What's Happening in YOUR neighborhood today #14

Victoria Harbour, ON

Know some of you are on dial-up so thought it might be a good morning to move us into an 'almost' spring room...



This message was edited Feb 15, 2009 8:27 AM

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning...hope you have a sunshine day today....

Just gave a coat of paint to the bench I made for kitties, they can't get outside but they sure enjoy watching the birdies from within on tippie toes so thought why not make them a sitting bench..

While paint is wet one is already trying to use it..oh oh red paws...I've planned much today, wonder if I'll keep to schedule OR go amuck..

By tomorrow I should be able to sand the bench for aging and it's ready for use...my birdhouse is about 3/4 finished so by tonight I'm hoping it will be finished (another one bites the dust)..curtains, still not sure what I want to do so they can wait yet another day...

Hope you are doing what you enjoy doing today..

Off to watch Joel Olsteen Ministries..sermon today is
'picking your battles'..might watch same at 9:30am ..much to get from this sermon..

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Good morning. Finally got a chance to look at the Valentine. Thank you.

We had a good meeting yesterday and in the evening attended the benefit concert for which two of the CVS executive were in town. I've heard better concerts, but it was OK and for a good cause. And we had a good dinner before hand.

Today, two rehearsals. First FULL OSO rehearsal in the afternoon followed by the viola sectional in the evening. And after church, there is a meeting of the Social Action Committee. Will be a full day.

I hope you all have a great day.


Victoria Harbour, ON

OMG Ann how do you do it...guess when you are a musician the off concerts are detectable..well, you got a good meal out of it....

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Busy Betty and Ann .. as always ^_^

My morning feeding rounds of the wild animals is done .. onward to breakfast and then ............ house cleaning ..... have decided homes should come 'SELF CLEANING' .. flick a switch and dust and all the 'flotsam and jetsam' that accumulates just vanishes .. toilets and showers sparkle and floors become squeaky clean and appliances so 'mirrored' that you could use them to put your makeup on .. is that asking tooooooooooooo much LoL
Guess I'll have to tackle it with ease as my hand is NOT my anatomical friend today ..

Looks as though it may be a cloudy day in Thunder Bay .. but temps are very nice .. and that counts enormously ..

Good luck with projects etc ..


This message was edited Feb 15, 2009 9:05 AM

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Quiet weekend here. Had to stay home yesterday until my carpets delivered from cleaner but he came at 10 so that was nice. Still it was cold and a bit snowy so we stayed home anyway . Out late afternoon to meet up with one of our rescue volunteers from Edmonton, down with some friends for a party. She and I have been making tug toys to sell at a fundraiser end of month ( 3 day dog show)

Had also expected her to bring me our latest rescue, found abandoned in Edmonton but she will stay with a foster home there as she is not in good shape and best not to move her. We dont know if she will make it - 13 years old and a host of problems.

Another cold morning today but we will go for our morning walk soon. Working at Lougheed House this afternoon, I am mentoring a new interpretor.

Here are the tugs Char and I have made - I think we have about 75,

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Violist that is just the cutest valetine. It would be my favorite too. I start some of the dahlias under lights and my old faithfuls in the greenhouse. I may have to defer firing up the greenhouse March 1st though this year. It's looking like daytime temps. might be colder than -15 and I don't like to move my seedlings out there when its that cold as they won't be toughened up yet.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Marilynne said

homes should come 'SELF CLEANING'

LOL! Don't we all wish. Anyway, I don't wish to be remembered for my clean house. I've got better things to do.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I dislike vacumming so I always figured homes should be built with a special built in vaccum system all along the baseboards so when you tiurned it on it wold just suck all the dirt out of the rooms! Of course that would not get the cat and dog hair off the carpets but still.............

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

HAhahahahahahah ... I might go into 'INVENTING' for a change of pace .. central vac is nice .. but Carol's suggestion is even better ..

I will NEVER go down in the annals of time for my house keeping proficiency .. I just 'get 'er done .. and get on with it'

At this moment I am bathing a bruised ego .. NO I did not fall on the treadmill again .. I went out the frontdoor of the house .. we do not use that door .. ever .. but .. there was a HUGE GIGANTIC icicle hanging off the southwest gutter .. I have looked at it for 3 days and decided ... TODAY is the day I get rid of that THING !!! WELL .. because the front door opens to the south .. the snow is gradually backing away from the house .. I thought 'BONUS' .. I crept along the brick wall .. and then it happened !!!! ROSE BUSHES !!! Right in my pathway .. 'Rosa Rugosa' .. prickly lil devils .. 3 of them .. what to do .. well .. I tried to walk ON TOP of the snow away from the house ... bootfull #1 .. so .. I decided to butt myself against the wall .. the broom I had brought I put between me and the rose bushes .. looked like it'd work prettty slick .. until .. are ya ready for this ? I stepped on the dang broom .. it caught me off balance .. and .. you guessed it .. bottom first into the deep snow .. with me left butt cheek resting on a rose branch .. !!!!!
By this time I was laughing so hard .. Lilly, who was inside, was barking furiously .. I felt like a beetle on its back as I had NO mitts or gloves on .. so .. I couldn't put my hands down .. I was able to roll off the rose branch .. by that time people in the house had heard me and came to my rescue with mitts so I was able to extricate myself with some modicum of gentility .. cough choke ..
OH .. BTW .. I DID get that icicle !!!!!! What a crash it made as it came down !!!!

I think I'll just stay quiet for the rest of the day ....


Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

LOL...sputter, snort. Marilyn, you do always make my day! ^_^ Glad it was only your ego that got hurt and you did get the original job done!

(Zone 4a)

Hehehehe sorry for laughing Marilynne - I am glad you are ok.....however your story really got a good chuckle from me. Did you have to have any of the prickles removed from your butt cheek? LOL.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

LOL ... the thorns just went through the fabric of my jeans .. have some little prickly marks .. that's about it .. I feel sorry for the snowpile I fell into .. it has a rather large impression of my butt in it !!!!!!
All in all it was a fun experience and one I likely will never repeat again (til the next time) ^_^

And please .. I am not in the least offended if I gave ya a giggle .. I was laughing pretty uncontrolably there for a bit !!!


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Betty your kitty bench is neat!

Mine ( and the dogs too) have a 'cat cradle' attached to the kitchen window sill. It is in constant use. The cats love it and if they are not there and I go out Fancy takes it over as her snooze spot. Sometimes they share!

Cant you see Chelsea wondering what is going on here? Bailey jumped up and could not see that Chelsea was already there!

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Chelsea looks as if she's thinking of giving Bailey a whack. Cute picture Carol!


(Zone 4a)

Nice looking cats!!! I am affraid mine looks like the one from Pet Cemetary from Stephen King LOL No kidding...she is all grey.

Marilynne honeslty though I am glad you are ok....I just love your stories though...so cute and funny.....

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Don't know if anyone else caught the PBS (E) broadcast last night regarding the differences between Dog/Cat owners. It was a very interesting hour long presentation (Commercial FREE) always my favourite kind of show ..
An 'Animal behaviourist' spent time with each group of folks .. then she addressed the 'phenomenons' of a 2 animaled home .. ie .. a cat and a dog (or multiples) .. it was quite something. Only sad part about the show was a bit of a lengthier clip about a German Sheperd named 'Jerry' and his devoted owners who saw him through a very serious illness .. I'm just so happy that the outcome was never shown .. they gave a web address at the end of the show that you could go to to watch the rest.
All in all though it was a marvelous program. Very interesting to see the interactions between the cats and dogs. Depending on the animals introduction into the home .. ie a kitten brought into a home with an established canine, or, a puppy introduced to a 'cat ruled home' .. their habits usually revolve around the other animal. Our Lilly battles with Smokey like a cat .. she gets up on her back legs and bats away .. Smokey 'grooms her' when she comes in with wet paws.. I am sure we all have stories ^_^
LOVE the idea of the bench and the cat cradle ..

'Family Day' here .. actually I think it's in Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario and Sask only? Kinda odd huh ? Unless perhaps the other Provinces have another holiday day in Feb.
Not exactly sure what is closed or open .. guess I should flip on the TV or radio .. but I am content listening to the fridge make it's particualr noise and the woodstove is crackling .. kinda MY time before all 'DO DAH' breaks loose and Lilly awakens for HER day LoL
Kinda planning on going into the back of the property to look for deer antler sheds .. I PROMISE to remain UPRIGHT and take MITTS :-)


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Dawn I have a grey one too!
Here are Chelsea and Jazz enjoying the cat cradle together. Two cats fit better than a dog and a cat!

Sorry I missed that PBS program most have been interesting.

Another cool day here - taking the dogs over to the groomers so that means 4 trips across town. Usually she comes here . They are getting rather stinky especially Fancy and I was going to give them baths but drying is an issue and she needs the $$ more than I do!

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

No cats here anymore. last one died almost 5 years ago and DH said "no more". I have to admit, it's a lot easier to pack up and go somewhere w/o worrying about them. But left to my own devices, I'd have one.

Yes, Family Day here in Ontario. But in Ottawa, it's a FEDERAL gov't city; so most people have to work unless they stay home to look after their kids because schools are closed. I assume banks are too. The FC is and no garbage collection. Wonder if we'll get mail! Being Federal, I guess we should. I think I'll stay home as I don't know what is open. My aquafit is cancelled but the pool is open for wave swims.

Found this pic on DSIL's Facebook page. It's DGD and DGDog - probably a couple of years ago when it was taken.


Thumbnail by ViolaAnn
(Zone 4a)

ViolaAnn that photos is just adorable!!! OMG too cute!!

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

What a great photo! That dog looks like he's (she's) saying "don't you dare wake her up cause I just got her to sleep"! LOL
Patient pets sure make for good companions don't they.

Carol- I love to see the dog and cat photo's you have it shows how to live with each other and our differences don't mean a thing in the end.

Ann (the other one)

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Ann (Ottawa) .. I would enter that pic in Dave's calendar contest for 2010 .. it'd win hands down .. just precious ..

Carol .. your pic is a winner as well .. watch the animals and learn ..

No sheds .. came home slightly damp .. but only because there were lots of deadfalls to hike over .. a good thing I left Lilly behind as I would have had to carry her much of the way ..

WAITING for the snow to fly .. it's predicted but has not materialized as of yet ..

Off to get supper together


PS .. have included a pic of 'MY TEAM' ^_^

Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

YIKES .. may as well take tha pic off ... hmmmmmmmmmm .. someone once mentioned a way to remove that writing .. was it Betty ??


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Click on My Tools in the top menu and on the right side will be a box with a lot of options in it - click on Copyright and it will give you several options.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Marilynne - only problem is that I didn't take the photo. But it is a great one. maybe I should suggest that DSIL enter it somewhere. And yes, there are copyright options, but if you change yours if will affect all the photos you post here - even old ones.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Ann .. the pic is simply awesome, and hey .. nothing ventured, nothing gained with submitting it somewhere.

Carol .. thanks for the info re 'copyright' .. will try it out ..


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Adding the pic .. just want to see what happens ..


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Victoria Harbour, ON

Evening all do hope you all enjoyed this long weekend..family day, OMG where do families go on family day..some of mine went skiing, some others in hockey tournaments, some snowmobiling and what did the mom do, clean/clean/clean so "M" going to agree with you about 'self cleaning homes'...mine is of my own making though..3/4 of the house never gets messed up, no one lives in it..lol..but in my corner of the world downstairs, I have the studio, then laundry room, woodworking room and computer area..disaster city..I've worked since early a.m. and achieved much, now it's time for bath and quiet evening..

Calling for storm tomorrow or is it Wedn.&Thurs. lordy I had hoped there would be no more...although cold today, the sun was shinning..opened my front door to let the sunshine in and between it and the front livingroom window felt like 100...can feel the temp rapidly cooling so it's off to shut the main door and turn up the heat...

Drats..kitties couldn't care less that I made them with my own hands a comfy spot to sit..even put a pillow in it..no go..oh well, another month or so and it can go out on back deck and I can sit plants on it..I also finished my Cafe Birdhouse..now I wait for the thaw so I can cement in a 4x4 to hold it...but, another project done..only thing on my 'to do' weekend list that didn't get done was the curtains..but hey, can't make curtains and clean house all day can you...better schedule it in for next week...lol

I'm so laughing at your dilema and rose bush episode..my goodness one of these days you will really injure yourself badly..terrible when we feel we must do it TODAY!..would have melted in a few more days..lol

OMG Ann, she's absolutely adorable..agree with the others, put it in Dave's Garden photo contest...

Wasn't me though who mentioned taking out the writting, I'm lucky I know enough about computers to post...

Enjoy your evening...time for a rest...

Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" think you have to open the photo up till it's fullsize and then add to browse...too miniature....a cutie patootie though!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Morning ..
Sleep has not been on my 'to do list' these past few nights .. I will definitely be going into town today to get that splint for my left hand !!!

I think the pic of Smokey and Lilly shrunk at my hands :-( not really sure .. I exported the photo from one computer to another and did some cropping and .. well .. I shrunk it ..

You surely did get lots done over the weekend Betty .. my guess is the kitter cats will cozy up to that bench in THEIR own good time ..

Reading the paper I see our 2nd Family Day was well received here .. lots to do and enjoy .. for a bit there over the weekend i had thought I heard suggestions it be scrapped as small business owners are losing money ..

Hope everyone has a great day


Victoria Harbour, ON

Heard the same "M"

Although no family around, all doing their thing with the kids, I enjoyed 3 days off, only for about 3 hours was I out of my jammies, boy can I work in jammies or nighty..

Did get the bench and birdhouse finished, no curtains though but did spend the entire day cleaning all the workshops (woodworking/painting) and also my laundry room, finally had my bath and thought, going to watch t.v. well the channel it was on had 2 episodes of 'how clean is my house?' ever watch it...I was totally aghast...

Now don't get me wrong, I live in my house and you are bound to find dust at some point (especially when I'm doing woodwork) most times everything is in it's place, not a showroom home, a comfy home...

Anyway in one of the episodes it was a family of 4..lady of the house had for a time her MIL who suffered from alzheimers..hubby worked away from home all week, she suffered from depression, 2 teen children...I'm not sure I could life my leg over everything that lay on the floors..couldn't find the cupboards/table/beds/ etc. hampster pets in the house as well as those little mini what are they almost like alligators.anyway..everyone completely gave up on the house, nothing done for years...infact there was an apartment size freezer that had food in it, broke down and needed repair, you know how long? 2 1/2 years..omg, they wraped it up in plastic, made a mini hole to put a visual camera inside to show them what was in there..I was just a gagging....

the 2nd episode was of a mother who was on disability, father who recently retired and two sons in their 20's...house was much as the other house, I can't even describe the looks of the entire house .. to get it across to you, a visit to town garbage site would be more organized and cleaner than this house..in fact, this poor mother slept in a chair because she couldn't get to her bedroom and bed..imagine...
One of the son's came off as caring, the other spoke to them like dirt...

At the end, both had clean homes, wonder for how long...

So my question of the day is: Do you think they put this on, make it look that bad or do some actually live like that? Sure don't want to offend anyone..nobody's homes could be that bad...

SOOOOO, here I am in jammies, after working all day to organize myself,got a phobia about a couple of closets that weren't organized, up off the couch in a flash, clean/clean/clean...am even sure I through some treasures away..lol..at 6am this morning I'm out to the burning pit burning everything so I wouldn't be tempted to bring more inside...

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

I met a woman like that once. She was nearly a legend in her community with the way she kept house. When I visited a friend, she took me there once. I was shocked. There were trails though this woman's house so you could go from room to room. On either side of the "trails" were clothes, bags of stuff, boxes, etc. The kitchen was piled high with dishes, "food" and junk. It was hard to believe. But the lady was a sweet, boisterous type of personality, that had no obvious awareness of what others observed. So yes, I believe it does happen, probably more than we imagine.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Is hard to believe..I find showroom homes so cold (Sharon -DS has one of those) I always feel I'm in a showroom, no real personaility to it..mine, well who knows what you'd take from visiting with me..is it cute/country, or omg lots of junk..lol...but clean...each their own I guess..

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Ive watched some of those shows - the one with the two Brits is really something. I find it hard to believe that anybody could live with thekind of disgusting filth some of the programs show.
Im not a meticulous housecleaner and I hire somebody to do it but I could never let things get that bad.
But I do sometimes wonder, especially in the 'clutter' shows if things are not helped along a bit for the camera!

Victoria Harbour, ON

That's the 2 episode shows I watched, the Brit girls, all glamoured up, 2nd episode though had the elder on of the 2 ladies and a young gentleman...I'm still in awe of it..

It's sunny here today but cold...calling for a storm to arrive tomorrow but I believe because of a wind change it will hit further north, perhaps even your way "M"...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Has been snowing here most of the day .. not much of an accumulation as of yet though as the snow is very fine ..

DAWG .. Betty .. that show with the 2 Brit women is absolutely MIND BOGGLING !! Have watched it several times as it can become such a horror to watch you can't break away from it !!
One episode I watched was the home of a bachelor .... lawsie !!!! He had lived in his flat for 6 years .. and .. in SIX years he had NEVER cleaned his bathroom or the top of his stove and he FRIED most if not ALL of his food ... I won't go on .. but have certainly leaned some handy hints from those 2 ladies re cleaning methods !

Another 'jaw dropping' Brit show is called . 'You are what you eat' .. DAWG !!! That one makes the home cleaning one seem less offensive .. mind you .. the outcomes of both shows are to the positive ..

Got my splint today .. so .. I am hoping I will be able to sleep .. the person from the orthopedic place assured me I would .. we'll see ..

Enjoy your evening


Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" must go back and read the posts..did I miss something...was it the fall..did you break something..OMG how did I miss that bit of info...

Do hope sleep comes easy for you tonight...drats must read with more 'focus'

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I have carpal tunnel (severe at this point) in my left wrist :-( It has flared up and is driving me BUGS .. at night folks unconsciously flex their wrists .. usually that's no big deal .. however, if you have carpal tunnel .. it IS a big deal .. my hand goes numb .. then I waken and 'shake it awake' (this always gets Lilly going) once the numbness subsides my hand, particularly the middle finger and palm .. just throb .. nothing I take for pain works .. but .. supposedly the SPLINT is the magic ^_^
I also wear a splint on my right hand (as needed) for support as the result of an injury sustained a work a few years back .. nurses have incredibly wonky hands .. all the years of lifting, pushing and pulling and crushing meds ..

Nite nite :-)


Victoria Harbour, ON

ohhhh even worse than a break..remember now, we were talking about you out in the middle of the night using snow as a pain killer... let's hope this give you some relief from the pain...

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

AWESOME and AMAZING !!!! The splint worked wonderfully well !!! It held my hand in place and I do believe I did NOT wake up once !!
Now that it's off I can feel my hand starting to 'numb up' but .. when I;m awake I can usually ignore it by doing something that takes my mind away from it ..

WIndy outside and as a result of a full day of light snow yesterday, we have a significant accumulation .. which I will NOT tackle .. have to put the brakes on for a week or so ..

Happy Wednesday ^_^


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