quelques infos sur l'ile de la reunion

salut a tous de la zone tropicale!!!
je suis elagueur , passionné de plantes ,et j'ai vecu quelques mois a l'ile maurice en tant que responsable de pépiniere .
y a t-il des plan pour du travail sur l'ile de la reunion???si quelqu'un a des infos ....
merci bcp

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Who speaks this language - please translate it into english.

North Augusta, ON

This is the best I could come up with using a web based translator:

salvation to all of the tropics!
I pruner, passionate about plants, and I lived a few months in Mauritius as manager of the nursery.
is there any plan to work on the ile de la reunion? if anyone has info ...
thank you bcp

Keaau, HI

I got Tropical passion for plants, out of that!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

That's all I was able to figure out on my own too. LOL

noonamah, Australia

My French has become quite rusty, but basically it's a request for work on Reunion (a French Island in the Indian Ocean towards Madagascar) and quoting previous experience managing a nursery in Mauritius.

It's good to see people make an effort in trying to follow their dreams..

Yes, he says he is a landscape worker, and has been living on Reunion Island (gorgeous place) and is indeed interested in working there.
If I am not mistaken we have a member here from Reunion who has written a few articles; I will put these two people in touch with each other.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks everyone - Hetty, you are such a sweet lady!

LE TAMPON, Reunion (French)

OK folks, I'll help this guy out, disons que je vais faire ce que je pourrais...
Jean-Jacques (Reunion island)


what Jean Jacques says is: 'let's say I will try to do what I can'.

In a private dmail he told me the unemployment on Reunion is terrible - like 30% - but that if apistom is serious he will probably be able to find something.

LE TAMPON, Reunion (French)

which means not much as I am self employed and cannot hire anyone but if the guy is serious and can work in the heat he'll get by, many folks here prefer (for some unknwon reason!) laying by the lagoon drinking beer...

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

WOW...great help everyone!!! I am afraid of what I would have come up with as a translation!!!

LE TAMPON, Reunion (French)

Like they say in Itlian; tradutore traditore (translater traitorous) and this is between close languages, imagine what it is between Tibetan and Malagasy...

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Moi...? Je parle francaise comment une vache espagnole (I speak French like a Spanish Cow)...but my pronounciation is .... uh.....

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I am french. The original post by Apistom is a request for the status of the labor market in Reunion Island. Here is the translation:

Greetings to all in the tropical zone.

I am a tree pruner with a passion for plants. I have lived a few months in Mauritius, working as manager of a nursery.

Are there plans (should we read projects????) for work at Reunion Island? If someone has information... (sic)

Thanks a lot. Apistom.

That's about it.

Monsieur Apistom, j'ai traduit votre demande en anglais. Si quelqu'un possède les informations demandées, soyez certain qu'ils répondront à votre demande. Si cela devait être en anglais, je vous traduirai la réponse pour vous à titre gracieux.

Salutations et bonne chance.

Sylvain, as you see, apistom and Jean Jeacques have been put in touch with each other. Unless you know anyone else on Reunion island..??

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Yeah, Hetty... I know. I just couldn't resist translating and writing a few lines of french just so Apiston did not feel too alone among this predominantly english site. I am just trying to help.

Take care.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Sweet of you, Sylvain...

La vache

Oh Sylvain you're just a showoff...... LOL

It's good we have multilingual people here to help out people like this!

WOW so much people talk about my mail
thanks to all
yes i m looking for a work in reunion island.and i wrote in french because peoples in reunion speaks french.....
si je pouvais avoir contact avec j jacques cela serait super. il y a effectivement un autre thomas qui as pris contact avec toi mais ce n est pas moi...
thanks again for all people who tryed to help me....

Thomas, click on jjacques name and you can 'write a d-mail'

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