Cryptic Gardening # 3

Barmera, Australia

Budgieman must be asleep tonight, wore himself out thinking up cryptics last night, I suppose.
Try this "Stanley found him in front of the lady on a tandem" Common name annual.
Another "Where they process crustacea" common name of a rather weak shrub.

se qld, Australia

That last one is way too easy Brian, even for a beginner like me.
(Have you seen the blue one? It's very nice)

I might work on the Stanley one instead.

This message was edited Feb 19, 2009 4:07 PM

se qld, Australia

Livingstone daisy

Nowra, NSW,, Australia(Zone 9b)

Nothing = nil around = lin, lug = ear, exists = is "linearis"

Kicking myself LOL, very good!

Barmera, Australia

Well done Gardengal.
I thought this would be fairly easy but apart from the tongue in cheek "Muesli" there has been no other response.
"They say the cereal is crushed" another native shrub. Common name
The answer is "Rice Flower" Pimelias. I am interested to know if this is hard, now that you know the answer. If so why? I try to make cryptics so all can participate but what I think is easy is not always that way.
This should not be too hard. "Policeman, Drink Containers" Common name WA shrub
Regards Brian

barmera, Australia

Why is the cereal crushed?

Nowra, NSW,, Australia(Zone 9b)

'Ask the greeks about their dewy age' - carnivorous plant

completely stuck on this - is it a latin or common name? Want it to be Drosera because of the 'age', but can't make the rest fit 'Dros'!!

Nowra, NSW,, Australia(Zone 9b)

Flower/flour...... They say = sounds like

This message was edited Feb 20, 2009 4:32 PM

se qld, Australia

>I am interested to know if this is hard, now that you know the answer. If so why?

Probably not hard to a seasoned cryptic player, I'd guess Brian, but most of us are a bit green and still have to learn to get our heads around it.

Barmera, Australia

I'm not really a seasoned cryptic solver, I have never ever got an answer to the Times Crossword yet some people claim that is a real crossword.
A little story about when I first started with computers. It was 1985 and a Commodore 64 and I was having all sorts of problems, just didn't have a clue. A spread sheet program that I had when loading used to come up with a full screen display like below
and that was in two different colours and flashing on and off.
Well I asked my brother who knew a bit about computers what Thin King meant in relation to the program he had no answer my Brother - in - law was the same. Then after months of wondering it struck me the Computer was Thinking. Just another way of saying the program was loading. Ever since then the three of us have looked at words and phrases to see if we can make them mean something different to what is intended.
Very important! You must be able to laugh at your selve because if you don't then the sillyness of the questions you can't get can seem like an insult or slur.
Regards Brian

This message was edited Feb 20, 2009 3:38 AM

Sydney, Australia

Hi all. Been busy I see!
'Ask the greeks about their dewy age' - carnivorous plant
Stake is correct with Drosera - Drosos is Greek for dew and age = era
'Pleased I oil the corm'
Stake is correct with Gladioli
'Late 70's dancing spiny plant' - Genus
Alistair is correct with Discocactus
'Asian country misspelt by a Portguese Botanist' - Australian Native shrub
Stake is correct - This is Korea misspelt Correa.
Alistair is correct - A girl in the heath = Erica
Also correct with Daughter wants computer time - the answer is indeed DOH!
A coloured fruit and fire residue leave a native tree' Common Name
Alistair correct with Blueberry Ash
Did I miss anyone?

Barmera, Australia

G'Day All,
I thought I would try some easier to solve cryptics for those of you who are still battling a bit. (1) "25yrs & Policeman's patrol area" leaf vege. (2) Sounds like"The Bonanza Bloke is reversed" They aren't here, but would be where it has rained. (3) Sounds like "She will wed the proud metal" flower plant .
(4) These sound like "Allow plural me" salad vege.
These are all common names of well known plants.
I ask Budgieman and Alistair not to do these please, they are for the Ones who are battling a bit. In fact you both might like to help the learners by adding some of your own. Thanks chaps.
Regards Brian

Sydney, Australia

Oh oh oh me me me!
I know the answer to the first one teacher.
Oh alright. I'll hang back.
Working tomorrow. Back in the arvo.
Will move us soon so get ready to bring forward the unsolved!
p.s. were my recent puzzles easier?
Trying to tone them down to keep them less 'puzzling' so all can have a go.

Nowra, NSW,, Australia(Zone 9b)

1. Impossible in Scotland, I hear. - latin name of exotic genus (5 letters)

2. Turned over a mealier sort of south american tuber - latin name of exotic genus (12 letters)

3. Greek swimmer had Hero's end. Common name of exotic shrub (8 letters)

4. Had maize cereal confused and got native rainforest tree (Genus and species, 5 & 9)

5. Sounds as though you like lager... Genus (very large and diverse, mostly exotic, 9 letters)

Edited to add No 5 from higher up the thread

This message was edited Feb 24, 2009 9:36 PM

se qld, Australia

>Oh oh oh me me me!
I know the answer to the first one teacher.

So now we know who left the apple for Brian! lol

I know it too.

se qld, Australia

>4. Had maize cereal confused and got native rainforest tree (Genus and species, 5 & 9)

Melia azederach, White cedar

Sydney, Australia

I believe you have that one Gardengal and yes an apple for the teacher does not hurt!
1. Impossible in Scotland, I hear. - latin name of exotic genus (5 letters)
Thinking outside the square here Alistair - Canna
If you remember the advert 'ya canna hand a man a granda spanna' (read with Scottish accent)
Would I be close?

Nowra, NSW,, Australia(Zone 9b)

Melia and Canna are correct :-)

Barmera, Australia

Garden_gal you are welcome to answer those easier ones I put up. I don't know if the others are not interested or they see them as still being too hard. I'm having real trouble working you out Alistair. I was off after a Zamia with your Melia that Garden_gal answered. Obviously a different way of thinking. I need more practise.

Sydney, Australia

Working on Greek Swimmer.

Sydney, Australia

Move the unsolved ones down to refresh them.
I suppose we are all looking at the latest puzzles and not going back further.
Working on some new ones now.

Barmera, Australia

These are moved down.
G'Day All,
I thought I would try some easier to solve cryptics for those of you who are still battling a bit. (1) "25yrs & Policeman's patrol area" leaf veg. (2) Sounds like"The Bonanza Bloke is reversed" They aren't here, but would be where it has rained. (3) Sounds like "She will wed the proud metal" flower plant .
(4) These sound like "Allow plural me" salad veg.
These are all common names of well known plants.
I ask Budgieman and Alistair not to do these please, they are for the Ones who are battling a bit. In fact you both might like to help the learners by adding some of your own. Thanks chaps.
Regards Brian

se qld, Australia

Well the first one is silverbeet. I reckon you should let Steve and Alistair do the others so I can stop wracking my brain over them. lol

Barmera, Australia

G'Day Garden_gal, Silver Beet is right. Can't have you becoming un-addicted so will modify the rest for you or others to have a go.
The "Bonanza one is the actors name not a character". not 1 plant but lots together.
Sounds like she will "Wed the proud metal" These flowers have different nationalities. i.e. French or African etc.
Sounds like "Allow this group" salad veg.
Don't forget this was an exercise so I could work out what was an "easier" cryptic so all could have a chance.

Sydney, Australia

Sounds like she will "Wed the proud metal" These flowers have different nationalities. i.e. French or African etc
Sounds like "Allow this group" salad veg
Hi honey. I'm home!

Sydney, Australia

The "Bonanza one is the actors name not a character". not 1 plant but lots together
Lawn Green ?
Lorne Greene

se qld, Australia

I felt like a bit of a dill after you'd rephrased the 'wed' one Brian. I kept trying to work out what would fit with 'bride' and was just stuck on it. Marigold was pretty clear once I thought about it.

Sydney, Australia

Stake - is this the same answer?
(4) These sound like "Allow plural me" salad veg

Barmera, Australia

Yes Budgieman I just altered it to make it easier. Also the original "Bonanza" had reversed in it so as you had "Green Lawn". I've been a bit busy today as you probably noticed so I haven't had a go at Alistair's today, not that I was getting any where with them.
Keep at it Garden_gal the more you do the easier they get.

Nowra, NSW,, Australia(Zone 9b)

The capital H in the greek swimmer clue is deliberate.... :-)

Sydney, Australia

3. Greek swimmer had Hero's end. Common name of exotic shrub (8 letters)
Can only assume by that the capital H is the first letter?

Nowra, NSW,, Australia(Zone 9b)

Hero's end = o

But the name Hero is also a clue to identifying the Greek swimmer.

Sydney, Australia

3. Greek swimmer had Hero's end. Common name of exotic shrub (8 letters)
Brilliant one Alistair!!!!
Hero's end = O
Greek Swimmer = Leander ( who fell in love with Hero and swam to her every night )
I love the learning with this thread!

(Sometimes just takes a little prodding to stimulate the thought.)


Barmera, Australia

That is very clever and a good cryptic. I never even got close, I googled the Greek Swimmer and came up with other names one of which started with an X so I got nowhere. Just goes to show I should know more of Greek mythology.
Regards Brian

Barmera, Australia

These are Alistairs that I don't think were solved from further up.
2. Turned over a mealier sort of south american tuber - latin name of exotic genus (12 letters)

5. Sounds as though you like lager... Genus (very large and diverse, mostly exotic, 9 letters)

Sydney, Australia

Come on in. The waters fine!

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