Prunning clematis...

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

I was wondering if some of you vine people here could tell me about the height you would prune a clematis to when it's a group 3 ?
Do you cut all the top off of the vine down to a certain height on the stem? ... I have a Hagely Hybrid, Huldine, And Polish Spirit in group 3.
I have others that are in group 2 .. The President.. Which is light prunning.. How far down do these need tobe prunned?

Also would like to know... I had put a couple in the wrong spot for growing ( Though they had not done bad at all) But, Was considering moving them... I heard that clematis does not like to be moved, Has anyone moved theres with good success?? Can anyone who grows a lot of clematis out there give me some tips on the fastest growing cultivars besides Sweet Autumn Clematis, I don't want one that is major aggressive that will be taking everything over. Any help is much appreciated!

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)


Just noticed that no one had replied to your post, thought I would
give it a shot.

While I am by no means a Clematis expert, I have dug many up
and moved them. The trick is to dig deep enough and get enough
of the soil around the root ball so the Clematis doesn't realize it
is being moved. ;-)

As for pruning, my very first experience was almost fifteen years ago.
There was a dead looking scraggly vine on the side of the house. I
cut the nasty thing to the ground. Hubby came home to ask what had
become of his Nellie Moser. (cough)

Needless to say, it grew and bloomed like a dream the following year.


Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Thankyou WUVIE!

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

I believe you are suppose to cut the group 3 clematis to about 12 inches. Jackmannii clematis is a fast growing clematis and quite beautiful. It is a group 3 clematis. Most if not all group three clematis are fast growing.
I move my clematis when they aren't doing well where I have planted them. If it doesn't make it -- oh well --it wasn't doing well where it was either. However, I have really good luck moving the clematis. They pout for a year to get re-established but then the show begins.

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