Quinoa and Amaranth

Kealakekua, HI

Has anyone grown these? I just got my seed order in.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I am growing amaranth...very little, tho' as I just like the tender leaves in salads...it is cold for it here, now...I think that's why mine, in the ground, are dwarfs!!!

Kealakekua, HI

I havent started the seeds yet as it is also too cold here and nothing is germinating. I plan to eat both the laves and seeds.

noonamah, Australia

I used to grow amaranth, and some friends do now. It tends to self sow and come up all over the place.

Kealakekua, HI

thats good to know tropicbreeze. I will make sure to plant it where I dont mind it taking over.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

my amaranths start out now..and stay fairly small until August, and then grow like a maniac. Different varieties will grow big by May. My experience is they take a good 6-8 months to do something..and once they hit that growth spurt, they make up for lost time. Not sure how they act in year around tropical conditions though.

Kolda, Senegal

Been a while I've had the chance to post on here. I'm still in Senegal working away helping in urban garden and market gardens.

Amaranth grows as a weed here. I did a small plot of high producing seed but unfortunately it cross pollinated with local varieties. So I'm out of luck.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh, cool. I've been to Dakar. Use to live in The Gambia, and had to drive to Dakar because there were very few flights from Banjul at the time.

Keaau, HI

Aloha! I have grown quinoa and amaranth in Keaau. I grew Golden Giant Amaranth, Hopi Dye Amaranth, and a asian red and green leaved variety for the leaves only. The young leaves of all varieties are good fresh or cooked. The white seeded kinds are preferred for grain.

The quinoa was gorgeous, with beautiful, silvery pastel colors, but stunted during our winter, and the rain ruined the grains, which sprouted on the stalks. They should do well here at higher elevations, and drier areas.

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