CLOSED: Have fresh White Malaysian Guava and Cherimoya seeds

Ilsan, South Korea(Zone 6a)

I've just harvested seeds from delicious White Malaysian Guavas that I purchased from the farmer's market in San Francisco. The vendor said that his trees were grown from seed and I will send 20 seeds per trade. I have 2 trades of Cherimoya seeds - 7 large seeds in each trade. I'm currently visiting my home in NJ from teaching English in South Korea. My month's vacation will be coming to an end soon when I have to return to teach on Feb 13th. So if anyone is interested in a trade, I can send out my seeds from the USA and anyone who lives on the east coast near NJ - like PA, DE, NY,MA or CT could probably be able to send me seeds back in time before I board the plane next Friday night. The only other option would be priority mail (which is costly) or sending to my address in South Korea. I've traded with many of you and the average cost of a bubble mailer to South Korea(also known as the Republic of Korea - one trader was asked which Korea at the post office - choose ROK) has ranged from $1.07 to $1.47 depending on what you send. Many times, people have told me that it's been cheaper for them to trade with me overseas than the US. You have the advantage of getting your seeds shipped to you faster and it won't be confiscated, so it's definitely better for you.

Korea has a lax law on seeds and I have never had seeds confiscated even in the rare event that a bubble mailer has been opened for inspection. Here are some other seeds I have for trade:

Korean perilla - Perilla frutescens - also known as Aoshiso, green leaves are used to wrap rice and meat along with condiments during meals. Similar to Japanese Akashiso in shape, but is not red in color.

Korean long dark purple eggplant

Korean scallions

Korean mild pepper - known as Pput gochu (gochu means pepper in Korean)

Korean hot pepper - Chungsol - a type when dried is used for making kimchi

Korean morning glories - these did not bloom big like the Japanese variety for me this summer like the picture on the packet.

Other seeds available:
Asters - please inquire
Basil - please inquire, too many to list
Carrot- Thumbelina, short and sweet, other short varieties available, please inquire
Cupid's dart - blue
Dill - Dukat
Eggplant - Burpee's gourmet blend (Commercial seeds)
Forget me not - blue, pink
Gourds - long handled dipper, swan, birdhouse
Gypsophila - baby's breath, white
Impatiens - have white,pink,other colors, please inquire
Mint - peppermint
Moonflower vine - Ipomoea alba - this is not datura
Morning glory Star of Yelta - grown at my cousin's house in NY
Morning glory Heavenly blue - grown at my parents' house in NJ
Morning glory Scarlett O'Hara- grown at my sister's house in Boston
Nasturtiums- please inquire
Pepper - Jalapeno, Serrano
Sheep's bit
Sunflowers - please inquire, too many to list
Tomatillos - green
Zinnias - Cut and Come again, Envy, Pinwheel mix (all are commercial seeds)
Yarrow - from Seeds of change, yellow variety
I have many seeds not listed, so if you're looking for something in particular, just ask!

Some seeds that I'm looking for are:

Pink/Magenta Rose Campion
White Rose Campion
Aquileglia Black Barlow, Chrysantha, flabellata, heirloom varieties, make me an offer
Brugmansia - named crosses preferred
Confederate rose
Callirhoe - winecups
Cosmos Double Click
Daturas- blackcurrant swirl, triple whites, purples, and yellows, datura discolor(this one is white with a lavender eye)
Easter egg plant
Hops vine used to make beer - Humulus lupulus
White Texas Star hibiscus
Luna series hibiscus
Japanese morning glories
Heirloom tomatoes - especially Dr. Carolyn and Dr. Carolyn pink, Sophie's choice, Rasp large red
Heirloom Chile peppers - I love the rocotos and any C. pubescens, also looking for Tabasco, Greenleaf Tabasco, Royal black, Fish, Bellingrath gardens, Ajis, Orchid, Little nubian, Goatweed, Bolivian Rainbow, mini bell peppers, let me know what you got!
Love in a puff vine
Job's tears
Sweet Vanilla grass
White Hyacinth Bean(Dolichos lablab alba)
White sage - Salvia apiana
Make me an offer! I love heirlooms, flowers, vines, tropicals, and anything unusual.


This message was edited Feb 4, 2009 3:59 PM

This message was edited Feb 4, 2009 5:24 PM

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