Vegetable seed trade needed please.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Looking for

Yellow round zuchinni Such as Floridor
Geode zuchinni
Raven squash
Zephyr squash
Any type of pattison scallop type squash
Lettuce seed, a mix is fine, with some red type in the mix
romaine type or bib type
Romenesco zuchinni
or a striped type italian zuchinni
Uncle Daves Dakota Dessert squash

I will gather up a list of tradable vegetable seeds that I can trade for these. I'm always open to new squash and melon varieties also. (not watermelon) Let me know,

I've spent a lot of money on seed this year, and would like to trade for these extras if possible to help save me some money.

Edited to add my list of tradable seed.
If you think you have something that might interest me as far as veggies, do let me know, I'm always open to something new.

Here's my seeds I can trade

Spinach mustard tendergreen
Giant Nobel Spinach
Bloomsdale long standing spinach
Southern Giant Curled mustard
Purple top white globe Turnip
Black Tuscan Kale
Siberian Dwarf Kale

Midas (treated)
Safron prolific straight neck (treated)
Black Futsu
Blue Hubbard
Baby blue hubbard


Sweet Banana
Bolivian rainbow chili pepper
orange bell
Quadrato D'Asti Giallo (yellow bell)
Sweet chocolate
golden california Wonder
Golden Marconi
Parks whopper banana

Green Pea:

Southern peas
Zipper cream

Yard long bean Red seeded

National Pickling cucumber

Cobb Gem

Pink Mexican petunia
Nescafe bean
Corkscrew vine
Wild baptisa (white flowering)
Summer carnival
apple blossom
queeny purple

This message was edited Feb 16, 2009 1:47 PM

Central, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Kathy,

I have some of the things you are looking for if you want to do a trade again.

I have some of the Uncle David's that are seeds I saved from a squash last year.
Zephyr squash- will share some of my stash. This is a hybrid so can't save seed.
Any type of pattison scallop type squash- I have a white patty pan, plus maybe some of the seed you sent me last year from yours.
Lettuce seed, - Can do have several, with red. Can send a mix of:
Deer Tongue
Red Salad Bowl
Cimmaron Romaine
Misc. leaf

Romanesco zuchinni - If you are willing to wait until my order comes, I can send some.
Dmail me.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

WE can hold off a bit till the romanesco comes in. I got a big seed order coming in also. So glad you have some zephyr they are so expensive to buy. glad to get some of that dakota again also. I'm thinking those are the ones that died from powdery mildew last fall.

Let me know which of mine you want, and i'll set them aside for you till we do our trade ok

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I have a yellow scallop summer squash OP that I can trade for Giant Nobel Spinach if that is still available. LMK

Central, ME(Zone 5a)

I think I would like to try:
Siberian Dwarf Kale
Parks whopper banana pepper
Quadrato D'Asti Giallo (yellow bell)

I have some other new winter squash coming you might be interested in also. ;)

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I'm sorry cajunky I got some of the yellow scallop already. Got any other kind?

Cyndie, I'll put those seeds aside for you, do you remember which other winter squash you purchased?

I bought some

small wonder
honey bear acorn
sweet dumpling
cornell's bush delicata

Also got some of the Savor melon coming
I bought something called snowball. I'm not sure if it's squash or melon LOL I'll have to look it up.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Just yellow crook neck.

Central, ME(Zone 5a)

I think I will have some of these to share:

Bush Butternut
I have regular butternut, too

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I may want to try that confection I've grown the jarradale, didn't like it, and have plenty of butternut also. I'm turning orange with all the butternut squash I'm having to eat this winter LOL Never want to grow it again ha ha.

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Hi Kathy-Ann,

I have lots of veggie seeds. You'll find them here:
Under "seed lists"

I would love to trade against yard long beans.......

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Hi Tuinkabouter, I'm kind of leary of exchanging seeds out side the USA, takes so long to get there, and costs more to ship than to USA trades. I'm sorry.

Cyndie, These squash are from your seed last year, Do you remember the round yellow one? it's awesome, and has the texture of the spegetti squash but half the size. I haven't tried the buttercup yet, I only got 4 or 5 off the vines before frost. We had a very early frost and It halted my squash growing quite a bit last fall. Will have to start earlier this year.

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Central, ME(Zone 5a)

Kathy, I think the buttercup is the Uncle David's?
The other one looks like a Jaspee de Vende?
I like both of them.
I start my plants inside about 3 weeks before time to plant out. It helps me get a head start on the season here if I can put out a plant. I use the jiffy pellets. By the time I put them out, the roots are growing like crazy out of the pellet and they are not disturbed as they would be if I moved them from potting soil into the ground.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Where did you get your Uncle Daves Dakota Dessert squash, cause I can't find a single thing about them on the net.

Your right on the jaspee de vende, I had no idea that was what that one was LOL I had one for supper tonight with spegetti sauce and fetta cheese on it, while everybody else had pizza. LOL

I'll be starting my seeds about 2 weeks before easter here, cause we have a freeze at easter time then after that I can plant anything.

I got my seeds from willhite in and they didn't send the savor melon seeds, I had called after I placed the internet order and asked them to add them to the order. They didnt charge me for them, but I really wanted them. They are so very expensive. Now I guess I won't grow them cause I don't want to pay shipping on them again. I've only found them at willhite and johnny select seeds. their expensive at both places.

Central, ME(Zone 5a)

I get Uncle David from Fedco seeds. It's a co-op here in Maine. They have a great catalog and prices are cheap. I order from them every year.
You have to click on the seeds link. They also have other catalogs, like Moose tubers. ;)

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Also looking for Mini pak choy or tah tsai asian greens

or golden wax beans I forgot to purchase these

And Orient express cucumber

Multiplier onions or egyptian walking onions

I got one of my lg seed orders in, and have more to trade if anybody is interested

pink eye purple hull pea
Georgia Southern Mustard Green
Snowball cauliflower
Black beauty zuchini
Alaska green pea
Long island improved brussel sprout
honeydew gold rind
Rocky ford green flesh melon
cobb gem
Blue lake bush bean
Kandy Korn

Red veined malibar spinach

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Cyndie , do you have to be a member or something to order from them?

What the heck are moose tubers LOL

Central, ME(Zone 5a)

No Kathy, Just download the catalog. They sell to everyone. They haven't done online ordering very long, so that part is not very sophisticated, but they have great stuff. They are very environmentally conscious. You can also order a paper catalog. It's a lot of fun to read and has beautiful illustrations.

I guess you have to be from Maine to appreciate the term Moose tubers. It's potatoes. Hehehe.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I bet you don't get to grow too many summer veggies up there. Bet it 's beautiful in the fall though.

Central, ME(Zone 5a)

I grow as much stuff as I can get in...The trick is to fool Mother Nature. I try to pick short season varieties and I put things out already started.
The only time I seed directly is when the spring is early.
Peas get planted here as soon as I can push the snow away. They grow over 6 feet tall.
My tomatoes are stunted compared to yours, and I probably don't get the yield you do on squash. But I have managed to get some of everything. I am happy with that.

Yes, we do have a beautiful fall...
But, as I get older it gets harder to put up with winter if there is a lot of snow and ice.
Snow starts in November and sometimes is not gone until May. (Last year) This year, not so much and I have my fingers crossed for not much more. That being said, we still have about 2 feet covering the ground. I keep a journal and the typical ice out on the lake is April 15th. The next day the loons come back and spring is around the corner.

We are making a list of warmer locals for retirement. I would love to be outside year round.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Man, I have to replant peas if I plant them in the freezing cold. That's not fair LOL

I still haven't got my peas planted yet. Farmer's alminac says early feb or end of january, How do they ever germinate. I guess I need to get them in to the ground soon

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