The "milkman" sib syndrone...

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I thought this would be a "different" thread which I thought would be fun for everyone...I hope :)

While waiting for my book I ordered on Irises, I was doing some background searches of the parent plants of at least a few so I can get a rough idea of what to expect of new offspring/seedlings when hybridizing.
But when I think I'm using common sense, when it comes to doesn't necessarily work that way in nature...I just found out. Let me explain...
I happened to notice that "Christmas" is mostly white, including the beard...with a few pale green in it. When I looked at the parent plants (Bridled Beauty and Nigerian Raspberry) I expected the seedling (in this case "Christmas") to have lavender and a rose pink it me kooky...LOL

So, what were your biggest surprise outcomes/Irises that you hybridized from your choices of parents? Share your pics! :)

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I guess I'm the only one who would think this would be a fun thread...LOLOL
That's ok :D

Cherryvale, KS

I have never started an iris, so can't send pictures!!LOL Sorry! Thought I might try this coming spring.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Hello Nicky,

Great! I hope to start late in the season...maybe I'll be lucky to be able to do it to a few before it's too late...and I'm able to see some blooms this year...

South Hamilton, MA

Almost all pictures are on slides. A try at a pink amoena (white standards & spot of pink on falls) turned up in a group of yellows. Would not be surprised of a pink, but was surprised at the bicolor aspect.

For you selection problems, settle on one of the color you like with the beard color you like.

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