Almond trees

Wichita Falls, TX

I'm trying to transplant one -- does anyone know if they have a tap root? I remember moving one many years ago and also remembering it did not make it. Of course, I was quite a novice then. Yes, I am still a novice, but at least this time, I'm asking!

I just planted this tree less than 12 months ago and am moving, so would love to take it with me. Advice appreciated.

Barmera, Australia

If your tree was obtained from a nursery it would be budded onto a rootstock, possibly Nemagard Peach. No matter what stock the plant would have been dug out of the nursery bed so any taproot would have been severed so that would not be a problem. I'm assuming you are still in winter so it would be quite safe to dig your tree up and move it except if it has grown to have a butt 2 or more inches in diameter then it would probably be better to get a new tree when you move. If you do move your tree don't let it dry out wrap it in damp newspaper or hessian (Burlap I think) then in plastic bag or sheeting. If it won't have far to travel like less than a day just wet the plant and wrap in plastic. Don't allow your plant, once dug to sit where it can freeze this can kill the roots.
Regards Brian

Wichita Falls, TX

Thank you so much!

Thus far all the trees I plan to move have been transferred into large pots and watered well. I'm afraid the plants/trees might have to live in the pots for about a month. If we expect another freeze I do plan to cover all with some type of blanket.

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