Gardening: Cottage Garden Seed Swap & Chat #27

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Hunk of Seedlings

it's a term used in the Winter Sowing forum.

you take a "hunk" instead of individual seedlings and plant them.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

ahhhh...thank you. Now I must read the WS forum tonight....

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OH -- wanted to add....

when you get a container that looks like a 'chia pet', you just take hunks of it and plant them out that way.... impossible to get single seedlings... and poppies look so pretty in clumps.

I do it that way for much of my WS'ed plants.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

LOL---start with the sticky. Jan worked very hard on it last year.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Suzy gave me a clump of 'Crystal Palace' whatsis last year - she starts clumps both indoors and out. I didn't have the nerve to try it this year - now I know better - LOL!

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

put your tray of columbines in the garage for two weeks and then bring them back in mine are just starting to come up had to do the same with the delphiniums

I took a flat and did the soil wet it lalalal I just put the seeds on the top of the soil spritzed them to make them wet and put the thing in the garage for two weeks and they are all up it only took about 10days and now so many babies

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Hey scicciarella! Good to see you.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

I had to go and make hot dogs for the kids at the school just got back thanks for the heads up on the thread

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Kelly, your Poppies look great! You were much better at dispersing the seed than I am, mine usually do look like a chia pet. Those were wintersown weren't they? If so, I'd just plant them directly out in the next few weeks using the hunk o seedlings method mentioned above. I've planted wintersown poppies in March and I'm thinking a bit sooner would be good in your zone.

Robin, Congrats on the Pansies!

Star, I think you're right about too much moisture. I bottom watered and it seemed to take forever to soak all the way up (like a couple of days). I can still see some of the seeds and they look ok. The mold seems to be dying off now in the air circulation, so I'll keep watching. On the Vinca I was wondering more about timing of the first feeding. I can just barely see the tiny growth points of the first true leaves. I can't recall the analysis of the fertilizer off hand, but its similar to fish emulsion I think.

Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

I know I'm way down from Neal's post but concerning the vinca mine are up and under lights in a very warm room. They are still cotyledons and I am wondering if they are stretched. Some of them are probably 1 1/2 inch tall. I think you can plant them up to the cotyledons but mine are in 8 oz cups that they were germinated in. Can anyone tell me if I can add some more soil or will that cause damping off. Like Star told us they are just sitting there.
Star what do you think about adding the soil I am not going to do a thing until some of you weigh in on this. I went ahead and planted the rest of my seed and am now waiting for them to germinate.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

my delphs are getting bigger

Thumbnail by scicciarella
Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

I meant Neal's earlier
Hey there Neal

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey Indynanny! My Vincas are about 3/4"-1" tall now, and about an inch from the lights. I figured I'd transplant up to the cotyledons too. Since you can do that, I'd assume it would be ok to add potting soil up to that point, but I'd wait till they're transplanting size to do that.

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

i have never added top soil but maybe you need more space between the lights and the seedling watch them they may get scorched

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)


Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

My Vinca's are really tall too, probably 2" and just now getting their first true set of leaves. When I took the dark plastic off, they were pretty tall little bent over sprouts already, so I'm not sure I could have done anything about it...

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

I've got the same issue with some Hyacinth beans - but then I was expecting it. I wanted to get them started so I could toss them into my sis's yard as soon as we could plant (she's a zone below me), but now I've got half a dozen plants that are way taller than anything else, and I'm playing Plant Shuffle trying to keep them under the lights, and not IN the lights :)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Just catching up after catching me a nap. LOL

Poppies.. Fields of Poppies. LOL Keep sproutign them. I have see a farmer that had them lined down both sides of his driveway and it looke dneat when they blew in the wind. Was a welcome sight to see every day.

Indy... Look at the very center where your cotyledons met, do you see any sign of new growth going on there yet? If you see any sign of new growth forming, the first set of true leaves, I wouldn't mess with them.

If you have a lot crammed in the pot, they may be streching to get to the light, or maybe your lights to high, try lowerign them some too. You might try splitign some sections out and repoting them to give them some more room. How far above your pots is your lights?

There are some annuals that can be buried a bit deeper when transplating, but only very few that can take bein transplanted up to the cotelydons.

If you have some sterile seed soil aroudn that is light and fluffy , you could try and sprinkle a little bit aroudn them, but honestly at this stage I wouldn't. As logn as they standing straight adn don't seem to be tiltign at all I would let be, if they tilt, I usually pitch the flat, if I have one that streched ,and I do sometimes forget to check one of the baggies and have em do that, and start over. It does no good to try and save streched plants in my book, because they will not be as strong as they shoudl be and usually make s them prone to diseases nd such a lot easier and if they get sick can sicken your other plants.
That just my preference.

The only seeds I ever bury to the cotyledons are tomatoes plants that it.

Dryad doign the Pansy dance. LOL

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

most vines will do fine in a sunny window maybe you could put them in one and have more space

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

to make weak plants strong I use a small fan and change the angle every couple of days the pants get nice strong stems that way

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I bury basil seedlings up to the cotyledons when transplanting... I think anything that roots easily in water will probably grow more roots from a buried portion of its stem. I set most things a little deeper at least when transplanting, and as long as I'm not covering a "crown," they seem to do fine. Maybe I've just been lucky...

Scicciarella, have you tried morning glories in a sunny window? I've got a bunch of special japanese MGs that I want to start, and yippee if they didn't have to take up space under lights once they got growing.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

mygypsy rose - I had to chuckle about the selective smell because mine is the samw way! I can smell them from across the room and my dh will be giving her a hug yet not notice?! I always think, How can this be the same man that doesn't want me to plant lilacs, because their smell hurts his nose ; O

I found some more seeds germinated! I am so happy : ) The Lucifer seeds are germinating!
Yay for the Piggy Swap! : )

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

I did some last year started them about two months before the planting outside time they measured about two feet at transplant and they bloomed about 6 weeks earlier than the outdoor seedings

I started them in 4 and 6 inch pots and used little bamboo sticks for them to climb as long as you have a south facing window they do great

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK, I am definitely getting trays for the dining room windowsills! Thanks!

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Hi scicciarella I want a chance at nice morning glories I think I need to start them indoors too. Great tips - thanks for sharing : )

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I am so jealous! I have seedling envy. But then again, where do I live? I'm impressed with your results. While I do have some seedling sprouting, the weather has been too hot, and some seeds I haven't sowed yet because I ran out of time, materials (I've got more now), and some are still in the fridge. Driving through town today I saw some Pansies growing in a planter box and thought to myself, they bought them puppies!
About the poppies, HOS plant and let them fight it out!
We're getting some much needed rain today, so maybe I'll be able to send in some photos soon of the lupine and the poppies I direct sowed (my climate!).
So glad that you're taking seeds to share with your garden club PullTab. I still have some Pride of Barbados seeds from my Dad's garden if anyone wants them. I will be posting on his Memorial thread in about a week, but wanted the folks who got hit by the H.caines to have first chance at them. ^_^
LMK, ok PullTab?
Oh well, at least I have wildflowers starting to bloom. Is there a forum for that?
I'm going to go sulk in a corner because of seedling envy! LOL!

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Meant to ask tcs, can we get a new thread going?

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

SW You can't possibly have envy of me!? Have you seen what it looks like outside here!? LOL Ooooh do I wish it was too hot for seed starting - that would mean it was July and the flowers would be in full bloom .... ahh that sounds like heaven about now. : )

Thumbnail by Meredith79
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Yes, I truly do have seedling envy for you too, Meredith. : (
It is pretty here, and it just started raining, but so many of the plants I love, don't love my climate. Sigh!
Our weather has been in the 80's last week. My poor seeds are as confused as I am. Not to mention we really need the rain.
At least I have some pretty plants starting to bloom. This is my Rosemary bush, first blossoms. ^_^

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Wow! What a cute flower that has! : )

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Here ya go.... New thread

Mona in Metcalfe, ON(Zone 5a)

you have envy, I dream of living where I can roast year round I hate the cold than my ex husband so figure it must be bad hahahhahahahha

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I see we have a new thread but I have to agree with you scicciarella - I would love to be somewhere warm. Too bad I can't get everyone I know to move somewhere warmer with me. : )

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

it's a little bit warmer here -- come visit! :-)

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Don't tempt me! You might find me on your doorstep. lol : )

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

I am excited-I will be getting shelfs (have a gift card) and some soil today to start my seeds!! WOOHOO!!! Now I will have pics and such to share too instead of drolling over all of yours!!LOL

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Oh great Fairy! I can't wait to see your pics. : ) Did you see the new thread?

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Lala_Jane, I am going to try the ice cube thing with my phlox seeds and see what happens.

Dryad57 - I have always kept my seeds very cold - either in a fridge or in the stairwell in the basement (temp. just above freezing).

So - some seeds just need to be cold . . . . and other seeds need to be moist and cold?

'Cause I started some astillbe seeds and I thought they had to be warm, then cold, then warm again - and of course they all sprouted right away (then I lost them because I think I alternatively over-watered then underwatered)

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Seandor - I bet your astible started because the person who had them kept them in the fridge (or you did), rather than just in a cool place like I do. At least, that makes sense to my wee mind....

I'm gonna have to rearrange the garage fridge and stick the seeds out there - right after I shovel the walkway...

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

I just looked at the weather channel web page - looks like future precipitation will be rain (crossing my fingers for no more snow!)

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