Questions about Deer

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)


I know this might sound dumb but have always lived in the burbs before. Deer have not been an issue but am looking at 30 acres out in the country where I want to grow everything from veggies to fruit trees to perennials.... Since rabbits and chipmunks totally turn me into a possessed woman, I need to prepare myself for deer LOL Books seem to say a deer fence has to be 10-12ft high but mentions that you could angle it at approx. 45 degree angle and the combination of height and width will work. Anybody have any experience with this or other solutions that work?

Also, has anyone got any experience with lower, electrified, and/or using border collies taught to patrol for deer?

I really want to win this battle before it even starts! (No, I cannot kill them LOL)

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

We've been battling Bambi for years out here in the woods, where a fence is not an option, the way our house is situated on this steep hillside. If it's not deer, it's rabbits, chipmonks, squirrels, and groundhogs. I'm experimenting with plants they're not supposed to be fond of, and so far, they hate strong-smelling plants like herbs. So far, they haven't bothered the yummy plants if I surround/interplant with the stinky ones, so you may try that.

They didn't eat my jalapeno pepper plants, but one brave little soul did bite one of the stems in half. I got brave and planted tomatoes in pots inside the dog run, and that worked wonders! I'm going to try more veggies in containers in there this year, as the dog run is covered with gravel.

LOL, I like the border collie idea! Best of luck to you in your new adventure!

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