fig tree

Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

i have a fig tree and as long as it doesn't get to much water it does fine. but it is in a spot that does get watered a lot so its feet do get wet. concidered moving it but it is on the south side in a protected area from the cold winter winds. what can i plant around my poor tree to help sop up the water. it is about 3'-4' tall so it doesn't have a lot of shade under it even when it does have all its leaves?
all the leaves turned yellow and fell off. this is the second year it has done this.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Instead of moving it, you might try raising it. Dig it up and bring more dirt in. Make a mound with sloping sides and replant it in the middle. This will improve the drainage and should help.

Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

good idea bulblady thank you

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