Coffs Harbour, Australia

HI LEE, I hope you get this. All our warmest wishes on your birthday
Love and hugs and a nice cake for you (it has orchids on it)

P.S, borrowed this pic and left the name on.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Brisbane, Australia

Happy Birthday, Lee..a fellow Aquarian..just. My birthday was the 17th. Hope you have a great day with lots of blooms and wonderful birds visiting your garden. (well, i could say.."May the bluebird of happiness..etc") Hip Hip Hooray. Cheers, Kat

western sydney nsw, Australia

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE Hope you had a great day .-----------Sammut.

barmera, Australia

Sorry I missed your birthday Kat. Hope you had a great day anyway. Happy Birthday Lee Hope you have a great day. Colleen

Merino, Australia

A very happy day Lee. I hope you bought yourself a new plant.

Barmera, Australia

Since I always forget birthdays even my own. Happy Birthday Everyone and may you have lots more. Now if I miss any I can refer back to this post and say "But I did Wish You a Happy Birthday"
REgards Brian

Hope your Birthday is the best ever!
Happy belated birthday Kat! I hope it was fantabulous!

Thumbnail by
Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Thank you all for the warm Birthday Wishes. As I've told people, I'm now officially 52 and I never thought I'd make it to 42 let alone a decade longer. Too much life in the fast lane before I got a little sense. LOL
Kat, some of the finest people I know are born in Feb. LOL I have 2 second cousins born in Feb, one on the 14th, and the other on the 15th.
But my thoughts and concerns have been with all of you and the devestation that has occured there but I can tell by the tone of your threads that you Aussies are a tough lot. When will the heat start going away? Our temps are starting to moderate and the pear trees are in bloom. But this is a fickle month and the weather can turn back to sleet/freezing rain/snow in no time.
All take care. Lee

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Glad you made it. I guess you'll have to change your DG name now? Leeflea52? he, he.
I hope you had a good day lee.

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Thanks Sue for your wishes. All have been so nice and considerate. Yes, 52. I'm truly middle-aged. When I was in my 20's I though people my age were old, really old but now I think people in ther 100's are old. LOL The years of living in the fast lane have begun to catch up with me but what GOOD times I had whilst in the fast lane. I still get the urge to go out partying and dancing all night and think I could but it would take me a good week to recuperate. LOL
Again, thanks Sue. Lee

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Sue, you are the person I need to ask advice on growing something. Instead of my ordering just the plaine old fennel for the Eastern Black Tailed butterflies, I by mistake ordered Florence Fennel, the bulb forming kind. I still plan on sowing the seeds after the last frost date which for us is about the second week in April but how do I grow it? Do I do anything special to the bulbs such as blanching them, etc.? I know all you on this forum know alot about growing things and would appreiate any info any of you have. Thanks, Lee

Coffs Harbour, Australia

These links might help you with your fennel, Lee. The butterflies will probably still like them, and Fennel always seems to attract beneficial insects into the garden here. I haven't ever really looked into fennel, as I've seen it growing, but never eaten it or had a use for it. Maybe I should put some in just for interest.
Good luck with it Lee.

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