Trompenburg question

Hesston, KS

Last spring I was at the Dallas Arboretum and took this picture. I love the color of the seeds on it! I was trying to take pictures of the plant names as well and I think this is an Acer palmatum Trompenburg.

I went online to investigate buying one, and found there is a Green Trompenburg also. This plant was in a fairly shaded area so I'm wondering if it is not very red because of this or because it might be a GT.
Any thoughts?

Thumbnail by ksgarden95
Danville, IN

I'm not an expert, but looking up 'Trompenburg' in the Japanese Maples book by J.D. Vertrees, the description doesn't fit the photo. The book photo looks quite different, too. It emphasizes that the lobes' edges roll down for three-quarters of the way, almost forming a tube. The remaining quarter flattens to display the deeply serrated margins, also turning slightly down on mature leaves. It doesn't mention any unusual seed color either. BUT, like I say, we need an expert's opinion, so let's hope Davidsan or someone with more experience tunes in. (No mention of a green cultivar either.)

Ripon, CA

I think it is either Suminagashi or Sherwood Flame depending on the size of the tree.
Sherwood Flame gets larger here and is more vigorous. Both are heavy seed producers here and outstanding.

Springfield, IL(Zone 6a)

It very well could be a Tromp but mine are a nice burgandy color almost all season and also are much more curled downward . Yours does fit the spring color of the green trom and I think if I remember cotrrectly mine is not nearly as curled as the regular tromp.. Either way age and area and heritage could cause variations but I do think in spring and in shade it is more likely a Green Tromp.. Id's are always a crap shoot but if that is your recollection barring mistaging I'd bet it was a Green Tromp ...but only a couple of dollars ;>) There is always a possibility they don't realize they are two differnt cultivars. Davidsan

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