Gardening: Cottage Garden Seed Swap & Chat #27

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

We came from here -- >

Didn't realize the last thread had gotten so long...

**edited.... i forgot the link

This message was edited Jan 29, 2009 8:44 PM

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

LOL - you must have been reading my mind Terese!

I'm so tickled, I went in to check the babies today and found some impatiens (commercial) and the Gaillardia 'Goblin' from Star have peeked their little heads up!

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

I have barely had time to fart let alone sew seeds, but now that I quit my job, I am sure I will have plenty of time as I look for a new one:)

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Saw more seedlings poking up their heads in the window boxes. Am getting ready to plant the Sweet Peas.
Some one asked if you could die from "Lack of Internet". The answer is no, but there are pretty bad withdrawal symptoms, like irritability. Inability to communicate with people face to face. Boredom, and of course Frustration! LOL!
I hope things get better soon for those without power soon.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

LOL Fairy. Does farting give you extra "lift" when you fly? I couldn't resist, now ROFLOL!
Maybe now you will have a chance to get your fingers dirty. That always makes me feel better! : )

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Did we ever figure out when my MIL should plant her sweet peas (in the ground) in Winston-Salem, NC? She's eager. I told her probably the first week in March, figuring that when I lived in southern GA we put them in mid-February, and in Pittsburgh peas get planted around St. Pat's Day (mid-March), so I figured for her the timing should be somewhere in between.

Good luck with your job search, Fairy!

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

SW-it is a joke on another thread I chat on that I am an avid tooter (actually DH is the tooter in this family), so I couldn't help it-but seriously, that is how busy I have been!!LOL

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

OK - that just made me laugh right out loud, and I had to explain it to Nora. Some things just don't translate well, know what I mean? Although she does understand the benefit of a good fart.....OK, we're WAY off topic here Robin....

Critter, if I'm not mistaken we had a pretty good discussion about Sweet Peas in an earlier thread, but since I hadn't planned to start any at the time I don't remember how far back it was. I think LeBug was one of the people giving advice, and she's without power. I wonder if those are one of the things that it would be good to soak in H2O2?? I'm going to have to go digging and look that up.

Fairy, I hope quitting your job was good for your psyche! Good luck on finding the next one.

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Considering I was recently put on an anti depressant due to my stress at work, I think that I would rather work at a fast food place than where I do now....and talk about things that gives ya the toots!!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ya know what I love lookign at the trays of seeds and seeign them just startign to have the dirt raised up in them and ya know under neath that tiny bumb the new seedling is puttign out its radicle and is gettign prepared to enter the world of light. It just so excitign to watch a seedlign sprout.

Wish I had one of them cameras that coudl take tons of photos evry few secodns to photograph it.

Dryad , yep I woudl definately giv ehtem a soak, and go back and find the pea discussion threads dont remmebr if it was back on seed tradign thread 10, 11 or 1 or when we first jumped back here to CG. Differnt growign fo rthe differnt kinds. Remmebr there two kinds of sweet peas.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Fairy, toot away if helps you to relieve stress. I used to have a toxic work environment. Go play in some dirt, much better for you than anti-depressants. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Lol Fairy, you are too funny. You could find time to fart if you were like my dh - he farts right in front of people in stores - AND LOUD! He's nutz! Maybe a little too much info huh? : )
I had a busy day today and just got home to find my novosel order! I am so happy with everyting I got. Now call me lazy or obsessive compulsive if you will. But I got a bunch of stuff to make my watering and moving of seedling trays and pots around. I am extra happy that the 3.5" square pot holders fit right in the trays for easy bottom watering. I also got the regular open web type for cell packs. My watering will be cut into a quarter of the work yah hoo!! : ) Also I found some sprouts that I wasn't expecting so quickly. I had great germination on my Red HOt POkers from the swap, they were from Cordeledawg Thank You!! : ) They are germinating like mad! One cell has at least 6 sprouts!
Plus I had a few sprouts in things I thought I was going to have to give a cold treatment. I sowed them and left them on the top of my fridge for a few days and I have a couple just starting to push up! Callivirhoe is one and Geranium maculatum. These were from Tuink - Thank You!!
I had a couple sprouts from some of my own stash which is an experiment. Glandularia canadensis - now these are impossible to find for sale so I wanted to experiment before I offered any to trade or swap. Plus I only had a single plant and collecting the seeds was very tedious. Hopefully I can get enough goiung this year to have a plent'o' seed for next years swap. : )

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Meredith, you are not being lazy, you are working smarter, and budgeting your time wisely. Kinda like Christmas when you get your planting goodies, isn't it? I hope that your Glandularia canadensis germinates like crazy for you too!
The wind was playing with me today, and kept blowing the leaves I just raked up all over the place. So I retreated into the greenhouse and planted some more seed into containers. So much to do!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Just checked this mornign Got some of the hibiscus red shield seedlings up onyl took three days and have abultions up in three days too. Goodie goodie.

That the only thing abotu usign the baggy method and 24/7 lights lot sof things pop in 3 to 5 days that normally woudl take longer so you have to watch to get them out as soon as they pop of the baggy and into light and air.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

That may be why I've never had the nerve to use the baggie method - I know myself and am not convinced I'd stay on top of them.

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi gang, haven't been on much. Too terrified we were going to get hit with another bad ice storm like 2 years ago, when we were without power for 11 days. We got lucky and only got 1/2 of sleet and 4 inches of snow, but down south got hit hard this time. Most of them are still without power. Pray for them.

Need less to say I haven't done any sowing for awhile. I like to direct sow and with all that crap on the ground I ain't goin' out if I can get by.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

So sorry to hear you got dumped on with all that ice - that's the worst. And you're right - no sense in pretending that WSing will work with all that mess!

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Star, by any chance did your Abutilon come from me? (I have no idea anymore who I sent what seed.) I sowed some of mine and some I'd gotten from Pamsue last year at the same time and Pam's popped right up but mine never did. I hope I didn't send bum seed out to my fellow piggies! I just replanted more yesterday but I left the origingal container on the mat too. Hopefully one of them will reward me soon.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

I think I may have to break down and try the baggie method with the hibiscus seeds I've got.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

I've used that on quite a few seeds this year Robin and it really does give the bigger tough-shelled seeds a boost. None of my corkscrew vines germinated last year and every single one came up this time. (I also knicked them this go-around.)

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

dryad I don't think you 'have' to do the baggy for them if you don't want to. I started a bunch in flats last year and they came up within a few days. I remember being surprised how quickly! : )

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

LaLa. Could be. I don't keep record of who I go the seed from, I just sow and go.

I soake d them overnight in cup on coutner where durign day they get sun and then planetd them in baggy.

I soake dover night somehibiscus seds and plante dthem and they was up in three days and then had some more soakign in water on counter forgot abotu they been soakign for three days, bad me and they all had sprouted roots, just potted them up and put tiny bit of vermicultite over, and slide in baggy and they will be showing leave s in a day or two at most.

Dryad. I put mien in the small seed trays and put in baggy.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Does anybody happen to know does this Kosteletzkya virginica.. Seashore Mallow need covered and light to germinate?

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I believe those came from Danita. What part of the country is she in... I have an outstanding Dmail to her about the Ruellia also! Such pretty thiings, don't want to mess them up!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Danita is from GA i believe.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

KL. The ruellia is easy peesy as somebody i knwo always says. just lay on the top of the soil, don't cover. They take tiem to cover. These are ones, I don't do in a baggy, I just sow on the surface of soil in seed tray, very tiny seedlings. I don't let the soil dry totally out , but keep on the dry side. If I see it dry I just mist them lightely or bototm water and drain good. I give them light and darkness for about two weeks. Light durign day adn darkness at night. They a woody so they don't grow liek the annuals and perennials do.

hi lala
i have found that germination rates for abutilon varies somewhat.
some have poor germination and some have excellent germination.
even if you just get one to germinate out of five is worth it.
my one plant is ten years old and it blooms in flushes during ther warm months.
it is in a pot outside so i guess if it went inside during winter it would bloom my mom's . she has a really pretty red one that i grew out and gave to her for her apartment. Now she wants a pink one

This message was edited Jan 30, 2009 12:33 PM

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Thanks Ella! Can't wait to try the ruellia, it's a gamble but I bet it will overwinter in my backyard :)

Ok, I've successfully prepared 30 containers of varying sorts with a box cutter today, and haven't bled once! I consider that a victory! Next year I'm going to be specific about what I collect, only 2 liters, milk jugs and the like that are soft. The juice containers are great, but so tough I was sure I was going to end up in the emergency room from cutting drainage holes... can you see explaining that one?

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

I hear ya about those juice containers. I have found a cordless drill is the way to go for the drainage holes, but that doesn't quite cut it (pun intended) to open up the middle of the container.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Kl if you winter sow them they wil sprout but if ya get a frost it kills them in a heart beat . The seeds cant take our up adn down cold and frosts. I would wait if ya gona do outsid etil it warmer and no mroe frost.

Ok I need help.. help. help... LOL I bought aprety face cuz it was peach. didnt have no ide a what I wsa buying, just like dthe flower color. I go tme soem of the phaseolus sunset seeds from the coop.

Now i see they an edible bean. Will i be able to put say a coupel beans in a pot and stake up for maybe a two foot tall plant or are these thinsg gonan vine all over . I need pot advice. Please. ; )

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Howdy from frozen Kentucky! We're on our 4th day without power, and have some friends staying with us (who's water is from a cistern, no juice for the pump), so we can collectively conserve wood, stay warm, and pool all our foodstuff that is thawing. Some other friends came last night with a generator, yayyyy!!!...on line again! Just having some contact with the outside world makes it so much better. It was over 24 hours into this ice storm that I found out Kentucky and Missouri were all over the news. I've certainly expanded my experience with cooking on the wood stove, am I ever thankful for that thing!

I've moved all the little seedlings into windowsills and praying they don't get too leggy before the lights come back on. While I was moving them I found that Shrimp plant seeds have germinated!

I don't have much time with the generator running, and some others would like to check email and such, but I'll check in when I get the chance and try to catch up with the posts.
Stay safe and warm everybody!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Hey Neal... good to see you pop in, if only quickly.... here's to you getting your power back quickly....

we have friends across the state in Vine Grove... things not looking good there either.

**big hugz**


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Glad ya survviving Neal and got to check in quick. Hopeya all continue to do ok, see ya when the light scome back on if not before hand.

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Robin - Dryad, This is what I do with Hibiscus seeds and I get close to 100% germination.

Put some seeds in a pill bottle add 1/4 teaspoon peroxide, fill bottle at least 1/2 to 3/4 of the way full of boiling water. Put lid on and let sit for at least 48 hours. No longer than 3 days If they are viable seeds they will have tails (roots) coming out put them in your potting medium.

This is easy peasy to do.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

LOL. I been wondering all day who says easy peasy. Now I know. LOL

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

My daughter says easy peasy... I love hearing it when she's referring to tests that day :)

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Woohoo, my first piggy swap babies showed their pretty little heads today, all WSown:
Creme de Cassis hh from wind, sgl pink hh from tcs, malva silvestris "Zebrina" from tuink, giant imperial stock from star, and johnny-jump-ups from tuink, plus agastache rupestris and basket sweet peas from prior trades. Just FYI, the johnny-jump-ups (viola tricolor) were just covered with fine potting mix. I didn't bother to put paper of cardboard over them. 'Course I only see one little babie at this point. The other type of covering might improve the germination rate.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Congrats on beign a new parent. LOL

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks Ella, and I don't even have to wake up in the middle of the night to feed them!

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

KL, sorry about the neglected dmail. I was busy when I got it and then forgot!

The Pink Ruellia is supposed to be very easy and should bloom the first year. I haven't grown it intentionally from seed but the plant reseeded itself in it's own pot during the hot summer. The Ruellia I have isn't woody at all and grows fast. The seedlings grew pretty fast too. Surface sow the seeds and cover with a thin layer of vermiculite. Keep warm(heat mat and some light would be a plus I think) and moist. This Ruellia loves water! I had it growing in a bucket of water all summer and it was so happy. I wouldn't keep the seedlings quite that wet inside though since the temperature would be so much cooler.

Kosteletzkya virginica – Seashore Mallow
Sow at 23ºC (73ºF), ¼” deep, germinates in about two weeks.
This is basically a Hibiscus so treat it the same.

Iris tectorum - Impervious seed coats. Shake in dry sharp sand or nick carefully with a file. Sow at 18-22ºC (64-71ºF) for 2-4 wks, move to -4 to +4ºC (24-39ºF) for 4-6 wks, move to 5-12ºC (41-53ºF) for germination. (Someone told me tectorum are some of the easiest Iris to germinate and that the seedlings grow pretty fast compared to other Iris.)

All of these are hardy for me here in 7b so they should be for you too KL.

I went to the Southeastern Flower Show today and that was fun. I'm very tired though!

This message was edited Jan 31, 2009 2:37 AM

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