Coffs Harbour, Australia

Ohhh, Terri, I love those wrinkly leaves. he, he, you know how I love to iron!
Lovely card Candee, and Milky Joe, make mine a baileys milkshake thansk, with a scoop of caramel ice cream. Yummmm!
And hey, I'll have you know, it was my idea for dinner and a cabin. Hubby was just along for the ride. He said I had enough flowers in the garden and he wasn't go to pay the exhorbitant prices they were asking for grocery store flowers! I have to make my own entertainment. This is me after one too many wines, while waiting for the meal to arrive (we were seated in an old railway tram). I ate and drank waaaaayyyy too much, and needless to say, there wasn't much romance to be had once I passed out! ROTFLMAO!

This message was edited Feb 16, 2009 5:06 PM

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Louisville, KY

Hehehe, I'm gonna hafta squeeze that teat again and have another shake. lol

Will do Terri. I volunteer to water the flowers while you are away. Love those leaves. What are they? Hope you have a wonderful visit with your folks.

Sue, Sue, Sue, a picture says a thousand words. lol You do look pretty snockered, but very cute. I think you should frame that pic and give it to hubby. He would have to smile every time he saw it.

london England, United Kingdom

Good Mornin' Sue!!! Your eyes are a lovely colour! Your hair has grown!, very cute!!!
Thanks for the message in coins on the table LOL! Glad you had a good time.

It's good Milky Joe is busy, keep squeezing that teat for your shakes! Thanks!

Good Mornin' Plantgeek!!! Thanks for volunteering to be chief waterer, Blossom will be checking you actually do it!! The wrinky leaves are Aspidistra, they got the accordian style leaf maniputation treatment. ( a wire taped onto the back of the leaf and bent into shape) !!!
I have had those leaves since Christmas! They are a bit past it now so wrinkling them up seemed appropriate LOL!

I'm going tomorrow, (still here today)!! Better go and throw some stuff in my bag!
Have a bright day everyone!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

another one to water! Been cutting the flowers short so they will last longer.
It's a shame I'm going away when I have loads of flowers at the moment!!! thats life!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Simply marvelous Terri, I believe I like this last one the best but they are all fab as always.
Sue even snockered you are just too cute! Been there done that myself and just so you had fun is all that matters.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

More flowers, terri, we got help to water.....!

hmmmm.. cutting them short.. is that a new trick? Never heard of that!

Morning geek, haighr!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee!
Thank you, so nice of you to say. Are you at work today?

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Blossom!, Mornin' !
It does help cutting flowers short to keep them longer. Less stem allows the water to get to the flowers quicker.

london England, United Kingdom

This tin tin arrangement doesn't need watering ... LOL!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Now work today Terri it is a holiday - President's Day. Have a dr appt this afternoon and spent this morning making 2 turkey potpies, one for the freezer and one to pop in the oven for dinner.

Thumbnail by haighr
london England, United Kingdom

Oh I didn't know it was President's Day, enjoy your day off.
Looks like you've been slaving away in the kichen all mornin' LOL!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Started a new cafe thread here:


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hey terri, can ya take that tin tin to the BOTANICALS CUT AND DRIED forum? We need some down ther.. Man those are gorgeous! Did you curl them your sellf? DO show us how!

london England, United Kingdom

Blossom, no time now, but will show you when I get back. Just wrap the grasses around the broom handle. Wrap a thin cloth over it and tie with tape or string to keep it in place, until it's dry.

Will see you all at the new cafe' when I get back. Have loads of fun!
Bye Bye !

missing you already LOL!

Thumbnail by terriculture

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