ID this tropical tree please!

Arua, Uganda(Zone 11)

Our neighbour has this tree growing out side his yard. I love the dense shade it produces and its large felty leaves. It looks tike its gonna be big as it has that second shoot coming out. I have no idea what it is, though I thought it might be African teak but it's leaves don't look right.

Any ideas?

Thumbnail by Mvule
Arua, Uganda(Zone 11)

Here is a close up of the leaves.

Thumbnail by Mvule
Keaau, HI

Hi Mvule; can you show a close-up of the leaves, and any flowers of the tree?

Arua, Uganda(Zone 11)

And here are their small, mostly hidden flowers, with developing fruit.

Thumbnail by Mvule
Keaau, HI

Thanks Mvule! Need to see the flowers if any. A very unusual plant!

Arua, Uganda(Zone 11)

Let me try and see if I can find an open flower. But gotta take the kids out now! So it will be in a bit...

Keaau, HI

Can you show the mature fruit?

noonamah, Australia

Looks very much like a Gmelina to me. Some communities here have been planted with them and they've grown into quite large trees. I agree that a flower and/or mature fruit would be helpful.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Mvule, and welcome! I will be watching with interest to see our experts here ID your tree - there isn't much they can't figure out with their collective knowledge.

Tell us a little about your garden and what it is like to garden in Uganda...We love pictures!

Arua, Uganda(Zone 11)

Hear are is the best flower I could find, I think I just missed the flowering season. This flower is about 0.5 com big. I think they are purple when they are alive.

Thumbnail by Mvule
Arua, Uganda(Zone 11)

These are the immature fruit. They are about 5-6cm long when they are mature I think!

It could be Gmelina though the books don't seem look exactly right.

You can see a few shots of 'my' garden in the palms and cycad section. It is very much a work in progress... against the odds.

Thumbnail by Mvule

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