CLOSED: Looking for Fusable Glass/Dichroic

Mesilla Park, NM

CLOSED - Books are gone

Looking for any scrap pieces of Fusible glass, dichroic glass, or jewerly molds for fusible glass or supplies that I can use with a kiln.

I have several books that are almost new, barely used to trade, some are:

Cactus book (I'll list if interested)
Brugmansia from Germany with the English translation separate will be included by Monika Gottschalk

and lots of non specific gardening books, for the Southwest areas. Some are quite heavy so I would like equitable trades as the shipping would be quite a bit. Most likely would do flat rate shipping on them.

or let me know if you are looking for something in particular maybe I'll have it. D-mail me if interested. Thank you.


This message was edited Feb 11, 2009 3:44 PM

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