
Delaware, OH

has anyone seen any omoshiro for sale?
chalk hill had them but ran out, brushwood is posted out of stock. i am crazy to order this clem and can not find it anywhere....

(Zone 4a)

I just love that one! I don't have it myself but I think she has to be one of the prettiest in my opinion (only seen in photo's). I hope you are able to find one.....only because I can't wait to see all your photo's of her when she is in bloom. Good luck.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I have it but I got it through a sweet friend in Canada.

Thumbnail by pirl
Delaware, OH

totally want and need omoshiro. it is gorgeous.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

That's exactly how I felt when I saw it.

Richmond Hill, GA

My Omoshiro is just starting with new growth for spring. I was crazy to get it too
Niobe. Now I'm crazy to find Fond Memories (pictured below). Still not available in U.S.

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Delaware, OH

where did you get your omoshiro?
can't see the fond memories too well, the photo woudn't enlarge when i clicked it, but it looks very floriferous in the small photo.
here is a beautiful clem called marmori.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Richmond Hill, GA

Niobe, My Omoshiro came from Chalkhill. I had to baby it because after I ordered it they didn't want to ship because of small rootball. I received mine in Oct 2007.

Richmond Hill, GA

Better picture. Fond Memories.

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Delaware, OH

where did you get Fond Memories? it looks a lot like omoshiro, which i couldn't tell from the first pic.
i don't think i have ever seen fond memories listed for sale anywhere.....

Richmond Hill, GA

Niobe, It's not available in the U.S. yet. Canadian grower has it. I just emailed them because they stated it will be released in the U.S. soon. It's on my must have list.

(Zone 4a)

Ha Niobe will you be adding fond memories to your list of must have's now? I know everytime I see everyone's photo I just got to have it....of course now I am running out of room LOL.....I need a bigger yard!!!

Delaware, OH

thanks arlene. and i just heard that betty ridson is also similar looking and may be more vigorous. so will be looking for that one too along with fond memories and omoshiro.

(Zone 4a)

Ha I knew it would be on your list Niobe LOL!!!

Delaware, OH

betty ridson available form PLace of Pride but place of pride is wholesale, so don't know if i can get a local garden store owner that i know to order from them, but will try.

Knoxville, TN

Koi Gardens has Betty Ridson available for 1/2 price ($7.50 I think) if you go to their website and click on the limited time special sale.


Delaware, OH

thanks CK from TN.
i may have a order being placed for me by a local nursery from pride of place that includes betty r. if not i will order a few from koi.

small clems in little liner pots i always order several due to risk of the small pant not making it. and i do not like to grow clems on in pots anymore. they go right onto the ground.

a famouns Clematis expert from Ireland, Mary Toomey, has said clems being sold in tiny liner pots is one reason they have been so slow to be popular here..people think they are hard to grow because they are being put out when they are too young and there is a high attrition rate just due to that.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

When I potted them up last year I lost quite a few of them also, niobe, so it's not just you. From now on they'll go right in the ground - no exceptions.

Delaware, OH

it has worked better for me. of course i have space. i can see container growing if you do not have ground to plant them in.
i got celtic skies (2 of them, they were very overpriced) from michigan bulb last year.
(had never ordered from mi bulb but couldn't resist the pic of the clem. i think it will be like a greenish avante garde.) i put them in the ground in the fall, shortly after they arrived. we'll see how they do.
they were in very small 2.5 inch pots, well rooted i will say, but so small.
here is the size when they arrived. i am sure they were about the smallest clem plants have put out in years.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I bought a few from Wal Mart just so I could test growing them in pots and mine were as small as yours. Of course, they all survived and went to my daughter since I already had them - one being Nelly Moser. It's the others, which had better root systems, that really bothered me when I lost them.

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