What plants will survive in my area ??

Merino, Australia

i thought this thread may be of help to everyone. A list of plants for various areas can always be found in garden magazines etc.
I thouhgt a list of what we actually have grown ourselves may be of more direct help.
Just list what has been a good survivor and what has failed in your gardens This is not a chatty thread as we have the Tea Room for that. Just a list to help new and old gardeners.
My garden is crispy toast as are a lot of yours so I will list what I have.

Epiphyllums --thriving with little water once a week
Iris - thriving with some water once a week
Angels (brugmansias) - thriving , but lots of burnt leaves, new growth pops up quickly. water daily.
Chrysanthemums - doing well but wilt in hot weather, soon stand up in cool. water every few days .
Various ferns - thriving in shdahouse with regular water every 2-3 days in very hot weather
Roses.- surviving , but leaves all burnt , some water only every 2-3 weeks
Agapanthus - some leaves burnt survivng better in some parts of the garden, no water at all.
Salvias - seem to survive well on very little or no water so far. Flowering and very little leaf burn.
Geraniums, pelargoniums - most doing very well, others showing leaf burn, no water at all.
Ivy geraniums - similar to bush ones but all flowering well, no water
Native plants such as Callistemon, Grevillea, Eriestemon,Thryptomene, Native Hibiscus and some Correas all doing well on no water
Hebes - most are burnt and will go
Daylilies - all leaves are burnt but they will come back from under ground with rain. Have had very little water once a week.
There are a lot more but these are my main plants. I hope this will help but it will be different in each area so this may hopefully be a guide to your area.

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