✿ Clem to cover this box

Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

I have 2 fountain grasses - 1 in the front and 1 on the side of this box. I planted them last year in the fall so they are not really established yet. I can move them if need be. They need to be cut back right now is why they look so scraggly.

I'd like to maybe cover this with a large flowering clem, like a scrambler or something that is a repeat bloomer. This box is in full sun. We have been in this house 6 years & it has been only opened once and I'm sick of looking at it & it's awful from the street.

I know some of you have great clems so what would you use to cover this & how many will I need to order?

Thumbnail by 2racingboys
Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

nuther angle

Thumbnail by 2racingboys
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Why not give the utility company a call to see if there's an alternative to the box?

(Zone 4a)

I would check first too like pirl suggested....I am not even sure if you are suppose to plant anything near those things or not? I mean I guess if you do - they might need to cut it back to get to the box when they need to...are you ok with that?

Hammond, LA(Zone 8b)

I have seen the three sided fency-things (my own term, thank you) that are made to go around trash cans or A/C units. How about one of those, and the vine can climb on it. It woul dbe ashame if they had to cut your vine away to get in the box. I am assuming that this is an electrical box for underground power lines?

Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

ok, just off the phone with MLGW, she said it is a transformer for underground lines. (We don't have poles with lines like a lot of people.)
The only reason they would ever need to get in the box is if there were major weather or electrical problems that they can't fix with their computers in office. Then they send the technical people out to the boxes.

I asked if I could plant something around it like a vine that would cover it up and she said it's not a problem but if they do have to get inside the box I would have to cut or move whatever plants I put there.

I really don't have a problem with that if it's something that will come back. I'm just sick of looking at this thing day in and day out. As I said before, they have been in it once in 6 years so I don't think it's very likely they'll be in it anytime soon.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

IF you are looking to cover the box anytime soon I'd plant something with a little more vigor and choose a clematis to grow with it. Rooguchi would be a nice one as it's a scrambler and doesn't need to grow up.

Edited to say that if you are going to use clematis I'd use at least three on the box. Durandii is another possibility.

This message was edited Feb 20, 2009 11:23 AM

(Zone 4a)

Well then I say plant away!!! LOL. You have so many clematis to choose from....let us know what you decide.

Delaware, OH

i'd say plant shrubs around the transformer for full coverage, which you really won't get year round from a clem of any type. after you select your foundation shrub for coverage you can plant clems to scramble on the shrubs. select clems with same pruning habit as shrub.
i have clems growing up arbor vitaes which are inexpensive and quickly give full coverage. here is a tie dye clem growing on arbor vitae as an example.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

just realized that tie dye shot didn't so the clem justice. here is a better one

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
(Zone 4a)

I would say anything that is a group 3 would do well...they grow fast....

Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

I'll go google group 3 clems. I may can even do a combo. hmmm.... sounds fun

Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

I just realized the Ernest Markham I got the other day is a group 3 as well as jackmanii. I saw Princess Diana and that is pretty too.

My MIL has a ton of that white trellis wood stuff just sitting in the garage. I could put it on the other two sides from the fountain grasses. They have not grown back yet but they do have new growth now and will be pretty big. They have pretty big blooms too. I'll have to play with this to see what I come up with. That big 'ol box has got to go! lol

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

What about using sweet autumn clematis which covers in a hurry? Same with montana rubens. You'd have to prune to keep them under control, but either one sure would take care of hiding that ugly box.

Delaware, OH

consider paul farges for even faster coverage than sweet autumn, and earlier,slightly larger, masses of white blooms. recta would also be good for 'coverage'. here is recta, only 3 years old and hard pruned annually.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Ooooo, that's pretty!

Bartlett, TN(Zone 7b)

niobe, that looks like it's on a mission! lol I may have to research that one.
Is it always that vigorous?

Delaware, OH

yes it always that vigorous. it does not climb as tall as many clinging clems. it is actually herbaceous, but a giant herbaceous. it easily uses supports, but is not a clinging type clem. the shoots from the base are finger size and super vigorous. i highly recommend it.
mine is growing on an arch and a cedar type evergreen. it is wider than the photo shows. this one is only 3 years ld, but i'd say it attained most of this size in year 2.
it is perfect for "coverage" of a screen in the size you have mentioned. (i never really consider a clem for coverage in my zone due to the winter dormancy vs climbing hydrangea of something that is truly evergreen in my zone)
it is a hard prune in early spring and then fast vigorous re-growth and a long bloom period.i have sheared old blooms off mid summer and they just keep coming.
it is a very nice clem. not that common however.

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