Laurie's Garden Tour 2

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

What a wonderful story Holly. Isn't technology amazing!

That's cool, Holly! What a nice story. Last time I rode the bus from Seattle it was more like riding the subway in New york. It was completely packed with standing room only, and not much of that. I managed to get a seat in the front of the bus and my dh was relegated to the rear. I ended up sitting by a guy who was blind and could not wait to talk to me. That would have been fine, but he also wanted to touch me, probably because of his blindness I guess. When there are that many people crowded into my space, I'm not much of a talker, much less a toucher. It was all well and good until my daughter called. I had a brief conversation with her during which he determined that I was talking to a daughter. He must have had preternaturally good hearing because I could barely even hear myself talk. Once he determined I had a daughter he was off on his own tangent about how he needed a girlfriend and how old was my daughter anyway? This guy was older than me! I told him her age and he didn't skip a beat. That was fine by him because young women were what he was after. This guy had no idea how inappropriate he was being. The man standing next to me looked at me in a 'knowing' kind of way. At that point, my hackles were raised and I'm afraid the mother bear came out very strongly in me. I let him have it with both barrels and ended with the command that he was not to mention my daughter to me again. He didn't even miss a beat. Then they guy next to me 'rescued' me by starting in on his family story about his sister and her meth addiction. Why me? At this point I was seriously in danger of fleeing the bus as it was moving and was completely disgusted with my dh for abandoning me to my fate at the front of the bus. Serious breathing and grounding were in order or I would have run for my life. LOL!

(Judi)Portland, OR

Isn't it odd how people will tell a total stranger about very personal things. I think it's because they know they won't see that person ever again. Just shows how desperate people are to "unload" their troubles. I tell my dog.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I would have described my daughter as a cross between Rosanne Barr and Lily Tomlin. How she talks my ear off every time I call and never lets me in on her conversation....... He probably would have shut up and started singing to himself. I use the IPod on all methods of travel anymore. Too many whakos on the planet. In Montana I talk all the time to strangers. No threat there and interesting stories.

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Pix, the line I use is "I find your comments inappropriate. Stop or I will call transport police." Works a treat. I have to say, few people speak to me first, unless I am walking the dog. Hmm, I'll have to think about that.

Portland, I absolutely, positootly agree with your choice of Ian McEwan - have you read his book Black Dogs. I think it may be his best. Fantastic book - AAANNNNDDDD, when dog decides it time for city walk (as opposed to park walk) we go straight past McEwan's house in Fitzrovia Square. ANNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDD, a lovely story. He and his son were debating on who reads more, men or women. So they took a box of books out into the square at lunch time offering them to people who were sitting and having their lunch. Few men took up the offer of a free book, most of the women did and several asked if they could have two. Now there may have been a gender-to-gender bias there, but hey, I think it is more of a case of women know a good deal when we see it. Sofer, try Saturday - its a story of how one person's abnormal day coincides with the abnormality of a major public catastrophe. Great story.

Meant to add - James, you will have to think of something much more controversial than Gnomes - never even raises an eyebrow here. Ask Pix to show you her Gnome garden. Not a flicker. Try again.

This message was edited Feb 26, 2009 6:56 PM

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Laurie - I suppose it was all the chatter about leprechauns and fairies got me thinking about gnomes......but as the conversation has moved on to wackos on busses and Ian McEwan......I can't keep up.

I guess I could bring up my story about a wacko leprechaun on the number 65 bus.....but, oh never mind! Maybe I'm confused....I think it was a pink elephant, no wait! It was a gnome on a bunny!

Thumbnail by Jamesk
Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

James, that really has me laughing, husband has just called out from his study "you're reading DG again!" That is really funny. Yes, you do indeed fit in with this group.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Yes, Steve - just because chicks dig the hero in the Outlander series, it doesn't mean that it isn't historical fiction. I stand by my recommendation. And yes, Pix, there is talk of the movie, but I think there's just too much to the stories to fit it all into one picture.

Wow, James, it didn't take you long to comment on our tendency to deviate from the original topic. You'll find that happens in quite a few of the forums. In fact, where people don't deviate from topic and stick only to discussion about plants, people often refer to them as "unfriendly". ^_^

If you're a gnome-lover, you're in with the right group.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Great James! I am laughing as I set up for surgery on a cat bladder. LOL

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

this must mean that we're a collection of diversionally-abled deviators.
does this progress to deviants?

To cease any inappropriate chatter on the part of those in too-close proximity, one only need to mention feminine hygiene products. Kills the conversation every time.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

My hubby, too, wants to know what I'm laughing at sometimes. Too bad he's not home from school yet or he would really be wondering, cuz I'm wiping the tears from my eyes. Steve, are you reading while DOING the surgery as well? I am just dying here. LOL
I love to show him pictures from DG.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

We vary in verse and voice, to collate our collective conversations, all aware of another alternative, to insinuate interesting interruptions, of previous posts and pejoratives, overwhelming the organized opinions of others to finish with Fairies, foolishness and folly. This is the PNW Mission Statement.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Say what? Oh, then I read it again. So true. :)

Danville, IN

I really feel like I'm eavesdropping, but what a fun forum. I've not got much to add, but I tune in daily for a good laugh. You ladies are a treat (and I'm a guy). What a hoot! Just what I need to get through the last days of blah winter weather here in the Midwest.

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Oh James, your gnome is a hoot. I am not overly fond of gnomes, but I would definitely give that one a home.
Are you going to dinner (drinks) tonight in Issaquah? Steve and Kathye, the get together is still on, I presume? If James and Steve are both there, it will probably be a most memorable evening. DH is coming too, I want him to meet everyone before we overwhelm him at the PNW Roundup.

(Judi)Portland, OR

Laurie I have not read 'Black Dogs' and I am going to get it today - on the way home from the vet. Ian McEwan is my favorite. 'Enduring Love' was the first of his that I read and that's when I fell in love with that man. I like his brain (I fall in love with men's brains) and hit writing style.

I am not a lover of garden gnomes or fairies. Or pink flamingoes. Or fake rocks. I do like to look of garden tools and tin buckets!

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Alas, I have a standing commitment on Thursdays during the winter. I curl at our local curling club. I'll be shooting rocks and sweeping.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Lynn - The logistics are too much for me (my commute doesn't get me home until late and I have to go home first).

I can't make it. It'll be Sofer (Steve) and Katye (Kate), as far as I know. Maybe more? Have a drink for me.

Hoosier - glad you're getting some fun out of this group. For what it's worth, we got some snow that tied up traffic today in a lot of spots. It should melt in the next couple of days, though.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Hoosier there is plenty of testosterone in this forum after all we I think have 3 guys. Though I am one of the meek and tender men in this group. LOL By the way I am a Spartan (MSU) who would love to play Indiana in March Madness. Come on Big Ten!

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Go welcome the new guy on the weird weather thread. He's from Renton. And Sofer, don't lie to him.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Moi nes pa parle' truth? (me not speak truth?)

This message was edited Feb 26, 2009 5:33 PM

Lakeview, OR(Zone 7b)


Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

It's that truth streeeeeeetching for the sake of creativity that you do so well.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

He's on the Frosty Stuff thread and his name is Dirt. :-)

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Yeah that!

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Oh I thought you were talking about James.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Well, you know, Patricia. I didn't want to miss anything.

You're evil, Steve. ^_^. I need to know about the bladder surgery at some point - how did it go?

Eugene, OR

Though I am one of the meek and tender men in this group.

Really Steve!!! ROFLOL

Eugene, OR

And yeah, how did that surgery go? You can't mention it and just leave us guessing.

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

As Jack Benny used to say......Well....!!!!!

Eugene, OR

They're off to dinner, we'll have to wait.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

A hot night out in Issaquah. Hey, we should talk about them since they're not here. Ummmmm . . . what should we say?

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

They're back. Kate just posted to the NE forum . . .

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

i am so busted!
We had a fun night - well, I did!
All good food, good folks & good laughs.

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

James where did you get your gnome? I love him! Now I'm on the hunt to find him :0)

Oh geez, I'm having trouble keeping up! James with his gnome ( I KNEW I liked James!) , Laurie with her dog, Sofer describing himself as 'meek and tender'! Whew! I've been away too long!

Laurie, since you mentioned it, here's what I told 'wierd dude' on the bus: "My daughter would never be interested in a many twice her age, nor would I allow it. This conversation is completely offensive to me and if you and I are going to get along in any way, you will not mention my daughter to me again." You'd think if a complete stranger talked like that to you, you'd feel just a bit chagrined, but nope. Later he referred again to my daughter and I said " I told you, and I mean it. Do not speak to me again about my daughter. " He just said ,'Oh yea, I forgot. And began on another topic'. It takes all kinds.
So, Laurie, how do you get people to 'not talk to you'? I can be minding my own business completely, like when shopping, and people always think I work at the store and ask me about stock items. It can be very confusing. It's not like I go around dressed in a vest with a nametag or anything. How can anyone think that someone wearing a coat, with a handbag in her cart, actually works in the store? Happens all the time. I have to actually say to them, "Sorry. I do not work here." Then they look at me in surprise, as though a spell has just been broken for them. You must tell my your secret.

Hey ,Lynn, when you get to my house on Sunday, you'll have to keep your feelings about gnomes to yourself. I have several very friendly garden gnomes who will be really upset, otherwise, and I count on them to keep things under control in the garden.

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Hey Hoosier, I forgot to add that it's the lack of sunlight that makes us this crazy and unable to stay on topic. We get better as the days get longer. Also, I went to Earlham college in Richmond for most of my undergrad degree. It's where I met my dh.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Pix, it's because you shop with such purpose that people think you're working. It's your focus and intensity. You know what you want and where you're looking. People always ask for directions from people who look like they know where they're going.

Well, maybe I just need to meander around a bit with a 'lost' look on my face. Maybe that would give me away as a normal shopper.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

That's what I'm thinkin' - add a confused and blank look to your repertoire. OTH, I'm not sure that meandering and looking blank is really your cup of tea.

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