Help! Best way to fertilize seedlings..?

Fern Park, FL(Zone 9b)

I have sowed a bunch of veggie seeds about a week ago. Already the squash is starting to grow its first true leaves! I was wondering if anyone has a favorite organic fertilizer recipe or system for seedlings. I have blood meal, bone meal, and wood ash to cover the main nutrients, but I'm not sure what combination of things to use or how much. Much thanks!

(Rosie) Belturbet, Ireland

Hi Passiflora07,
I have tried Comfrey fertiliser in the past and if (and when) I get enough space in my new garden I will use it again. Comfrey is very nitrogen "hungry" and does best when grown on soil with additional manure added. It grows in mainly damp places so may not do well in your area. It is a very deep rooted plant that brings a lot of nutrients to the surface. Comfrey liquid fertiliser is usually made by rotting down the leaves in a little rainwater (usually in a barrel or large container such as a water butt) for 4 or 5 weeks to produce ‘comfrey tea’.This must be diluted by at least 15 to 1 before use. This isn't a particularly good feed for seedlings - I suspect you would need to water the tea down to about 20 to1 before use on young plants - but it is a pretty decent fertiliser for hungry main crops and doesn't cost anything apart from a bit of time.
Hope this is useful
Rosie :-))

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