Humiliation on the hoof...

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

So, I thought I would have the experience of a lifetime.

My DH has some important meetings in England this week. After he has been so sick this past year or so, I really pitch a fit about him traveling, so the company said "Okay - you go and take care of him." Not a bad deal (!!!) in my eyes, so here we are.

So we're in London. DH is off at his meetings and I'm in Hyde park, looking at all of the plants, petting all the dogs, having a great time - and I see horses. Not the ones that do the Buckingham-Palace-showing-at-arms or whatever it is, but some gals out on a bit of a trail ride, right on this sand path around the perimeter of the park. When I looked at one of the big maps, I see a couple of stables at the north end of the park. Yup, gotta do it.

So, they advertise - "Lessons in arena, lessons in Hyde Park." Alright! Lessons, too! And - of all things - on Gypsy Vanners. Heaven.

Uh huh. Not exactly. This gal takes me all around Hyde Park, doesn't teach me a thing, keeps my horse on a lead the ENTIRE time. They had me carrying a crop - I've never done it before and it wasn't something I liked or used - or needed, fer cryin' out loud. My balance was horrendous, her horse kept edging mine off of the track when it got nervous about something (fence, leaves, etc.) For some reason I could not get into a rhythm in order to post with this poor horse, every time I come down I get a double bump (how many feet do they have?).

I was so bummed!!! The gal was very nice, and probably wondered what was wrong when I dismounted and walked off, but ....grrrr! I thought it was going to be so fun but it was right up there with going on a trail ride at a rent-for-an-hour place when I was a kid, and got the horse that stopped 20 minutes into the ride and wouldn't move until everyone else was finished trotting and cantering around and was ready to go back to the barn - 10 minutes before it was over.

Okay, I'm done whining now. I know how great it is that I got to come here at all, and I'll just be satisfied with that! But kindly remind me never to do rent-a-horse again. Ever.

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