Have yellow pear tomato seeds

Orlando, FL

I have about 10 packs of 10 seeds each yellow pear tomatos. They are OP and from fall last year. I just realized my daughter had collected seeds and so did I...we do not need any place close to as many seeds as we have. I will trade for almost anything...edibles or flowers. I can also do SASE if that works better for you.

Leave me a post or dmail...thanks

(Beth) L'ville, GA(Zone 7b)

yellow pears are my favorite tomatoes! I would love a pack or two--whatever you can spare. I don't have much to trade other than seeds I've purchased (nothing I've saved yet). I do have some begonia seeds and some pearl cucumber seeds from Park's

Orlando, FL

I sent you a d-mail.

Weston, WV(Zone 6b)

Would love some here too as well ....
check out the trade list and let me know!

This message was edited Feb 8, 2009 11:36 AM

Orlando, FL

Hyer1972 Sorry this took so long...we lost power to the house for a few weeks and I am still trying to get caught up. I do still have some Yellow pear tomato seeds if you want. I could not open the link you left.

I am trying to get a good garden going, do you have any veggie seeds or salvia seeds? I am open to almost any seeds, so just let me know.


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I'd love some. I grew them a few years ago, and loved them. Don't know why I can't find the seeds I saved, but can't ;0)

Anyway, I have some salvia seeds of different salvias, and also veggie seeds, too.

I have some heirloom tomato seeds, if interested. One is plum "(something-or-other) " and rcml(the mortgagelifter tomato).

I'll go sort through them right now, so I can be more specific :0)


Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

I would love some yellow pear tomato seeds

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)


salvia lyrata(great plant and easy from seed!)
salvia lyrata 'purple knockout'
salvia forskaohlei
s. viridis
s. 'dreamsickle'
s. coral nymph
s. involucrata

veggies (other than common ones:)
sunset runner bean(peachy/salmon flowers)
spaghetti squash
lemon apple cucumber
jack bean
banana melon
watermelon 'moon & stars'
red stem malabar spinach(climbing spinach)
'vine peach'- a tiny vining cantaloupe
heirloom 'tigger melon'
Queen Anne's melon
Burgundy bean

'fooled you'
Anaheim nu mex 'big jim'
serrano chili

heirloom 'garden peach'
orange currant
Abe Lincoln
RCML(the ml stands for mortgage lifter, but can't remember the rest)
& poppy's plum

(Beth) L'ville, GA(Zone 7b)

FYI..I traded for some of Moofiepoo's yellow pear tomato seeds and they are already germinated and growing like mad. These little tomatoes are THE best just off the vine in the summer--still warm. I can't say thanks enough to Moofiepoo!

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

here is a link that describes some of the tomato seeds I have, and they were actually from a trade with Horseshoe, himself, so they'd be the same ones:

Orlando, FL

Seedpicker.....You have a d-mail.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I looked for it, but ???

Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

you have Dmail

Orlando, FL

Seedpicker....glad you found the dmail. Your package left here thursday.

Z you have dmail.

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