Hello from Perth W Australia

Perth, Australia

hello out there,I normally post on the Australian forum.Do any of you have a Balinese garden ??

Keaau, HI

Hi Caycad! What is a Balinese garden composed of?

I have many Indonesian plants. Here is Pinanga caesia.

Aloha, Dave

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Perth, Australia

Here is a peep of our garden

Thumbnail by caycad

That is very pretty; I think you need a frangipani in there.... :-)

Chichester, NH(Zone 5b)

Hello to a fellow Aussie (I'm from Sydney myself originally)....welcome over here to the Tropical forum.....love your garden, I know the look you mean when you say Bali, I went there in college and remember that lush feeling, all those tall green tropicals....Dutchlady is right you need some plumeria's....Bali is where I saw my first ones and I was hooked after that.....Did you ever go to the Sari Club, I think it's gone now.

Love the little gecko in the tree....they were everywhere in Bali.

Thanks for posting your pictures, very beautiful.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha caycad and welcome to TZG.

Your garden looks lovely - so tranquil and pretty. We all love pictures here, so please post more and tell us about your plants. Did you get your garden art directly from Bali?


Perth, Australia

Yes we do have Plumeria in different colours, here is a different view of our garden.We love Bali to bits and go there twice a year, its only three and a half hours away from Perth here in W Australia We are retired old farts and love the climate the beautiful people and that lush greenery everywhere.we do buy some statues over there but the freight back here is expensive llike A$300+ per cu meter.Im glad you like our garden

Thumbnail by caycad
Perth, Australia

Hi we met a couple fromSydney a few years ago in Bali and have kept in touch, met again in Bali.They have stopped over here in Perth and last year we went to Sydney to stop with them last year in April which was good weather here but not there, It rained every day with the sun coming out on our departure day.
We went up to the blue mountains but could not see much for the mist and fog, it reminded me of a European winter lol.BUT the opera house and Sydney bridge made up for that We may see them again in Bali later on this year, this is pic of our fish pond.

Thumbnail by caycad

That's stunning with the frangis by that statue.

Keaau, HI

What type of plants are typical of a Balinese garden; or is it basically statuary?

Perth, Australia

We see many huge Cordilines and krotons like hedges plus their native Palms and many creepers I have not seen before.Most hotels have great gardens and it amuses me to see the staff edging the lawns with sissors.This pic is of another side of our garden.We return to Bali this month to a wedding and we are looking forward to this trip, havent been there since Sept last lol

Thumbnail by caycad

Edging the lawns with scissors?!! I want to see a picture of that....

Keaau, HI

Great photos Caycad! I love the bamboo work. It's easy to see that you put a lot of TLC in your garden!

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Belated hello and welcome, Caycad! You'll love this forum! I do!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Welcome!!! We visited Bali from Darwin in 2000 - loved it. Spent a lot of time in Ubud! Never made it to W. Australia...but would like to one day. Am reading a novel by Tim Winton right now, 'Dirt Music'....feel like I am there everytime i get into the book!!!!

Perth, Australia

We always go up to Ubud first and love the place,have been there quite a few times.We stopped there last September in a hotel owned by the Royal family.
One morning in the temple area next to the hotel we met the widow of the late King of Ubud.What a lovely lady who posed for a photo with my wife.Have been to many restaurants there and feel at home there.We would love to live in Ubud but when you are a 1938 model you have to think about getting seriously ill there.We are heading back to Bali on 25 of this month to a wedding and cant wait.I will try to add a picture of the Kings funeral. The bull containing the body of the king was so high they had to undo all the electrical cable along the road,this was one of the biggest funerals held in Ubud for some time

Thumbnail by caycad
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

How wonderful for you!!! We loved Ubud. I took a Cooking Course and had Spa Indulgenses ...got rides with locals to make appts., we loved the food and the people. Amazing...kids selling 1.00$ newspapers to tourists for $10.00. The crime was the tourists would pay it!!! We loved it!!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

DH and I are going to Bali on May 14th. Plan to be there for a few weeks. I am very excited...especially for the wonderful massages. We will be staying in Candidasa for a week and then head up to the mountains. Plan to spend most of our time in Ubud. I was very dissappointed to hear that the shipping costs are so high Caycad, since I had planned on picking up some art for my garden. Well, may do it anyway...how often does one get the chance, ya know?

Beautiful pictures of your garden, and I thoroughly understand your inspirations! Well done! Thanks for posting them!


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Shari...have a ball. There was an unknown but cool spa I went to, above the main grocery store. I couldn't get into the swanky one but I paid 1/4 of the price for the same thing!!!!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Oh Shari, how wonderful! I hope you have a super relaxing few weeks. I hope you can sneak some of that lovely garden art into your suitcase - after all, who needs clothes?

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