Jumper2 - Welcome!!!

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Hi Jumper2 - saw you post on a couple of the threads and thought I'd say hi! Not that I'm a moderator or anything like it, I just wanted to let you know that we welcome you, your input, your PICTURES (always love the pictures), any questions (that I won't be able to answer, but someone else might!), comments, etc.

On this forum we tend to range greatly in age and experience and have a few elves that let themselves be heard from here and there. At this time we're mostly women, but any time we see a guy we try to get him to hang out. The format is pretty loose and topics will wander back and forth.

Hope to hear from you lots - if you care to, we'd love to hear about you - do you own, or mainly cherish from afar? What's your favorite horse activity? All that good stuff.

Welcome again~!

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