planting red potatos for the first time, HELP

Comer, GA(Zone 7b)

I bought about 6 or 8 "seed Potato " today, along with a few other cold weather crops. Trouble is I never tried growing potato's . How do I prep them for planting, I picked potatos that seem to have a lot of eyes on them. I haven't done anything with them yet. should I wash them first or just leave them? Do I need to do anything to get them started sprouting or just bury the taters, I know I'm suppose to cut them into "chunks" about golf ball size if I recollect right. Will they grow down or more outward and up? I have a row about 20 feet long ready for them, I grew beans on that row last year and it's tilled about 1 foot deep now with lots of compost in it.
I would like to get them in the ground by the end of next weekend (Valentines Day)

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

The potaoes will have dimples (called eyes) Cut the potatoes into chunks each containing at least two eyes. Lay them out a couple of days until the cut surface drys and scabs over. Plant the chunks about a foot or more apart. They emerge faster if the eyes are up, but it is not critical. They should be 4 -6 inches deep.

Comer, GA(Zone 7b)

My SIL had an idea, I have several 30 gal barrels that already have holes drilled in the bottom for drainage and the tops cut off. She suggested cutting the barrels in half ,using the bottom half for containers for herbs and such and using the top " hoop " to grow the potatoes in.
If I just line the barrel halves down the row and plant as you advise is that a possibility? or would the barrels create problems, the barrels are white should I paint them maybe black to absorb heat?

fremar ...
I don't know if you've planted your potatoes or not, but I'll be planting Kennebec and Yukon Gold this week-end in 30 gallon garbage cans as you've described. I did it last year, also, and although the yields are not as high as planting in the ground (I'm sure) it's easier for me. The potatoes are absolutely delicious! There's a thread in the veggie forum that I started which talks about this. Dmail me if you're interested.

Comer, GA(Zone 7b)

Susan, I'd be interested in seeing what you've done. I think I'm going to try a couple of different planting methods, like I said I've never tried potatoes before so I really don't even know what to expect. I did get the sees potato cut into pieces and the cut edges are turning a greyish color but they're still soft to the touch not what I was expecting from farmer dill's description about "scabbing" over.
I may just plant the whole potato with the remaining spuds I bought, I have about 12 or 14 pieces sitting out drying and 4 or 5 whole potato's left.

Okay ... here's the link over on the veggie forum. :) If you want to discuss anything just ask away. Last year was my first time, so we might both learn something. :)

Here's another link on growing potatoes that might be useful ...

I cut my potatoes several days ago, but left as many of the smaller ones whole. Did you check to be sure the cut ends were turned up to the air so they could toughen? I hope farmerdill will pop in and correct me if I'm wrong, but I think as long as they're not moist to the touch? I cut mine a week ago. I have a couple potatoes with a little growth already on them.... Yea :)

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Yes, the cut surface just gets a bit leathery. usualy 24 hours is enough. Small potaoes are fine to plant whole, but it is waste to plant a medium to large potato as you can get 4-6 hills as opposed to one hill if you plant it whole.

Thanks Farmerdill. :) That's what I thought but didn't want to give out the wrong advice.

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

I planted a bunch this year. How long before sprouts appear?


Comer, GA(Zone 7b)

That was my next question,mine have been in the ground for a week now maybe more and I don't see anything. Should I be keeping the soil moist or just water every few days?

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

This time of year, there should be moisture enough. They will sit there until time to emerge which is usually just before you last frost date. Sometimes they will emerge early and get frostbitten, ( they are very sensitive to frost) does not hurt them tho. They will come back with a vengance.

Thumbnail by Farmerdill

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