Three blooms on papilio, again!

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

After not fertilizing any of my Hippis last year, I didn't know what to expect this winter. Beginning on Christmas eve last, my several papilios started to bloom. I have one last scape blooming just now. (A 2-budder.)

But-- delight!-- I had several scapes with three blooms on them. I also noticed something didn't happen last year (winter 2007-08--the first year my bulbs produced 3-budded scapes.) There are three spathe-valves enclosing the buds this year. Strange thing too-- a 2-budded scape also sported three valves. Go figure.

Despite not being fertilized at all from spring through the present, my larger bulbs sent up two and three scapes-- another surprise and delight. A couple bulbs still produced two scapes and a couple first-time bloomer produced one.

Anyway, once again for your viewing pleasure, my three-budders and 3-valvers from this year:

Thumbnail by raydio
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)


Thumbnail by raydio
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Another--valves detail:

This message was edited Feb 6, 2009 1:14 PM

Thumbnail by raydio
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Three valves on the 2-budded scape:

Thumbnail by raydio
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Another view of a 3-budded scape:

Thumbnail by raydio
Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

raydio, I'm so jealous of your gorgeous blooms. I got a papilio for the first time this year. It started to put up a bud and then stalled. Yesterday I noticed that the tip of the bud is starting to shrivel up but the bulb is putting up leaves. What a disappointment.


Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Raydio, beautiful flowers!!! I just got mine from easy to grow bulb, I can't wait to see the flowers in person. lol

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Congrats! My papilio hasn't bloomed in a few years.

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Nice ones Robert! My papilio is still alive, lol, maybe this year it will show me what it can do if it decides not to sulk. A little warmth might encourage it!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I don't even know what a papilio is. The blooms are the same color as a nun's orchid........
I will look in plant files and she what a papilio is..

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Raydio, Congrats. I had one in 2006 and it never bloomed, so I bought another this fall. The new one bloomed first (01-20-09), then the old one just bloomed (02-10-09). Wouldn't you know it! The first one was bought as 'Improved Papilio' and the new one as just a 'Papilio'. I think the 'Improved' is perhaps a stronger color, but if at all it is a very minor change. Here they are. Patti

Thumbnail by bbrookrd
Ewing, VA

It's Papilio time....

No matter what clone they are, they are all beautiful!

Patti, I like that form of your Papilio on the left picture. Where did you get that Papilio? I am kinda trying to collect different clones of Papilio for comparison and documentation.

Here is a pic of a batch of Papilios I acquired last year. This pic was taken last week which was waaaayyyy to cold.

Papilios waiting for spring...

Thumbnail by mariava7
Ewing, VA

Papilio 10 last January...

Thumbnail by mariava7
Ewing, VA

And a "real" close up look...

Thumbnail by mariava7
Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

mariava7, love the shot of your gaggle of papilios in the window. I am thinking I have mine planted way too deep from seeing yours. Thanks, Patti

HIPPEASTRUM Papilio from VAN ENGELEN Sept 15 2006 8.50 coop 'Improved' on left.

HIPPEASTRUM Papilio from BLOOMING BULB Oct 15 2008 13.20 coop on right.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi all~

Well...KUDOS to you patti for getting three blooms!!! Isn't it a wonderful thing? Nice to have more blooms on this quickly finished plant. And from a new bulb too!

Papilios can be a little slow to start when you first receive them, if they have been harvested and stored. The way they come from Holland, for example.

This is because H. papilio is a species from the rain-forest mountains of coastal Brazil and it is truly an evergreen. It gets watered year-round, either from actual rainfall or from the condensation that collects on the trees by night and falls thereafter.

So, if they are too dry in summer's heat, they will go dormant to survive and they hate that, ;-) One good thing about them going on the dry side in mid-late summer is that it can often spur an early fall bloom if they go back to being well-irrigated after that.

I've heard some say that those new bulbs seem to need to become established before blooming. That seems to be the case quite often. They will need to be planted and started as soon as available in the fall (again I'm talking about new imported or dried off bulbs) so that they are taking in moisture in advance of the December-January (here anyway) bloom period.

Has anyone planted a new papilio after January and had it bloom?

Another point is that it may take a year or more of growing to make that first scape appear. That might be from the drying and storing cycle as well. It might also be an issue with sizing up a bit from the size that is generally available.

Of course, YMMV, both from your local conditions and the quality of the bulb you have.

About the flowers passing so quickly: My last scape began opening on a Wednesday night, well after dark. (Hippis do a lot of work in the night!) By morning they had opened out and continued to open and fill out and by Saturday seemed to be at their best. They continued to look great into Sunday, but by Monday, I could see that the color had begun to change from that nice bright burgundy to the muddy purple color. The tepals also showed the translucent quality that comes with fading.

So, that's just five days of show. Enjoy 'em while you can!

BTW, the pistil wasn't fully opened until Monday (but might have been "ready" for pollination late Sunday-- I just didn't check that closely-- but it was fully ripened even as the tepals began to fade. I crossed it with 'Evergreen' (Thanks MM!) and am hoping that my estimation of Monday being the best day and not too late.


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Gee, what an education I just received, Raydio...........thanks so much. I didn't know the difference in the plants. Thanks again.......
much appreciated

Ewing, VA

I received these "window" Papilios Spring of 2008. The bulbs were nice and firm BUT the roots were dried out. As I know that they will be producing a lot of roots, I planted them in 6 inch pots first but high above the soil level. They leafed out some and only 1 of the whole batch bloomed...Papilio7 (cyberistic). If all of them are like this...I don't know. I doubt if any of them will bloom soon. Maybe in spring...

Papilio 7

Thumbnail by mariava7
Ewing, VA

Hey Patti! I ordered some of those "improved" from VE too. Their "Improved" has become smaller bulbs definitely compared to last seasons. So, I stalled planting them thinking they won't be blooming soon anyway. I was wrong though. I think 2 of those unplanted Improved are showing scape tips. I need to plant them asap and hope they will be as beautiful as yours.

There you go Raydio...Papilios not even planted are blooming in February. I think the specific clone also has a "say" whether they will be blooming or not. Some just LOVES to bloom and some do not. These Improved(s) are just like 3/4 of the size of those "window" Papilios but have managed to put out a scape.

Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

I just got my papillo few weeks ago. It's getting ready to bloom.

Thumbnail by Sunshinesw
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Great to hear from those whose experience goes against what is often said here and there!

Thanks Maria and sunshine for your documentation.

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