Looking for Blueberries and Raspberries

Rossville, IN(Zone 5b)

I hope I'm posting this in the correct place.

My hubby and I are looking for some blueberry and Raspberry starts for our zone (5b). We would love to start a berry patch this summer and need a good variety to get us going. From what I read, I will need at minimum 2 starts from a variety for production.

I will pay for shipping.

If you would like to swap for them, I do have stamping and scrapbooking supplies that I'm willing to swap. Also, you can view my trade list or blog for plants I have available. I'm willing to trade any of them as available.

Oh, I can't forget. I will have Glad bulbs coming and I'm willing to trade some of those if you like.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

To bad your not closer, I would have you come over and dig all the raspberries you would want. They are wild here so I do not know what kind they are but I got more than I can handle.

Would not mind having some blueberry myself, but these raspberries, I got tons.

Rossville, IN(Zone 5b)

I did a quick inventory of what I have available. For the Stargazer bulbs I have a limited amount to give and is on a first request bases.

For plants, I have a pretty large variety. Here's what I have in list form. I have others but just can't think of them.

Yarrow: Pink
Lambs Ear
Fern: Large fern variety unknown. (I believe it is Osterich Fern but can't be certain)
Asiatic Lily: Foxtrot, Blazing Dwarf ( I can send the smaller shoots and a large bulb this is of course based on first come, first serve basis)
Bleading Heart: White
Astilbe: Pink name unknown.
Salvia: Blue Hill (I'm not sure how to propagate this but can look into it)
Speedwell: I can't remember the color. I believe I have both white and blue varieties.
Monarda: Raspberry Wine and I have a newer variety that I can give a small start called Grand Marshall.
Daylilies: I have 20 different Daylilies but can't tell you which is which since I have them planted in a large bed around a tree. I do have a pretty large Yellow Double that I can guarantee that I can give since I know where it's planted.:) If you want a mix, I can definately do that.
Liatris: Blazing Star and White varieties. This would be a mix as the Blazing Star has started to reseed to it's orignal form of White. Both are beautiful and great in a mix.
Soapwort: Pink
Hosta: A large variety but all unknown. I bought these years ago and also bought a grab bag of 25 from Gilbert H Wild. Some are large enough to provide good starts and others are not. I have both large and small varieties.

Irises: Bearded-Yellow, Common lilac, Deep Purple/White, Purple/Orange Blend.

Oh, I can't forget. I have Stargazer Lily bulbs shipping to me sometime soon. I can give you 2 bulbs. And, I have Glad bulbs shipping to me soon.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Just one question! How many of the rasberries are you needing?

Rossville, IN(Zone 5b)

I will need at least 2 starts. From what I've read they need to corss polinate I guess.


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Would you be willing to pay the shipping on a box of about 12 or so? I would be happy to send you that many.. I m not sure, but it would be under $10? If I send just 2 postage will be about half, but will not know until it is weiighed and I send out only by priority mail.

This is for wild ones.. not sure what kind and they might be either raspberries or black berries. They are both good eating.

I have a paypal account so you could just pay into that or perhaps another way would be is to extend my Daves Garden Sub? Makes no dif to me.

Send me a D-mail on what you would like.

Rossville, IN(Zone 5b)

Paypal will work. Let me know when you would like the money for shipping and your paypal email.

Would you like any starts of what I have to offer?


Rossville, IN(Zone 5b)

Also, I would love to have the following varieties if anyone has these available.

Amity, Latham, Meeker, Willamette, Fall Gold, Brandywine, and Black Hawk

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi Lisa, nah, the postage will be fine. Check your D-mail for my paypal addie. You can pay me around the time I dig and I will post you back then! I am in winter here yet. Thanks!

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Did you get any blue Berrys?
There is another plant forum somewhere that may can help also.


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

after she gets hers, if anyone has extra blueberries please D-mail me! I would love some!

Rossville, IN(Zone 5b)

Yes, I do have blueberries coming my way. I'm still in need of Red, Yellow, Black Raspberries. I will get some wild ones from BlossomBuddy but would also like some named varieties.

If there's another forum that can help, please let me know. That would be great.


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I have seen a few poking, but ya know what, all tht below zero weather we had and the flooding now on them, they are not looking so good. WIll check on them in another weak to see if they can be dug.

Rossville, IN(Zone 5b)

Thanks for remembering me. I talked with my Hubby and we are looking for yellow and black raspberries. We have Red wild ones growing on a farmer fence around the corner from us. I can get some of those.

Hope your berries make it with Mother Nature fighting against them.

Take Care.


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I have no clue as to what they are they could be black, red or even black berries and not raspberries so if I send you them, I really have no clue! But I imagine yummy all the same. I cant tell a raspberry from a blackberry, they both look the same to me!

Ferndale, WA

Hey Blossom! I recognize you from the poultry forum. I raise raspberries, black berries, logan berries, and boysen berries.

The raspberry is very easy to tell from the blackberry. When you pick a raspberry it is hollow as the core stays on the vine. When you pick a blackberry the core stays in the berry and so there is no hollow area. The hollow area of the raspberry makes the berry subject to being squashed if not handled properly. Good luck to you and hope the info helps. Haystack

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks haystack! I will try to remember that. Only prob is there are so many kinds of each! I cant tell mine for the other .. I only eat the dark black ones!. LOL!

I am looking for blueberries. Got more raspberries than I need and all are wild.

Rossville, IN(Zone 5b)

I got some blueberry starts from a DGer. Right now they are temp placed until I convince my hubby to make it a priority to start my berry beds. LOL.

I did hear that Indiana soil needs to be amended in order to produce blueberries. I still need to research.

I'm still looking for Yellow and named varieties of Raspberries.


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I dont know anything about growing blue berries. My soil is sand and pith poor. I think they need acidy soil, so I am going to have to ammend my soil or maybe I can plant them near my pinetrees? I heard they grow good by pines, but am not certain.

All my raspberries are wild and have names, but I have no clue as to what they are! Sorry. Heck for that matter they might be blackberries, dont know

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