UNCARINA GRANDIDIERI seed pod.. how do I germinate??

Clarkston, MI


I went to a botanical garden a few months ago, and when I got home I realized that this pod hitched a ride with me home on my sweater.... after about 15 minutes I finally was able to get it off of me.. lol It has taken me several months to find out what plant this seed pod belongs to, and after alot of searching I finally found out that it is a Uncarina Grandidieri, now the next step is to figure out how to get the seed out of the pod and germinate it. I was wondering if anyone out there could give me some advise on how to do this? If anyone has done this themselves or knows where I may find this information. I can find plenty of info on propagating from a stem of a exsisting plant, but nothing from the pod itself, and if it only has one seed that means I only have one chance. I live in a cold climate so this would be done indoors and the plant would be kept indoors...
thanks so much for any help....

Thumbnail by mandie1001

I have this plant and it has never given me a seedpod; but I had read about the vicious barbs is has, which are clearly seen in your picture. I am amazed you were even able to get it off your clothes!!
I'll be interested to hear what the reply from experts is, in case mine ever gets a seedpod.

Here is a picture of my plant (center). The leaves give off a very peculiar 'musty' odor when they are touched.

Thumbnail by
Clarkston, MI

Your plants are beautiful!! From what I have been reading, most of these plants that are found at garden centers are propogated from stems of other plants not from seed, and that reduces their chance of ever creating a "caudex" which is needed to have the seed pods, and it has to be insect pollinated aswell to produce the seeds. I guess you cant just do it with a paintbrush or other man methods. Thanks for showing me your trees, hopefully you can get a pod one day from yours, they are cool. I figure this pod should get a chance since it journeyed such a long way on my sweater...LOL

I read on one site it was called the Ultimate Hitchhiker, and I agree..... it didnt want to let go...then when you get it off it sticks its barbs into your fingers...LOL like a chinese finger puzzle...

The picture was taken by the person who traded me the center plant - the others are still with him :-)

I have recently moved this plant to a location with better conditions so I will be anxiously looking forward to maybe having a seedpod! Thanks for sharing your info.

Clarkston, MI

That is great that yours is the one in the middle, because that one looks to have a caudex. I cant be sure, but from what I read (if I understood it correctly) it is that bulb shaped area halfway up the base..... If it doesnt have a caudex that is fine too, because it will still bloom beautifully... just not produce pods... so if you ever see a beetle on one of the blooms dont knock it off, apparently a certain beetle helps with pollination. I dont know what the beetle is called.... but you never know when he will show up and make you a pod!!!

Have a great day!!! Thanks again!

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