CLOSED: Haves & Wish List - 2009

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)


I have closed this thread and will repost an updateed one. Thank you to all who have traded with me.


Please, before requesting seeds, check the links below for prohibited plant status in your area.

Prohibited Plant Status: Federal & State:

USA to Canada Prohibited List


Again, thank you to those who have traded with me.

Aquene Peace,
Moe / WautuckquesSochepo SnowRabbit

This message was edited Dec 6, 2009 9:17 AM

Pawleys Island, SC

Hi, I would love to trade. The only thing on your wish list that I have is birds foot trefoil. However if you check my list, I may have others that you would like. I am interested in your satsuma tangerine and key lime seeds. Thanks so much, Linda

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi I am interested in your Citrus x meyeri 'Meyer'. All I have from your list is Ginseng.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)


Sorry I've taken so long in getting back to you.

ibartoo, I have the Satsuma Tangerine seeds and have set it aside for you, but I am out of the Key Lime seeds.

Mamawk: I have set the Meyer Lemon seeds aside for you.

I'll Dmail you both.

Moe / WautuckquesSochepo(SnowRabbit)

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)


I just harvested some Lunaria annua (Money Plant/ Silver Dollar), Geranium pratense Stratium (Geranium 'Splish Splash'), Hyacinthus orientalis (Dutch Hyacinth) seeds. If anyone's interested, please post your requests here. Taubotny(Thank you).

Moe / WautuckquesSochepo(SnowRabbit)

This message was edited Aug 11, 2009 1:23 PM

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)


I've added some more seeds to my Have's List.

Moe / WautuckquesSochepo(SnowRabbit)

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)


DEMinPA and jacobe, I've set the seeds, you requested in trade, aside for you. I've Dmailed you and hope to hear from you soon. Thank you for trading with me.

Moe / WautuckquesSochepo(SnowRabbit)

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

HI I have Chocolate Mint and Wintergreen. I'm interested in Geranium pratense Stratium- Geranium 'Splish Splash' and the green and red bell peppers.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Kawonkamish Mindy03,

I've set the seeds aside for you. I'll Dmail you.

Moe / WautuckquesSochepo(SnowRabbit)

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)


I've added more seeds to my Haves List.

Moe / WautuckquesSochepo(SnowRabbit)

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)


I've added more seeds to my Have List:

Calendula officinalis- Pot Marigold
Cosmos sp.- Cosmos mix
Datura inoxia- Sacred Datura
Dimorphotheca sp.- African Daisy
Helianthus annuus- Sunflower mix
Ipomoea sp.- Morning Glory mix ('Star of Yelta' & Ivy-leaf)
Ipomoea turbinata- Lavender Moonvine
Phaseolus caracalla- Snail Vine
Physostegia sp.- Obediant Plant
Tanacetum coccineum- Painted Daisy
Allium schoenoprasum- Fine-leaf Chive
Coriandrum sativum- Cilantro
Ocimum basilicum- Italian Large-leaf Basil
Petroselinum crispum- Curly Parsley
Capsicum annuum- Italian Pepper Corno di Toro type var.?

Moe / WautuckquesSochepo(SnowRabbit)

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Kawonkamish Nishnoh Greetings Everyone,

I have added the following to my Have's List:

Helianthus annuus- Sunflower 'Chocolate'
Echinacea tennesseensis- Tennessee Coneflower
Sidalcea malviflora- Prairie Mallow

Wunniyeu wame quttianum wunnonkou! Happy Halloween!

Aquene Peace,
Moe / WautuckquesSochepo SnowRabbit, Official Halloween Bunny

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I'm not sure I have anything you want in trade, My trade list is an excel file if you dmail me with your email I can send you the list

I'm interested in the following:
Dwarf Japanese maple
Yellow Pear Tomato
Native mini Rainbow corn Wampum
Lavender Moonvine


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Kawonkamish Katrina,

I have set the seeds aside for you; sending you a Dmail. Wunniyeu wame quttianum wunnonkou! Happy Halloween!

Moe / WautuckquesSochepo SnowRabbit, Official Halloween Bunny

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)


I have added more seeds to my Haves List. Wunniyeu Tabuttantamoonk! Happy Thanksgiving!

Aquene Peace,
Moe / WautuckquesSochepo SnowRabbit

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)


I have some new seeds, if anyone is interested.

Moe / WautuckquesSochepo

This message was edited Nov 29, 2009 2:47 PM

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