Who predicts the last frost date?

Ann Arbor, MI

And when is it? I remember it was May 15 last year, then we had that frost. I saved our lil' garden by covering it tho!! Whew!

Thanks :)


La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

They always say our last frost date is May 15th, But you never really know with Michigan :(

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

There is no fool proof way of knowing. Mother Nature often throws us a curve ball after we've planted and we're out there rushing to cover up all our plants with anything we can find to save them.

What I do, is I keep a record of my nighttime temperatures. When we get two straight weeks of above 40 degree nighttime temperatures then I think it's safe to plant. Some crops like to go in early in cooler temperatures and a light frost won't hurt them. Crops that like heat like tomatoes, peppers etc. like to go in when the soil is at least 50 degrees. To put them in early doesn't really get you an early crop because their little roots are cold and they just sit there trying to recover from the transplant shock. Other things like onions, peas, greens etc. can go in early.

I usually plant Memorial weekend. If we have really warm temps in early May I might put them in by mid May. I do not like babying my plants though so I would rather keep them safe in the garage and open the door during the day than rush to plant too early and lose them or shock them so they don't do as well.

I usually start most of my vegetable seeds by April 1. You don't want to start too early and get leggy growth or have them overgrow their pots etc. Unless you have a heated greenhouse to grow them in. Lots of things I direct sow in the ground like green beans, squash, cucumbers, pumpkins etc.

Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)

What part of the state??

Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)

You have to remember also if the soil temperature is below 50 degrees most plant roots won't grow any way.


Ann Arbor, MI

Thanks for the input!

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

MSU has set the date as March 23. They recommend not putting out anything until that date.
I usually follow that guide line. I put up a cold frame and hoop house last year so I can get my stuff out under protection a bit earlier.
i hope that helps.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

MARCH??? did u mean MAY???

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

I think she did in March I'm sort of iced up most years ;0) I would love it to be March though !!!!

Ann Arbor, MI

Okay! Thanks for the clarification :D


Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

YES YOU ARE RIGHT MAY 23rd. Ok I am getting the old age problems!!!
Thank You all for looking after ME!!

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

Thats ok jazz we all have those flights of fantasy some times ;0)

Grand Haven, MI(Zone 5a)

Oh man! :-( I was so excited! I figured, hey global warming - it COULD happen!

SIGH. Oh well. We'll be buried in snow still then anyway. Couldn't plant in that. LOL!

Hastings, MI(Zone 5b)

I for the last 6 years have planned on April 15th, and every year I get frozen out.
My dh says Memorial day, (thats easy to remember, we got married that w/e).

I just hate to have to wait sooooo long. This year I have a tiny greenhouse I
can put my inside started veg/flowers out in, it will be ultra crowded, but at least
they will get the outside sun/light and temperatures to harden off.

This is the year we are building a deck off our back slider door, and then, the
next year will be building a conservatory on top of it. Faint!

so, anyhow, I am figuring on around May 16th to have the last freeze date.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

i got peas in 2 days ago!

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

I hope those peas are in your green house;0)

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

LOL nope they is outside-they will start growing when they are ready and at that time DH will plant another row
I may have him get some late peas for Lizzy!
Tis time to plant cold weather crops-going to do purple carrots and some salad mix this coming week after
I get the Jap maples and lilies all potted up!!!

HAPPY SPRING!!!!!!!!!!! we made it through another michigan winner-yeah to all of us!

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

well for gosh sakes I wish I could plant out side right now every thing would drowned if I did !!!
Not sure what I'm going to do with my Jap Maples when they get here I don't have a green house and I'v never orderd trees before so I'm on a learning curve here any info would be good please ;0)

even if it is snowing today still doing the happy spring dance

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Gloria, if you have a garage I'd just put the new Jap Maple in there till all danger of frost is over with. I don't think we'll be getting any more single digit temperatures so I wouldn't worry about the root ball freezing. Is it coming potted up or is it bare root? If it is dormant it should stay that way till your'e ready to plant. Just keep the roots wrapped up or covered or potted up till you can plant it in the ground.

Make sure you site it well when you do plant it. They like to be an understory tree or in a protected spot where they won't be out in the hot afternoon sun or in big winds. The Bloodgood maple is a bit hardier than some of the others. I think there is a Jap Maple forum here on Daves. You can probably get some very good advice there if you post your question.

I bought one last year at Home Depot. I planted it in a little cove next to my deck and next to the stairs coming off my deck. The leaves kind of match the color of my deck. I sure hope it likes that spot and does well.

I'm glad you're dancing. I am just blah with this cold dreary weather. I wish the sun would at least come out.


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

there are some with buds already=they are sent bareroot
I put mine in the gh and added night heat
I will be potting the lilies and they will be in there too from here on I will be
moving in the GH officially!! yahooooo

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

I don't have a garage I do have a shed that is not heated will that work

happy day my lilys just got here ;0)


Ann Arbor, MI

We went crazy last weekend. We planted peas, lettuce (Ice Queen & mesclun mix), radishes, carrots and some beets. I look every day to see if anything sprouted. Just weeds so far :P We do square foot gardening, and the seed packages said 'as soon as the soil can be worked' and well - we worked it last weekend!


Winston-Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

June 1st is the rule of thumb for the completely safe plant out date for the Manistee County area which is Northern lower west side of the state. Its unlikely

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

I'm not planting any thing outside !!! just came in the house and I,m froze to the bone !!!!!

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

yes its darn cold out
I went out and watered all the lilies and JMaples and turned the heat back on in the GH!!!
come one warm air!!!!!!!!!

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

Dori if it don't warm up I might have to barrow your green house cuz my room here is not big enough ;0)

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Hey Dori,
I have been to your place and you are Sooo open to wind and such. How do you or where do you plant your Jap. maples?/ I have struggled to keep them as they seem to be sensitive in this zone?? I just got 5 more and i wondered if you planted them on the east? Or do you do something special??
I had some in my back yard. If they lived i will move them to the East exposure ...I think?? What do you think??

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Yes I live in Dorothy land-have had a few tornadoes come through!!! auntie Em!!!!

I just got the jap maples-never planted them before so right now they are in pots in the GH till i can
figure out where they are going
I would guess a sheltered east area would be good(thats where the cats are here)
I may end up making a new are for mine!!! :) This yr they could end up in a row in the garden until i do know where to plant them!!

Macomb, MI(Zone 5b)

East is good Julie...to much afternoon sun will burn them up, mine is planted at the north east corner of my house...they tend to like a shadier less winded spot...picky trees, picky husbands, picky kids....ughhh ^_^

Franklin, MI(Zone 5b)

I was going to post a question to ask when I should direct sow sugar snap peas in our area, but I see from some of the posts that I should already be out there getting things started. I'm planning on growing in large pots with a sort of trellis contraption. I guess I better get out and buy my soil and seeds today!

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

little marvel is a great early pea!

here is a list of peas
early-alaska and little marvel
Midseason Nolero and Eclipse
Late-Garden Sweet and Mr.BIG
early season
Dwarf White Sugar
Oregon Giant
Golden sweet
Oregon sugar pod 11
sugar snow
sugar ann
sugar sprint
super sugar snap
sugar lace 11
sugar snap

there that should give u some choices
i do have growing info on each too!

Franklin, MI(Zone 5b)

Do you have any particular favorites? I want to do some type of sugar snap pea - I'm not into shelling. I want something I can pull right off the vine and stick in my mouth. I may take your list to the nursury today and see what they have available.

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. I have a new plan for my side garden - major expansion. It's not that big of an area, but I want to pull up all the grass and triple the size of my veggie garden. I haven't quite convinced my husband that he wants to do this yet, but I think he'll come around.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

thats as far as any pea makes it here-vine to mouth!!!
We have grown the lil marvels for yrs just to munch!

I am going to look for some of the late shelling peas becuz we can never get enough peas

maybe a sugar snap too! got to remind dh to go back to the elevator and look for the new ones i want

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