February Orchids in 2009

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Beautiful, Ursula. You take a mean picture, too.

Effingham, SC(Zone 8a)

Another two days of hard freeze here too. Covered the Staghorn...hadn't done that last week , but there was fortunately some green left. We'll see after this bout. It's too heavy to take down and can't run electricity for lights out there on that side of the house. Used a nice flannel blanket to cocoon it, so we'll see.

San Antonio, TX

Ursula that picture of your Bl. Morning Glory is beautiful - I know I had one but it didn't re-bloom and if I still have it, it's lost it's tag. I need to figure out how to take good close-ups with my Casio. That one is especially sharp & clear. .

FLStu - I have a question for you. I too have a huge staghorn that I can't manage by myself. A friend hung a large hook (very large) in my garage and hung it there for me. It took a beating just moving it inside but my question is this: I've looked at every book and online; on bug forums, google, TX A&M site, everything I can think of but I 'm still trying to identify the little, tiny, tiny (like pepper, only white) beasts that always show up on ferns, especially staghorns. Do you have this problem? I guess they are some kind of mite, but I can't identify it. I was hestitant to spray but did anyway with Safer but they're still there. I'll try to hose them off and try again when it goes back outside, but do you know what I'm talking about?

And from Hap......"my daughter and I have been known to top off several evenings with Grand Marnier Liqueur, "Curvee Speciale 1827-1977. "Cent cinquantenaire " I purchase it here for $218 a 750ml bottle ......" Wow! No wonder you're Happy - I'll bet your daughter is too. I know I would be.

Gainesville, FL

I live out off of Millhopper Road. It was 21 here this morning, and only 3 miles down the road by Publix on 43rd it was 24.
This winter started off so benign, but now its really kicking my arse (and everyone else's too I see)

It was 34, they said on the news this morning, in the area South of Miami (once you got away from the water and the concrete in the city).

I have a friend in Ft Lauderdale who has a lot of heliconias and stuff in his yard(that, actually, I gave him!) and I remember once warning him that they could go down in a "once in 20 year freeze" and he just laughed at me and said, "I live in FT LAUDERDALE, I don;t EVER have to worry about that!"

I am almost afraid to call him and see what happened....

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)


I can tell you that his helios are gone. Mine started frying 2 weeks ago and last night was the last straw. They aren't dead, but boy do they look sad. I have 2 kinds, NOID, and the larger one fared better than the smaller variety.

TX we are always "Happy" when we are together. Her living in Chicago probably helps. LOL


Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

Things went better then expected here last night. But that's only because "I worked my butt off covering everything". If I don't do that and listen to the weather forecasts the temps go 10 degrees colder then expected. When I do, they go warmer. That's life I guess.

I just got mail from Brazil about the upcoming Redlands Orchid show and what do I want them to bring? I've seen some phantastic orchids here, especially the reds. I don't think I have have any bloodreds. Last year I went there totally unprepared and wound up a bit overwhelmed by the experience. I wonder if I can show the list here and ask for 5 recommendations from each of you? Oh my, it's a long list. What would you buy or suggest? What are the most fragrant bloomers? I don't know most of these orchids.

Cod Spécies Size Price
S1003 -Acacallis hoehne........................................NBS.......................15.00-
S1023- Anacheilium janeirense .......................NBS................... 10,00-
S1100- Brassavolla martiana..............................2"...................10,00
S1102- " fragans...............................3"....................10,00
S1105 - Brassia arachnoidea..............................NBS.................12,00-
S1108 - " chloroleuca..............................NBS..................10,00-
S1114 - " lawrenciana.............................NBS..................12,00-
D1119- " warscewiczii..............................BS.................20,00
S1058M- Bifrenaria harrisoniana var minor..............NBS...............15,00
S1069 - " thyrianthina............................NBS...............12,00-
S1073 - " wittigii..................................2"..................15,00
D7015 - Bulbophyllum ambrosia...........................BS..................8,00-
D7012 " careyanum...........................BS..................10,00
D7020 - " saltatorium var albociliatum ( Ex miniatum )..BS....10,00-
D7030- " vaginatum............................BS...................10,00
S5601- Catasetum cirrhaeoides ( tipo x bicolor ).........1,5"..............15,00
S5602 - " " ( tipo x escuro ).........1,5" .............15,00
S1241- " fimbriatum............................3".................10,00-
S1242- " galeritum.................................1,5" ............12,00
S1243 " globiflorum..............................NBS............. 15,00
S1244 - " gnomus................................... 2" ............. 12,00
S1246 - " gladiatorium..............................2"..............12,00
S1248 - " juruenense................. .............3"...............10,00-
S1259 - " osculatum ...............................3"...............10,00
S5581 - " osculatum ( tipo x escuro ) ............1,5"............12,00
S5617 - " osculatum ( spoted x super spoted ) ..2".............. 15,00
S5452 - " pileatum ( 5144 x "Oro Verde" )........2"...............20,00-
S5467 - " pileatum ( 5144 x albo ).................3"...............20,00-
S5582- " pileatum ( 5144 x Imperialles ).........1,5"............20,00
S5558- " pileatum ( 5144 x amarelo )...............2"............20,00
S5587- " schmidtianum ( escuro x escuro ) .....2.."...........12,00
S1277- " sacatum..................................NBS.............15,00
s0086- " sanguineum...............................3"..............15,00
S1278 - " spitzii.....................................1,5"............10.00
S5479 - " vinaceum ( tipo x bicolor )..............2"...............15,00-
S5294 - Cattleya aclandiae ( II x " Naja" )...................3"...............20,00
S5291- " amethistoglossa ............................3"............ 20,00-
S5508 - " amethistoglossa.( tipo x aurea )..........2".............20,00
S5324 - " bicolor var brasiliense......................4".............15,00
S0213 - " bowringeana.................................NBS...........12,00-
S010B - " bowringeana coerulia........................BS............30.00-
S1301A- " eldorado ( alba x alba )......................NBS...........30,00-
S5268 - " eldorado " Fantasia " ("Rafaela " X Bela Vista II) NBS...80,00
S5345 - " eldorado (semi alba x alba).................NBS............30,00-
S5347 - " eldorado concolor ( venosa x rosada venosa )..NBS....30,00-
S0022B - " gaskeliana coerulia x ...........................3"...........20,00-
S5425 - " granulosa ( vermelha " Rota do Sol " x vermelha .2"....15,00
S5426 - " granulosa ( vermelha x verde pintalgada )...3".........15,00
S1307A- " guttata albina.....................................4"..........15,00-
S5390 - " guttata coerulia " Daniel Carvalho "............3".........20,00
S5174 - " intermedia ( lineata spoted x lineata )............NBS......... ....15,00-
S5341 - " jemannii " rosa " x self .......................5"............15,00-
S5520 - " jemannii " pincelada " ( "M.Sauuny"x "Sta Helena" ) 2"..15,00
S1315- " kerrii............................................NBS 3"........15,00-
S1316L - " labiata amesiana x..............................4"............15,00-
S5126 - " labiata concolor ( "Outono" x "Dreher" ).....NBS.........50,00
S5415 - " labiata s/alba(" Antonio Paccione" x "coksoniana" ).3".15,00
S5417 " labiata ( Dark color x Rubra " Bela Vista " ) 3" ..........20,00
S5418 - " labiata concolor ( "Serena" x "Outono" ).....2"..........20,00
S1317- " lawrenciana ( flamea x flamea ) ............BS........... 30,00-
S5315 - " lawrenciana ( tipo x rubra )..................3"............15,00-
S1319- " leopoldii........................................3".............15,00-
S5375 - " leopoldii ("Verde sem pintas x amarela com pintas) 4"..15,00-
S5376 " leopoldii " sem pintas " x self ................3"............15,00-
S5152 " lueddemanniana concolor ( Orquiven x Ricardo ) confirmado 4" . 50,00-
S5307 " lueddemanniana ( coerulia " Mariauxi " x semi-alba carnea ) 4" 15,00-
S5309 - " lueddemanniana ( coerulia " Mariauxi " x alba )...... 4" .....15,00-
S5328 - " lueddemanniana ( alba "Ricardo " x semi-alba " Eliza " ...5" 15,00-
S5310 - " lueddemanniana ( semi-alba carnea x tipo ).......... 5"......15,00-
S5149 - " nobilior (" Big leaf" x "Rafaela " )..................4"......... 20,00-
S5320 - " nobilior ( Coerulia Clara x coerulia ) .............2".........30,00-
S5321 - " nobilior ( coerulia 1 x coerulia 4)...................4"..........30,00-
S5330 - " nobilior ( coerulia 3 x coerulia 1 ) ..................4"........ 30,00-
S0009 - " skinerii..............................................NBS...........15.00-
S5214 - " trianeae ( "Orlata Dan " x " tipo " ) ............3".............20,00-
S5221 - " triaenea "Orlata Dan"x ( Mariposa x Binot ).....4"............20,00
S5240 - " trianeae ( alba x " Victoria de Castro" ).........4"............20,00-
S5297 - " trianeae ( " Sladen" x "Binot" ) ..................4".............20,00-
S1343 - " violacea tipo. ...................................NBS.............30,00-
S5447 - " violacea tipo.....................................3"...............15,00
S1343C- " violacea var coerulense....(confirmado).....NBS........... 800,00
S1343B- " violacea coerulia " Bela Vista " self.(confirmado).. NBS".. 800,00
S5402- " violacea alba ( "crioula" x "Bela Vista" ).......3"............. 800,00 -Confirmed
S5252- " violacea semi-alba flamea ( " Verão " x " Rafaela " ).4"... 150,00-Confirmed
S5400- " violacea semi-alba flamea ( "Rafaela " x " Ikabaru" ) 4" ...100,00-Confirmed
S5143 - " walkeriana flamea " Divina" self..............NBS............30,00-
S5283- " walkeriana coerulia x............. confirmado.3"............50,00
S5304 - " walkeriana ("Estrela da Colina" x " Feitiço de Goias" ).4". 50,00-
S5306 - " walkeriana ( "D. Wenzel " x " Belinha" ) ......4"............50,00-
S5366 - " walkeriana ( alba " Paulinho " x flamea " Divina " ) 4"......30,00-
S5367 - " walkeriana ( alba "Sta Luzia " x flamea "Divina" ). 4" .......25,00-
S5370 - " walkeriana ( " Bertona " X " Estrela da Colina" ) NBS.......30,00-
S5375 - " walkeriana ( " Cambara " x "bertona )..............2".........30,00
S5440 - " walkeriana ( " Show " x " Sucesso " ) ..............3".........30,00-
S5443 - " walkeriana ( " Cambará" x " Tamandua " ) .......3".........30,00
S5517 - " walkeriana ( escura x " Cambara" ) ........... 2"........ 25,00
S5190 - " warneri (albescens "Ricard Bell's " x alba " big lip"). .4" ...15,00-
S5335 - " warnerii albescens ( Ricard Bell's x Sta Tereza ) 3"......... 15,00
S5263 - " warnerii ( albescens " Ricard Bell's" x alba "Rubens" ).. 4".15,00-
S339-1- " warscewiczii......................................4"...............15,00-
D3307 - Coelogyne fimbriatum.( ex.lindeyanum )...................BS...........10,00-
D0027 - " ovallis.............................................BS............ 15,00
S0366 - Cycnoches egertonianum...................................3"NBS..........20,00-
S1414 - " hagii............................................2".................20,00-
S1415 - " loddigesii.......................................2"................20,00
S1416 - " pentadactillum.................................BS.......... ...20,00-
D7039 - Cirrhopetalum sikkimense..................................BS............15,00 não
S1435 - Cyrtopodium pollyphyllum............................4"NBS..............20,00-
S1439 - " santlegerianum..............................5"................15,00-
S0031- Dendrobium chrysotoxum................................3"................15.00-
S0331 - " lindleyi.( EX. agregatum majus )......NBS...............15,00-
S1466A-Dimeranda emarginata var alba......................3"................ 20,00
S1494- Encyclia advena........................................4".................12,00
S1503- " alboxanthina..............................4".................10,00
S0063- " cordigera...................................2".................15,00
S1507- " cyperifolia..................................3"................10,00
S1509- " dichroma ...................................2"................10,00
S0151 - " diurna.......................................4".................10,00-
S1512- " edhitiana....................................4"...............15,00-
S1518- " fowliei......................................3"................20,00
S1522 - " gonzalezii................................NBS"...............10,00-
S1536 - " oncidioides.................................5"................ 10,00-
S5407 - " oncidioides var altissima ................3".................10,00
S1537 - " osmantha ..................................4".................10,00-
S0295- " leucantha............................. ...NBS................ 10,00-

S1553- " patens....................................NBS..................8,00-

S1544E- " randii ......................................2"..................10,00-

S1547 - " seidelii.....................................2"..................10,00

S1611- Epidendrum latifolium.................................NBS.............10,00-
S0189- " prismatocarpum.........................4"...............15,00
S1666- " vesicatum.................................4"........ .......15,00
S1679 - Galeandra chapadensis.................................NBS.......... .15,00

S1691 - " minax......................................NBS............ ... 15,00-

S1696- " stangeana..............................3"NBS.................15,00-

00000 - Hoffmannseggella sp.
S5476 - " anceps var barkeriana x ......................2"............20,00
S5385 - " anceps ( s/alba " Castro ") x ( S/alba " Castro x guerreiro ) 2"..15,00.
S1770S- " crispa semi-alba x self .......................4"............15,00-
S0991 - " lobata tipo.....................................5".............15,00 -

S1790C- " lobata concolor x .............................4"...........15,00-

S1793- " lundii ( select x select ) .....................BS..........10,00-
S0994 - " purpurata ( werkhauseri x Aço do Clito ) x Aço do clito NBS..15,00-
S5002 - " purpurata("Rio do sul" x schusteriana)..........NBS......15,00-
S5013 - " purpurata ( var alba x sanguinea )..............5"........15,00-
S5021 - " purpurata ( sanguinea x var alba )............NBS........15,00-
S5142 - " purpurata (var.schusteriana x Aço do Clito ).NBS......15,00-
S5369 - " purpurata ( var alba x var delicata ) ..........3" ... ....10,00-
S5371 - " purpurata ( alba x russeliana )...................4".... ...10,00-
S5372 - " purpurata alba x ..................................3"..... ...12,00
S5373 - " purpurata "Roxo Bispo" x ........................3"........15,00-
S5430 - " purpurata ( Anelata " Adans " x Anelata )......3".......10,00
S5191 - " rubescens ( alba x tipo ) ..................NBS............ 10,00-
Rupicolous Laelias
S1757 - Laelia H.angereri ........................................2"...... ......10,00-
S1762 - " H. briegerii....................................... .BS............10,00-
S1762 - " H. briegerii .......................................BS toux.......20,00-
S5246- " H.briegerii ( select x select )....................BS............10,00-
S5253 - " H. briegerii ( "Dinha" X Jequitinhonha" )........NBS........10,00-
S1765 - " H. colnagoy .........................................2"............10,00
S1766- " H. caulescens.......................................BS............10,00
S1769 - " H. kaustykiana......................................2"............10,00
S5292 - " H. caulescens var alba x self. ....................2"............15,00-
S1772- " H. pabstii.( ex.crispilabia ).......................2"............10,00-
S1776- " H. fournierii........................................BS............10,00
S1781 - " H. gloedeniana....................................NBS............10,00
S1787 - " H. kettiana.........................................BS............10,00-
S1789 - " H. liliputana........................................BS............10,00
S5139 " H. kleberi .........................................BS............10,00-
S5238- " H. milleri..........................................NBS........ ...15,00
S1800- " H. pfisteri.........................................2"..............10,00
S1807 - " H. sanguiloba....................................2"..............10,00-
S1788 - " H. hispidula ( rupestri x angereri ) ...........1,5"..........10,00
S5300 - " ( mirandae x rupestris ) .....................NBS ..............10,00-
S5563 - " ( Pfisteri x bahiense )......................... 2"........ .......10,00
S5378 - " ( kautskyana x rupestris )....................3" ............... 10,00-
-------------------- x -------------------------
S1810 - Maxillaria cepula.......................................BS..... ..........10,00
S1914 - " chrysantha Barb.Rodr...................NBS...............10,00-
D1939 - " madida ....................................BS........... ......10,00-
S2005 - Miltonia clowesii.......................................4".......... .....10,00-
S2009 - " flavescens....................................NBS................10,00-
S2016M - " spectabilis var.moreliana..................NBS...............10,00-
S2158- Mioxanthus exasperatus...............................BS......... ......15,00-
S2017 - Mormodes elegans ...................................3"NBS...... .....15,00-
D2030- Neolauchea pulcherra var alba.........................BS.............20,00-
S2183 - Oncidium crispum .....................................3"........... ....10,00
S0020 - " ornithorhynchum...........................2"................15,00
S2242 - " pulvinatum..................................3"....... ........10,00-
D2786 - Ornithophora radicans Garay & Pabst...............BS....... .......8,00-
S140A - Paphinia herrerae var alba x self....................3"..............15,00-
S2482 - Pleurothallis hoffmamnseggiana.....................BS..............10,00
S2567 - " pectinata............................... 3"...............15,00
S2601 - " restrepioides...........................Bs...............15,00-
S2609 - " rupestri .................................BS..............10,00-
S2614- " saurocephala............................4"........ ......10,00-
D2625 - " sonderiana.............................BS................7,00-
S2714 - Pseudolaelia velozicula..............................4"........ .......10,00-
S0230 – Ryncholaelia glauca .................................4"............ ...10,00-
S5104- Schoomburgkia marginata.........................4"......... .......15,00-
S6708 - Sobralia liliastrum....................................4"............ ..15,00-
S0371 - Spatoglotis plicata...................................NBS.............10,00-
S376S - " plicata minor var.suave................3".............. 10,00
S0355 - Stanhopea jenishiana ................................3"..............10,00-
S2812 - " insignis...................................3"...............10,00-
S2814 - " lietzei....................................4"................10,00-
D2881 - Stelis viridipurpurea..................................BS............ 10,00
S2923- Trigonidium obtusum...............................NBS.............7,00-
S2981 - Zigopetatum crinitum................................3".............15,00

M2130- Ctsm Master Red Yellow spoted ..........................2........20,00
S5384 - Cycnoches ( pentadactillum x loddigesii ).....................BS..... ....15,00-
S5395 - Cycnoches ( lehmanni x loddigesii )...........................NBS..... .....15,00-
S5396 - Catanoches ( Cyc.lehmanni x Ctsm. Suzan Fucks ) 3"NBS.....15,00-
S5439 - Ctsm.( schmidtianum x fimbriatum ).........................NBS...........10,00
S5446 - Ctsm ( pileatum x spitzii " sanguineum " )............2"...................15,00-
S5466 - Ctsm ( schmidtianum x " Penang " )...................NBS.................15,00-
S5468 - Ctsm. ( pileatum x " Alex Pardo" )......................NBS.................15,00-
S5471- Ctsm . ( pileatum x vinaceum ) .............................3".....................10,00-
S5472 - Ctsm. ( pileatum x Orchidgrade )...........................2.....................10,00
S5473 - Ctsm. ( pileatum Oro Verde x Imperiales ) x ( .vinaceum ) ..3".. 15,00
S5475- Ctsm. ( pileatum x denticulatum )........................NBS................15,00
S5480 - Ctsm. ( ( "Suzan Fuchs" x "João Stivalli") x ( Orchidgrade ) ).3"..15,00-
S5500 - Cycnoches ( hagii x cooperi ) ...........................3"................. 15,00
S5580 - Ctsm ( osculatum x vinaceum ) .............................2" ................10,00
S5584 - Ctsm ( pileatum x Suzan Fuchs ) ........................ 3".................15,00
S5608 - Ctsm. (("Suzan Fuchs" x "João Stivalli") x (Suzan Fuchs )) 2" 15,00
S5609 - Cycnoches ( hagii x barthiorum )..........................2"..................15,00

S859 - C. "O'brineana" ( C.w. Equilab x C.w.Predentive )........BS.........30,00

S941 - C.(guatemalense x aurantiaca) x L.acuminata..........NBS..........10,00-
S960 - Cattleya ( Chocolate drops X bicolor ).......................4"...............15,00-
S982 - (Laelia briegeri x Chocotate drops ) x L.acuminata.......3"...........7,00-
S987 - (L.briegeri x C.Chocolate Drops) x L.Loddiaca.........NBS...........10,00-
S1294 - C.Brymeriana ( C.violacea "Maravilha " x C. eldorado concolor )NBS. 15,00-
S5042 - Cattleya ( lawrenciana x jenmanii ).......................NBS................10,00-
S5080 – Laelia ( purpurata carnea x lobata alba )...........NBS................10,00-
S5093 - Brassia Rex Self.......................................................NBS...............15,00-
S5105 - L.ancepsis x C.aurantiaca ..................................... NBS.............15,00-
S5112 – Laelia.acuminata x Cattleya bowringiana................4"..............8,00-
S5131 - ( Bc. Dafodil x C.aurantiaca ) x L.anceps ..............NBS............10,00-
S5172- ( C.bicolor x Blc Waikiki Gold ) x ( L.briegeri x Blc. Waikiki Gold ).. 5".. 10,00
S5176 - Lc.Gold Dieger x Lc Trick or Treat..............................4"............10,00-
S5181 - C.forbesii x Lc. Amber Grow.......................................4"............12,00-
S5189 - Lc.Amber glow x C.forbesii.........................................5"...........15,00
S5186 - C.Brymeriana ( C.eldorado alba x C.violacea " Maravilha ).NBS..15,00-
S5194 - C.Brymeriana ( C.edorado flamea x C.violacea rubra )..NBS.....20,00-
S5195 - (L.briegeri x Blc.Waikiki ) x ( Chocolate drop's x C.bicolor ) 4" .10,00-
S5199- C.Guatemalense x Lc. Trick or Treat ).....................NBS..........10,00-
S5202 - C.Guatemalense x Brassavolla fragans..................NBS.........10,00-
S5203 - Lc. Amber glow x C.luteola ..........................................3"...........10,00
S5213 - Lc.Fledna ( C.loddigesii alba x L.lundii alba )...........4"...........10,00-
S5223 - Lc.Gold Dieger "Mandarin" x Lc Rojo.....................3"...........10,00-
S5241 - C.guatemalense ( C.aurantiaca x C.skineri )...........NBS.......10,00-
S5269 - Lc. Golden Dieger x Bc. Pastoral " inocence " ),......NBS......10,00-
S5271 - C.Guatemalense ( C.skinerii x C.aurantiaca ) ............4"... .....10,00-
S5272 - ( C.lodiaca x C.loddigesii ) x ( C.Enid x White Face )..NBS....10,00-
S5273 - Lc.Trick or Treat orange x Self ..................................NBS.........10,00-
S5274- C.Ella Harris yelow x Lc.El Cerrito ) ..........................NBS ........15,00-
S5275- C.Loddiaca x C Brabantae...........................................5"..............10,00-
S5276 - C.Fabingiana " Mikuje" x Blc. Brand Wine ) .............3"...........10,00
S5298 - Epicattleya Voióla x C. aurantiaca ........................NBS.............10,00
S5378 - Laelia ( kautskyana x rupestris ) ...........................NBS.............10,00-
S5327- C. forbesii x Encyclia alboxanthina.............................4"............10,00
S5334 - ( C.Irmã Dulce x C.Dempa ) x ( C. Kay France X C.Enid ) 4" ..10,00-
S5338 - C.Chocolate Drop's x Cattleya labiata.....................4"................10,00-
S5339 - C.brymeriana ( C.eldorado alba x C.violacea alba ) ..3"...........15,00
S5342 - C.bowringeana x C.labiata yellow eyes.....................4"..............15,00-
S5343 - C. bowringeana x C.labiata .........................................5"..............10,00-
S5355 - C loodigesii var alba x Schomburgkia undulata alba 5".....15,00
S5359 - C.leopoldii x L. purpurata flamea .............................3"..............10,00
S5404 - C.bowringeana coerulia x C.labiata " Sangue Azul" . ...4"......15,00
S5405 - Encyclia adenocaula x Encyclia alboxanthina..............3"..........10,00-
S5421 - ( Lc. J.A Carboni x Lc Joao A.Nicoli ) x Lc.Emperior. ..3".......10,00
S5427 - Laelia Pacavia ( L.purpurata x L.tenebrosa ).................3"..........10,00

Got a nice bloomer opening today: Lctna. Renata 'S & W'


Thumbnail by fredrump
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)


Think about posting that on the Orchid Form. There are some really great people there. RUK and Todd_Boland are super.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

ok happy, you got me confused there for a minute.

Where is this show?

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

OK, OK, I thought I was posting on another form. (Too much dave's today)

I think Fred is talking about Redland's which is in S. S. FL. Fred, help me out here.

(Hanging my head, I am so embarrassed!)

Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

I don't recognize most of the orchids listed there Fred but of the ones I do, Laelia Pacavia looks like a good one. I like the strange flowers, so I would head for the bulbos. All of those listed are interesting.


Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

Ok Hap,
you had me going there for a minute and I went back to check the name of this thread. I'm here and so are RUK, Todd etc, right? You probably thought we were still on the fred's party thread, right?

Yes, the show is the Redlands show coming up http://www.redlandorchidfestival.org/

It's a biggy with 60 vendors from all over the world showing up. Last year I met some folks from Brazil and Venuzuela among others. They will bring bare root plants on special order saving a lot of hassle and expense. I just don't know enough to order something special. I will probably get the amethystoglossas as these are such monumental orchids but there are so many others to chose from. I need help.


Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

so I'm not the only one not recognizing all those Brazilian orchids. I will buy the Laelia in your honor. :-)


Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

Fred, I only picked some fragrant ones which caught my eye: (Surely there are dozens more....)
Cattleya walkeriana
C. bicolor
and C. bicolor var brasiliense
C. leopoldii
C. granulosa
C. labiata
Stanhopea jenishiana
Rhyncholaelia glauca is nicely scented after sundown
Encyclia cordigera
I would bet anything with C. Chocolate Drops smells heavenly

Your Lctna. Renata 'S & W' is a cutie!!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Yes, Fred. I am completely non-compus-mentus. Or whatever.


Maybe Hap should stand for Haphazard instead of Happy. But in my usual mental state, I am Happy.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

O gosh, I have posted on the wrong forum, more than once. the worst however, is when you think your writing dmail, and in fact, you still on the public airwaves. Your good.

Jacksonville, FL

so I finallty have some blooms to add th ethe lists yay me!!

Here is my newly aquired Don Herman cat. I just started to grow spikes with I got him..now look

Thumbnail by chubbydoll
Jacksonville, FL

My phal 'Sun beauity ' was starting a new spike a arouns x-mas and she has 2 bloom on her now..this is from new growth on her old spike. Maybe I'll get a keiki!! (fingers crossed).

Thumbnail by chubbydoll
Jacksonville, FL

and finally my noid phal...New blooms and a new spike is forming too.

Thumbnail by chubbydoll
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Beautiful, cd.

Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

They sure are!! I love the Sun Beauty!

Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Nice blooms CD and Fred, the Lctna. Renata 'S & W' is beautiful.

I went to Selby Gardens today with a group of master gardeners for a special tour. It was cold outside but they had a warm greenhouse with several plants including orchids. I had trouble with my camera lens fogging up but I wanted to share some pics with you. Since it was a tour, I had to keep moving and did not have a chance to write down the names. This is a view of one corner of the room.


Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

I like the paphs since I don't seem able to produce any of my own.


Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Here is another.


Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Yet another.


Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

And the last one.


Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

I think this is a dendrobium called Sunny Side Up for obvious reasons.


Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

I could guess at the names of these orchids but I would probably be wrong so just enjoy. They caught my eye and they were beautiful.


Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)



Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

They had a sale room but the prices were scarry. I could have spent more time there but everyone else wanted to go to lunch. Outside I enjoyed the palms and other plants but it was cold, at least for us Floridians. I'll post some non orchid pics on the What's In My Garden thread.


Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

I just came back from the monthly orchid society meeting and I won two plants at the raffle. I really don't know where all the raffle plants come from but there are some real beauties among the 50 or so plants. You buy raffle ticks 6 for 5 bucks and I always buy $10 worth. The first three times in a row I was the last or second last to have one of my numbers drawn. I almost thought it was a conspiracy. This means you get what nobody else wants as the early winners take their pick. Then I won nothing for a while. Today I got two numbers but again almost at the very end. While there were still a few plants left I picked a paph like the two I already have. Might as well make it a threesome. Then there was a whole box full of small Onc. Twinkle Star left (one of which I had just bought at HD for $7) and my number was called again.. So I'm lucky but not very efficiently. :-( One of these days I'm going to win something somebody else also wants.

I did learn something today - Onc like their light on the phal side of the fence and water only every 10 days or so. They need little or no medium and do well in a basket. What I can't keep up with are the feeding and spraying schedules these growers have. All these orchids have their own schedules but how can you handle the mix we have on our shelves? It's one thing for a grower to have a hundred of this and a a few hundred of that and arrange to treat these plants on a pre-arranged schedule but I'll never manage anything like that. I must say they can raise some wonderful vandas using a set schedule. Vandas need a special place almost in 100% sun where they can have their own shower every other day and then get blown dry by fans doing their thing. I just don't think vandas are the right kind of orchid to raise for the home. Where do you put them when they bloom? At least with the cats and others in pots you can set them somewhere to be enjoyed and smelled.

I saw some fantastic mini cats growing on various chunks of large driftwood covered with roots. I have to do something like that but I need to have a place to hang them. One must have had a 50 or 60 flowers on it from various plants attached to the wood. Didn't have my camera with me though.

I also found out that epsom salt prevents cats from turning red in the cold weather. I have some like that and had no idea why the leaves were turning from green to redish. Their flowers are pigmented into the reds and the cold weather brings out the pigment of the flower. That was news to me. Live and learn.

BTW I was good tonight and didn't buy anything. I had my eye on some beautiful Oncidiums but kept my wallet in my pants. Maybe I'm affected by the economy along with everybody else?

There was a 9 degree difference between my house and where the orchid meeting was nearer the water - 49 to 40 degrees. That's quite amazing.


PS JIm, we need to figure out how to make paphs bloom

Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

On the topic of growing orchids on driftwood - among all the plants on the list of Brazilian orchids there is only one that the grower says is truly red and that is 'sophronitis coccinea'. Anybody ever have or seen this plant?

The plant is described as such in Brazil:
The sawed region orchids, where altitude may vary from 500m to 1000m and caracterized by dry and hot days and coolness nights.
Blooming season:

Epiphyte Plants
The plants grow on the trees, coconuts trees, etc., and fasten their roots absorving mineral and nutritious salts from the decomposition bronght by the rain. They can live in vases, plates, etc.

Medium shadow
These plants live in the medium area of the forests or protected places of the sun, receiving about 50% of light; the shadow must be by 70%.

Now what the heck is 'shadow must be by 70%'?

Do you think this plant would be suitable for training on a piece of wood of some kind?

I don't think I have a sophronitis of any kind.


Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

I have killed 2 sophronitis coccineas (one was a rare pale yellow). I adore them. I've seen pink ones, too. They do well in greenhouses but I haven't figured them out for my house. BTW, I grow and bloom vandaceous plants in my big south windows here no problem. Fred, Slc. Firelighter ( the little plant with all the red blooms from last month) is very much like Soph. coccinea with flat red flowers and a small lip.

From your Brazilian list, I want you to buy all those rupicolous laelias ( briegerii, colnagoy, caulescens, pabstii, gloedeniana, kettiana, liliputana, kleberi, milleri, sanguilobaand) and ship them to me in June, okay? :)
I adore any Catt. walkeriana and get that Chocolate Drop x Catt. labiata for red!!! And I also want all those encyclias!!! WOW.

Jim the puffy paph (9:37PM) has some malipoense in it. The Den maybe pierardii (9:47) and the last pic I believe is Dendrochilum wenzelii.

Chubb, I think I have Sun Beauty too. I'll take a pic tomorrow and compare to yours. I took a chance and bought this phal in bud but no tag for 1/2 price 3 months ago.

Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

Very nice Jim, it must have been really pleasant to walk through the sunlit greenhouse like that. Mounting a Dendrochilum? Good looking Paphs!!

Fred, I really like your report! Yes, you can't really take a blooming Vanda into the living room, true. But one can always walk into THEIR place and be wowed by their beauty. Growing all sorts of different Orchids together as most of us do, is a real challenge. We try to grow those which fit our environment as closely as possible, most of the time..... It is amazing how well many orchids adapt to our growing conditions. And do find compromises as in adjusting potting medium ( or their lack of) to the dominant group we grow.
Many of those small Cattleyas love to be mounted to bark or a bare clay pot to attach to and they like sunshine. Works well in the company of Vandas! :-)
I am not amazed that Epsom Salt turns leaves green ( but I didn't realize they turn red from the cold), since Epsom salt is Magnesium Sulfate. I am attaching the structure of Chlorophyll here - the one on the right. Look at the center of the Molecule: Mg/Magnesium.
Chlorophyll, which colors things green, needs the Mg!!

This message was edited Feb 6, 2009 8:26 AM

Thumbnail by RUK
Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

In the meanwhile, my Cattleya trianaei var. amoena, which I had gotten many years ago bare root and took some years to get going, is happily blooming again!

edited for typo

This message was edited Feb 6, 2009 8:37 AM

Thumbnail by RUK
Naples, FL(Zone 10b)

that Cattleya trianaei var. amoena should be in a painting with that blush of lavender. Could any of us imagine a world without photography? When you would either draw or explain a flower? We are lucky indeed to be able to share these views.

I'll let you know what I order from Antonio Schmidt.


Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Gosh, had no idea about the Mg! Leave it to the chemists (Ursula). That Cattleya trianaei var. amoena is a knockout!
Maybe it's the placebo effect but my orchids are smiling. Then again the longer light might be the cause. Here is the half price sale phal that looks a lot like Sun Beauty. What do you think, chubby?

Thumbnail by boojum
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

And a bunch more buds to go.

Thumbnail by boojum
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

One of my favorite Phrags is opening. Phrag. La Vivace Epicure Phyllis D Turner. But I'm even more excited at the tiny spike that's starting on Sl. Marriottiana flava which is L. flava x Soph. coccinea flava!!

Thumbnail by boojum
Jacksonville, FL

Boo..I'd say your 50% off is a dead ringer to my Sun Beauty. Love phrags!!! I've never seen them opening up either..that pic is really neat and informative.

Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

.... picturing smiling Orchids..... :-) Anticipation!

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