cow compost

West Warren, MA

Am doing a vegetable garden and want to add cow much do I put per plant?? Mix it with soil?? Mostly under the new soil ( from broken bags from Lowes).??
Will be buying cow compost (broken bag specials) from Lowes, it's easier for me to handle..they put it in the back of the car, I back up to where I want it and just unload from there. Saves the back ( which is not in good condition ).
I did read that vegetables that grow in cow and chicken compost has much more nutrients and taste better. Thanks all!!

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

I always mix a couple of heaping shovels full into each hole at planting time. For things like squash, cucumbers, and melons, I use more. It does make veggies grow much faster and I believe they have better flavor.

West Warren, MA

I read an article how vegetables grown in cow or other compost is higher in nutrients and the taste is better....Going to go with the cowmanure if I can get some as you say, a few scoops per plant hole..someone mentioned that the cow compost we buy in the store is not all cow manure and to check the label!
Thanks for the help Nature!

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

What you read about store bought cow manure is correct. I've tried several brands and many are mostly sand! I've found one brand that is much better than the others--it's called Black Kow and comes in a bright yellow bag. I've been finding it down here at Lowe's. I end up buying some cow manure each year because I use so much compost and can't make enough to cover all my needs. Good luck with your garden.

West Warren, MA

Thank you all !!
With all the hints I should be able to reap a harvest to vegetables to share with others.


A five gallon bucket full of any manure mixed with ground leaves about two or three bushels, some grass or other garden wastes will start off a dandy compost pile. Work to get the pile about 4 X 4 x 3 feet and turn it once a week starting in early spring. By mid summer it should be really good compost or keep adding all wastes to the pile all summer and fall. By the following have a wheel barrow full or more of the good stuff. I allmost guarentee it will be better than anyone's brown cow in a bag.

West Warren, MA

Thanks Doc, sounds great but need to do it easy because of the 'ole' back!
Checked on cow compost at Lowe's, it is 50% natural organic cow manure with 50% compost. Will go with the broken bags for 1/2 off...they load it in the trunk, I keep a tarp there to help keep the trunk clean. Then I just slice open the bag and unload by putting it into gallon pail...real tough to garden with a bad back, but I take my time and it seems to work well. Also will pick up broken bags of potting soil to mix with the cow compost, I figure about 25% cow manure compost to 75% potting soil. What do you all think?
Don't want to burn the plants..
Thank you all for your help!


You are doing OK but rest assured commercial bagged manures, potting soils and composts are never even close to the quality of good home made compost or on the farm manures.

In my later years I have recently used a good bit of Miracle Grow Organic Potting Soil. Still I blend it with real good home made compost and purchased choir to get what I call good potting soil. Every fall I dump the pots into a pile of compost, add some real manure and start over again next spring. I use about two wheel barrow loads of potting soil around my patio.

West Warren, MA

Thanks Doc,
Sounds like you have a great system going,
and your garden must grow well !!

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

I understand about that bad back! If you can get leaves (from your own yard or from friends who bag to get rid of) spread them on your garden and till them in sometime in the fall when your garden is done for the year. Ditto with veggie scraps, coffee grinds, tea bags, from your kitchen (no meat though). I do this all winter long and it works in great. Also, every couple of years, I plant a cover crop (clover is my favorite) over the winter and have DH disk it in around January. Keeps my soil real nice. I mulch with wheat straw and get DH to disk it in too.

West Warren, MA

Thanks Nature, will try composting this fall....sounds great and will save $$$
Saved some red plume grass seed and put them into a flower pot in the house to see if they will grow...will be a 'learning' year for me!!

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