Gardening: Cottage Garden Seed Swap & Chat #28

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

hahahaha maybe or the nights outside was cool enough

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

perenniallyme I am sorry I confused you! I have a hard time typing what I am thinking. : ) I meant the Lucifers might do good on the heat mat and that maybe you could take the other two you mentioned you already had on it off. But if they are germinating great!! : ) I will go look up what I did to the blackberry lilies to see if I can give you any good info on them. They weren't as the berries were they? I know the ones I had weren't. And I remember someone saying you need to treat them different if they are still in the berry form.
Oh goody from what every one is telling me, my hollyhocks should do fine. thanks everyone : )

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Perenniallyme I looked up my blacberry lilies and it looks like I gave them a short period of cold treatment.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks Meredith. Not sure if it was me or you confused! Seems like the first batch of belamcanda/pardancanda should get wrapped and put in the fridge for at least a few weeks. Hope the 2nd batch's 10 days will do for the belamcanda, as it seems it's working for the candy lilies.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Ooooh man. I just went out to the GH to get some flats and it's almost 70° in there. What a tease! If it weren't so far from the house I'd be tempted to tote a few SOMEthings out there for a day or 2. But I'm sure in a few days it'll be back down to -miserable so I'll content myself with potting up some new seedlings in the basement.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

before moving anything I would go out at daybreak to find out how cold it is overnight

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh no, I won't move anything for another month. It's 50 today, but by Tuesday it'll be back down to 20 or 30. My GH sets waaay too far back to move any plants for just a couple of days.

Michaela I'm responding to you from the other thread regarding the phlox. I started out with the tray in the cold room of the basement (about 55°) and covered the top so no light could penetrate. After a couple of weeks I got impatient and completely reversed the system. I put it on heat under the lights for about a week and still nuthin.' So last night I was moving it back into cold storage and son of a gun if there wasn't a little sprout in there. I went ahead and moved it and will keep monitoring it. If nothing else pops up in the next few days it's going back to the mat.


This message was edited Feb 6, 2009 3:48 PM

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Have I waxed rhapsodic over the Dusty Miller's that are sprouting??? I went in to check the babies and I have a few more sprouting - the latest are Lemon Balm. And I'm up to FIVE pansies!!!! (out of 80)

Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

I just have to report that several of my vincas are starting to get the first set of true leaves. My DH asked me if I have a brooder room in there and I answered "I bet baby chicks would do just fine in that room" LOL
I remember every year about this time maybe March to mail man would bring us a box of baby chicks. Mom would build a fire in our old wash house and make a little pen for them. Oh the smell..... I know.........This is really dating me. I hadn't thought about that in years.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I did my first transplanting today! Broccoli and one batch of Pansies. The mixed Pansies from mygypsyrose lead the pack and got true leaves first. I got over 60 just from that batch! Moved those and the Snapdragons to the cool plant room, and replaced them in the warm room with pots of Browallia, Nicotiana, Torenia, and 7 different Salvias I just sowed. I made myself completely clean the plant room and get all the lights adjusted before rewarding myself with the fun of seed sowing and transplanting, LOL. I'm hoping it will work out that the Pansies and Snaps can go into the little zip up greenhouse when the next wave is ready for transplanting.

Just gotta say how much I appreciate all of you and your generosity. There is no way I could have afforded a fraction of the seed I'm having such fun with, but this summer when I see all the blooms I'm going to feel like the richest fella around!

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

I know exactly how you feel Neal! I'm trying to figure out where to wedge everything so I can get at least one good plant in from all those seeds - so that I can gather more seeds - LOL! What a strange addiction we have....

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Wow that is soo true. : ) Well at least we aren't addicted to something that can 't kill ya! ; )

I changed can to can't - omg - I can't beleive I did that! lol

This message was edited Feb 6, 2009 8:20 PM

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Giggle, Lynn, I thought that only applied to guys?! LOL! Really glad you are back!
Star, thanks for rescuing the baby praying mantis. It's really a good bug, and it is praying for you too. LOL! I usually give flats a whack on the side after separating them before bringing them in. I'd be more likely to bring in a black widow spider which would make a quick trip back outside.
Dryad, ROTFLOL, what is with your basement? Does it ever dry out completely? Or do I have you confused with someone else?
I'm still so jealous that some are reporting being able to transplant their seedlings! Well, at least it's still raining today and we are back down to seasonal temps in the 50-60's. That will help. ^_^
I'm going to direct sow my Hollyhocks. They'll do well. I won't have time to do any more WS'ing until I get back next week, but I'll live vicariously through your successes!
Thanks for keeping me laughing and informed. This thread has really helped reduce my stress levels this week!
Hugs to you all!

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

I know - I crab a lot about that basement, don't I? It's actually not bad, just an 80 year old basement, and the water seeps in different places. When I can, I mark those spots and then when it's dry I scrape off everything and paint it with that stuff that stops leaks. That stuff really works! I supposed over time I'll end up doing the whole dang basement - LOL! The biggest problem we have, really, is the drain that leads directly to the city sewer system. And the downspouts on all the houses around here used to (some still do, though it's illegal) run down the sides of the houses and into cast iron pipes that lead directly to the sewers - so there's a LOT of water that gets dumped into the sewer system when we get a big rain. Then, of course, it decides to take a detour through our basement - and I'm sure through a few others who don't have one-way traps installed in their lines yet. Boy, I am NOT looking forward to having that will tear up the whole front yard again....

Wow, this was a HUGE OT thing wasn't it? I'll be a good girl from now on.

This message was edited Feb 6, 2009 8:01 PM

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

hey Robin... .i used to live in one of those houses too.

in the basement.... any thing of value was "up" either on concrete platforms [washer/drier, furnace were up about 2']
Deep Freeze was on cinder blocks... other stuff on skids.

I was so glad to get out of that house... though i lived there most my life.

in our big flood in Sept, the folks living there now [friends of ours] lost everything but the furnace. [which is big enough to heat a 6 flat -- awesome baseboard heat... about the only thing i miss from that house] and got a nice check from FEMA.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

OMG - don't tell me it can get deeper!! So far it's not got to any of the appliances, though I do fear for the furnace every now and then. But then again - that furnace looks like it's been there since Moses was in the rushes, so I don't think I need to worry too much.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I think I'd take a leaky basement over none at all :( Even a modern house with lots of closets doesn't make up for the lack of a basement!

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

ditto that kl, sure wish I had one!


Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Perenniallyme when I said these ones - I should have said the crocosmia. I only thought they could use a heat mat because heat mats bring the temp around the seeds about 10 degrees, so I thought that would give your average room temp another 10 to 15 degrees which would then be the same as what mine germinated at.

When I said take them off the heat mat I was referring to the candy and blackberry lilies that you said you'd had on it since Jan. not the crocosmia. Did I make any sense this time? I need to reread and watch for my typos better - it just seems I am always in a rush and my kids are at me side asking me a million questions while I'm typing. Sorry about that.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

The heat mats I have increase the temperature 10-20* based on the ambient temp of the room - so if my office is hovering at 55 (which it has been lately) then the mats should be about 75. I do have some thermostats I can hook them to, in order to set the mats at a controlled temp - and I use those when I have plants in the basement.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Hi Meredith. Yeah, that's pretty clear. I just sowed some of the lucifer seeds today, after soaking for 6 hours. I found a database somewhere on the net that said optimal germinating temp for them is 55-65, so, as the heat mats are currently fully booked, I'm leaving them on their own temp-wise for now. If they don't germinate after a while, or if I can get something off the mats, I might move them. Thanks.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Man, I must be behind the times - is really time to start dusty miller and nicotania? Gosh, I had better get crackin'

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

No, not necessarily!! I'm just starting things that I've got laying next to me, and forgetting to start things like Lisianthus, Torenia, etc. I tend to get a little excited.....

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I went to Lowes with the hubby today and guess what I did? Bought MORE seeds! Ugh I have something wrong with me! lol

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

OK - spit it out - what did you buy Meredith? We want a full confession!

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Oh man - My name is Meredith and I am addicted to seeds - Today I bought Zinnia Envy, Blue Passionflower, Aster Red Burst, Blue Fescue, Chrysanthemum Blue Knoll, Jelly Bean Hybrid Tomatoes, & Large Fruited Cherry Tomatoes. - OMG that felt good ; )
I almost forgot - Painted Daisies too.
edited for spelling

This message was edited Feb 7, 2009 7:14 PM

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

same thing happened to me today went to ronas because I needed more soil and guess what got more seeds morning gloy flying saucer, and the chocolate ones and blue poppies that never grow but trying them again lol it is so bad, gardening and seeds is worst than gambling lol


Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

After returning from visiting Mom today, I went out to the gh to check on them seedlings I've neglected for the last few days. I wanted to water them before I left. I no longer have seedling envy. ^_^ Some of the lupine, and poppies are starting to sprout. I'd have taken a photo, but didn't have my camera with me. If it quits raining I'll run out and get a photo.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

you are in a great zone cool enough for bulbs and warm enough to use a green house without heating it man you have it made when it comes to gardening

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

oooo Meredith - please keep us posted on the Blue Fescue, I'm really curious how that will do from seed. We spent 7 hours on the road today, doing a dog transport and picking up our new little girl (pic attached) so I'm pretty wiped out and won't be doing any transplanting today. TOMORROW however, I simply gotta get on my pony and transplant so that I can get more seeds started!

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Hey Meredith, that's not so bad - at least as far as the tomatoes go. You DO have to eat, after all.

PS I have to admit that when I went to get more seed-sowing soil, I also picked up some delphinium grandiflorum "summer blues" and arugula.

This message was edited Feb 7, 2009 8:09 PM

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Delphinium - you've reminded me to ask y'all about - what the heck is the trick with starting delphiniums??

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Robin, I've started Delphinium both indoors under lights and by wintersowing. Germination was pretty easy both ways, but I had better luck keeping them alive by wintersowing (and a couple even bloomed the first year!). Be aware if you wintersow to keep any eye out for pests once they're up and the lid is off. Last year all the leaves were munched off of mine over night, but thankfully they still had a growth bud and slowly recovered.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

I started three packages one of pied d'allouette which is the double white and two packages of pacific giants two weeks and I have all kinds of babies

Thumbnail by scicciarella
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Robin... i did Blue Fescue last year... or the year before... i'll check my notes to see what it says... but i planted them out, and they were looking all blue-gray and cute.

in the Spring/Summer... remind me and i'll take a photo.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Blue Fescue 20-Feb 19-Mar blue-gray p grass

Robin -- sown [80 seeds] Feb 20, 2007, germinated Mar. 19.
seeds were Gurneys
I do recall planting out 2 nice clumps.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Thank you!!

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

I did blue fescue too and it's really quite simple. I put a bunch of seeds in just 3 or 4 holes so when they came up I already had clumps. It looked good the first year and reseeds very well. I think I planted mine 3 years ago and this year I had enough nice sized volunteers that I was able to give lots away.

I am officially out of light space. And I am, at this very moment, looking through my bag to see what I can start next. Jeesh.

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

I just read that Walker's Low Catmint looks great with the Blue Fescue. Hummmm ...

- For Delphiniums - Lightly cover the seed (DARK required for germination) soil temp 60-65F & takes 14-21 days to germinate
ALTERNATE soil temp from day to night for germination.
I've gotten good germination when I put something over the top of the pot, keeping the seeds in the dark.
I'm just not able to keep the plants alive very long, 3 years has been the longest.

I've started my Dusty Miller too. Thanks Star, Very high percentage germination from your seeds!

I've got a ton of geraniums started, way too many. Most were from PamSue and 5 from Value Seeds. I didn't think I would get 29 plants from 30 seeds. Yikes!

I also started and have germination for the Heliotrope marine, Laurentia and Caryopteris Blue butterfly.
I've planted the Delphs from critter, Oriental orange poppy, Lupine, 2 seeds of a Red Dahlia I liked.

Oh, and I checked on my overwintering bulbs ... My red Dahlia is growing like crazy, I had to take it out and plant it inside. Too soon, too soon.

Meredith - some of the seed packages at our Lowes were soooo pretty! I just looked and looked, BUT did not buy. Is my addiction under control? smile

I've set out my Torenia and coleus to plant next.


(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Sharon-if you come in APril-you can have some of my walkers low:) We will just dig ya up a clump!!

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