very cool website

Gallitzin, PA

Hello guys. I would like to introduce myself. I am a Landscaper at Pennstate University Altoona,Pa. I have a pesticide license with cat#7(lawn and Turf). At work we grow all our own flowers from seed and we make our own compost. To make a long story short last week i was at a landscape nursery conference. One of the seminars i attended was on Vermicomposting. I have to tell you that i was hooked. I have 2 flower gardens, eleven different roses, and 2 tree roses not to mention a veg garden that will benifit greatly from vermicompost. I think i am going to get one of those stackable tray bins with the spigot. I would like to find a worm supplier around me so i can avoid through the mail. ( pretty busy lately and i don't want them to die on the front porch). This looks like a great place for me to ask lots of questions. I saved this site to my desktop.

Mid North Coast NSW, Australia

Hi Russell I'm new too and welcome you while I introduce myself. I have had worms for about 25 years and I still have the same batch I started with. You sound like a proper gardener - but I just potter about with my veggies and chooks mostly. It's working towards a mini eco system as the chook poo feeds the veggies & the worms and the chooks have a share of the worms that have escaped nto the garden. My worm farm is about to expand and I'm looking for help with nightcrawler worms . Here's my worm farm at dawn.

Thumbnail by Pottager
Chillicothe, OH

You Ozzies always have such interesting ways of doing things. What's the green thingy made of? And what is commonly used as bedding where you are, newsprint and cardboard like here?--Melis

Mid North Coast NSW, Australia

Dear Melissande, Sorry it took me so long to reply. Computer problems - oh well. The green thingy is like a groundsheet, tarpaulin type of material. I like it because I can collect worm juice & castings without having to lift anything. My back is happy with this arrangement.
We use same bedding material as you, but I usually start off a new bed with some horse manure as well as the paper. (where I know the horse hasn't been wormed). I tried taking a new photo to see if that helps - poor thing is over 10 years old - so it's not doing too badly. Cheers, June

Thumbnail by Pottager

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