugar yesterday and the feeders are all spotless and ready so keep me posted so I can put mine out at the right time last year there was still snow on the grown and I had two male fighting over the feeder on april 17th which is about three weeks earlier than I was told that they would arrive and they rest of the gang didnt should up till may 3rd

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Another one spotted not too far from our place in SW Mo! Poor little ones are gonna freeze their little butts off! I noticed they have also entered Oklahoma. I got more sugar yesterday too...just waiting...waiting...waiting....

Marlton, NJ

Same here! The east coast seems to be in a stall right now.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Well with those weather fronts coming through I can see why they are stalled.

Morrison, IL

No respectable Hummer would come this way with this weather. We must wait for a while. Maybe I will see one first Mrs. Ed as I am a little farther south than you. LOL.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL Derge, I'm in Rock Falls. I think you'll probably see one first because they hate me!! whaaaaaa!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

DH swears he saw one dart across the yard yesterday, but he only got a glimpse... are they in MD yet? Time to put up a feeder!

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

There is an Baltimore Oriole reported way up in the northeast corner of Ohio. Wish more people reported the orioles!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I wish I would see an oriole!

Marlton, NJ

Me too nanny! Goodness only knows where their at!

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