Cryptic Gardening # 3

barmera, Australia

A nautical saying, mixed up. a climber

barmera, Australia

Charles' ex and with no end and so on. an annual

Sydney, Australia

A nautical saying, mixed up. a climber
Hoya shipmate

Sydney, Australia

The start of kangaroo, a boy's name and shoe with a c. a succulent

Sydney, Australia

Charles' ex and with no end and so on. an annual
With less confidence -
Charles' ex = Di
and with no end = an
and so on = thus?

barmera, Australia

Ok Budgiman, seeing you like to do the easier ones how about giving us some so that we can participate as well without going googling and looking through books. Just for a bit of fun not to learn the genus etc of plants.

Sydney, Australia

An easy one " The sticky stuff in front of the lair is first class" Native shrubs.
Easy my ar......!
Need a little help with the sticky stuff.
Sticky stuff you eat?
Sticky stuff you tread on?
Sticky stuff you wrap presents with?
Sticky stuff as in situations?
Sticky stuff you put posters up with?
Sticky stuff you dig from your ear? (oops! eoooooow)

Sydney, Australia

Can do CT but it means I'll have to put my reference books away! Have you been talking to my wife? She's been on to me to remove them for weeks!
How about -
" I lost weights in two pigments" rhizome Genus, Species (Genus is also common name)

Barmera, Australia

It is easy Budgieman If I tell you the sticky stuff is Goo you'll say why did you tell us we nearly had it solved. The "Muesli" would be right only they say not it is. A bit like Alistair's gap we should have got that.

barmera, Australia

What a baby says Budgie.

Sydney, Australia

Stake - with all of these what is apparent to some is totally lost on others!
Goo never came to mind .... but now that you mention it .... how about Goodenia?
See. All it takes is a little prompting!

Is this more what you are looking for CT?
'Pleased I oil the corm'

Sydney, Australia

'A girl in the Heath' - Genus

Sydney, Australia

'A coloured fruit and fire residue leave a native tree'
Common Name

Sydney, Australia

'Ask the greeks about their dewy age' - carnivorous plant

Sydney, Australia

'Late 70's dancing spiny plant' - Genus

Sydney, Australia

'Asian country misspelt by a Portguese Botanist' - Australian Native shrub

Sydney, Australia

How well do you know your cartoons?
' Coyote uses these in an ambush' - Genus (some native)

Daughter wants computer time.
Back later

Barmera, Australia

Is that Coyote one Rocket which is the common name for several different Genera. Actually I think that poor old Wily used just about every weapon you could think of.

Barmera, Australia

I'll just change this a bit "Common Mother, Pig with an indeterminate number" Non-Native tree.

This message was edited Feb 18, 2009 7:48 AM

Barmera, Australia

Your greeks one made me think of another cryptic. "Dewey Age, nothing around a lug exists" Genus and Species, Native shrub.

se qld, Australia

This message was edited Feb 18, 2009 4:48 PM

Barmera, Australia

G'Day Gardengal, No message for some reason just that it was edited.

se qld, Australia

Yeah, no, it wasn't making much sense Brian, and I couldn't find a way to delete it all together.

Sydney, Australia

Stake - Wily used heaps of different devices but they were all made by the same manufacturer.

Barmera, Australia

I'm having trouble remembering but I think they were Acme which would make your plant "Acmena" The LillyPilly.
You have some easier ones Budgieman but I'll leave them for the others to try. I'll start at the Greek one because I think from there down they are harder but perhaps that is only because I can't see the answer. I still can't get over that Agapanthus.

Nowra, NSW,, Australia(Zone 9b)

I'll just change this a bit "Common Mother, Pig with an indeterminate number" Non-Native tree.


Sydney, Australia

Very good Alistair
And good clue amendment Stake
Correct with Acmena.
Everything was made by Acme (including the rockets)

Barmera, Australia

That was funny with the Mother pig I reckoned that was Ma Hog but obviously no one else saw it that way. Well Done Alistair.

Sydney, Australia

I was looking for ma sow, mum sow, mom sow etc

Barmera, Australia

'Ask the greeks about their dewy age' - carnivorous plant
I reckon that this one is a Drosera or Sundew but the only bit I worked out was Age = Era.


This message was edited Feb 19, 2009 6:37 AM

Nowra, NSW,, Australia(Zone 9b)

'Late 70's dancing spiny plant' - Genus

Discocactus :-)

A coloured fruit and fire residue leave a native tree'
Common Name

Blueberry Ash

Nowra, NSW,, Australia(Zone 9b)

I have just spent ages trying to work out what the answer was to "daughter wants computer time" LOL.... duuuuuuhhhhh :-)

A girl in the heath = Erica

Barmera, Australia

'Asian country misspelt by a Portguese Botanist' - Australian Native shrub
This is Korea misspelt Correa.

Nowra, NSW,, Australia(Zone 9b)

Well done stake! That portuguese botanist was really bugging me!!!!

Barmera, Australia

That Late 70s dancing threw me because I thought they still had Discos but a good one Budgieman. Alistair I tried to solve the Daughter one last night until I woke up it was a message not a clue. You tend to get that way a bit trying to see an answer in every phrase.

Nowra, NSW,, Australia(Zone 9b)

Sounds as though you like lager... Genus (very large and diverse, mostly exotic)

Barmera, Australia

This is still looking for an answer. "Dewey Age, nothing around a lug exists" Genus and Species, Native shrub.

Barmera, Australia

I thought this was easy but no one has picked it up. 'Pleased I oil the corm'

Nowra, NSW,, Australia(Zone 9b)

Is Dewy age Dampiera? I can't get the species though......

Barmera, Australia

Yes Damp era, Nothing = nil around = lin, lug = ear, exists = is "linearis"

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