Remember A Bug Spray Name For Me - Please!

Guilford, CT(Zone 7a)

I always used a specific bug spray for my indoor plants - It claims to have a seven day continuous effect after application. It is in a dark purple can.
Can anyone tell me the name of this spray? I ran out last Summer & now I cannot locate it - It would help if I could pull the name out of my fuzzball head, but I can't. Once again, I ask the good folks here at DG for your help!

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

I don't know the answer, but if you could tell us what you need it for, perhaps we could help you with a substitute...

Guilford, CT(Zone 7a)

I get migraines from most other sprays, including the Safer line. This particular spray seems to truly work for the 7 days as it claims - No repeat spraying for a week!
My plants are all indoors for the season - I can't ventilate for the other sprays. Otherwise I could do it outdoors & avoid the area until it cleared out.
But the bugs are here now :(
I can almost SEE the can in my head... except the NAME!

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Have you tried going to whatever store (or website) you usually buy stuff from and browsing around the pesticide section to see if something jumps out at you?

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

What kind of "bugs" do you have?

Guilford, CT(Zone 7a)

The store said they remembered the can, but didn't have any more. The other store just went out of business.
I have some weird aphids on my tropical milkweed, some mites perhaps... The normal middle of Winter pests that I get each year. I truly can't use the other sprays. I tried using SAFER & then running out of the crawl space, but I think the bugs were singing as they were bathing in it. It had NO effect! The next spray I got nailed me, but did hit some of the bugs. But now they are back - only a week from the last spraying. I need the good stuff, that won't harm me in the process. There is no way to ventilate the crawl space. I don't think they can wait until Spring, when I take them outdoors. I suspect the bugs will have destroyed them by then.

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Milkweed is notorious for aphids, and soap and water spray will do them in. Mix 2 Tablesoons dish soap to 1 gallon water, mix it together and spray them. You need to cover the plant all over and hit every single aphid. And then watch carefully. If you see any more appear, repeat. It is hard to hit all of the aphids, and they breed rapidly. You don't need to use any hard stuff on aphids, soap and water desiccate their exoskeleton - in other words, they dry up.

Guilford, CT(Zone 7a)

I have tried the soap & water - That is my usual remedy. I don't like to use any pesticides at all, especially with my butterfly & bee plants. But 2 weeks of soap & water proved futile. Then it was time for the SAFER insecticidal soap, which also did not work. It was then that I remembered the purple can of bug spray that I used each year, but I had none left.
I don't know why these things are so resistant - They are orange squishy round aphids... I never see these things until the middle of Winter on the tropical Milkweeds. I am considering the possibility that they are mutants :)

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

No, they're not mutants, they're milkweed aphids. I've found them to be much more persistent than other types of aphids and you really need to keep after them. I've only grown milkweeds outdoors which makes my method of control more feasible, but what I do is just hose them off the plant every couple of days--they always come back but at least that way I keep the population at a level where they don't do significant damage to the plant.

Guilford, CT(Zone 7a)

I never saw them at all in the outdoor garden. I like to over Winter the plants so the Monarchs have something early in the season. The tropical Milkweed seems to be their favorite. I

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Hi Miss Julie :)

I have a suggestion for you, try some alcohol, just the regular kind from the house, I don't think it hurts the butterflies unless you might spray it on them, I use it on a lot of bugs outside and only spray the bugs that I'm trying to get rid of, remember us talking about the blister beetles, I'm pretty sure we talked about that may have been someone else. I know it will kill aphids I've tried it on them outside and no smell. Spraying it on the plants now wouldn't hurt the butterflies in the spring, it kills the milkweed bugs in the summer too.


This message was edited Feb 27, 2009 11:03 AM

Guilford, CT(Zone 7a)

I haven't tried the alcohol - It is worth a try!
Add a little soap to it, water, or just straight?

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Use it straight, it hasn't burned the leaves for me but I only spray the bugs. the thing is aphids they sit there and wait for you to spray them lol

Guilford, CT(Zone 7a)

Thanks - I will give it a go :)

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