What is this?

Crestview, FL

I need to know what this is

Thumbnail by joy112854
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Can you post a larger picture?

Crestview, FL

I'll try:

Thumbnail by joy112854
Crestview, FL

Here's the best I can do:

Thumbnail by joy112854
Crestview, FL

Here I hope, is a larger view:

Thumbnail by joy112854
Crestview, FL

For some reason it is showing up really small but I posted it on another site, the earthbox forum site under the thread "pics and the last two are what is it"; I'm new to this picture posting thing; but, the pics turned up a good size over there; and the indentation in the center of the thing shows up real clear over there in that pic.
www.earthbox.com and then go to forum and then go to Q and A for the thread and please let me know what you think, the answers I'm getting from them folks are starting to scare me a bit.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Your second and third ones came out fine, not sure why you had trouble with the first and fourth. Looks to me like a spider web covered with dew--there is a type of spider that builds webs in lawns and in the morning when they're covered with dew they can look a lot like that. I think the lawn spiders are a type of funnel web spider which would explain the indentation you're seeing in the middle. I'm sure there are other possibilities too (I didn't have time to dig around on the EB site to find your other thread so I don't know what else they were suggesting). Spiders are beneficial to have around the garden so if that's what it is then I'd leave it alone.

Crestview, FL

Ecrane: Thank you, up close it looks more like ice than a spider web though, that is why I suspected plumbing problems perhaps, as in leaky pipes and possibly showing like that in the winter when it gets rainy and damp and a little chilly. If that is the case I'm really concerned as this place is fairly new. I also wonder if it's the bees that the Terminex guy spoke about also. That is beneficial also. So; for now I'll just wait and see what happens. I might end up putting the flowers in raised beds and praying the trees I plant will be okay.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

do you have a sprinkler system? and what happens when you brush your hand over it? it looks like the same spider webs i see in my lawn in winter, fwiw.

Crestview, FL

Trackinsand: I'm afraid to brush my hands over it, why? What happens? I hope a spider don't come out and bite me. LOL No I don't have a sprinkler system; but it does rain a lot here in NW Florida, the sod of course came from Alabama though.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

well, put some gloves on then and run your hand over it. at least that would confirm web or ice.

Crestview, FL

Trackinsand: I decided to email a picture to Terminex, since I pay them the big bucks for inside, outside and termite protection, they should know what it is right? LOL

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I'd try poking at it with a stick--that way you can tell if it's soft or hard, if it's a web it should stick to the stick, if it's ice it'll feel hard, etc And just poking gently at the surface with a stick I don't think you're in much danger of something coming out and biting you--if it is a spider you can just drop the stick and run before it has time to crawl up the stick and get you!

Crestview, FL

Ecrane: Good point, I don't kill my spiders anyways, I yell at everyone to leave them and any bees alone, they are great for pollination, gotta get on my grandson to not play with the lizards he finds too. Terminex said to give them 48 hours, and they got it; then I get nasty. As $3,000 for outside, inside and termite treatment for one year and they haven't been out since they got the money last Spring, so they need to take of this.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

wow, even if you had the whole house tented, i think they got to you in a big way. we had a house tented in the keys, a big 2 story and it wasn't even close. of course, i don't know what outside treatment you're talking about. i don't let a pesticide truck within a mile of my garden! lol

Crestview, FL

truckinsand: Well they haven't been a mile within mine since I paid them. I had my place treated for termites, that cost me $1,800 and $200 year thereafter; and, paid them for inside pest control and yard pest control, which they treated when I paid them for a year's service, which I'm going to pay by the month next year since they only come out when you call them. Everyone in Florida has pest control, keeps any bugs out of the house; but, I agree the outside is useless I think.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

well, i have to disagree. i've lived in florida a long time and i'm one of the many who doesn't use pest control. my yard and garden are mostly organic and if a bug does get in the house, it's no big deal anyway. terminex and other similar companies use strong stuff that i wouldn't want to be anywhere near and certainly wouldn't want my dogs and the wildlife exposed to either.

the termite treatment is a different story of course. you have to protect your investment if it has termites but once it's treated, it's over.

Crestview, FL

Trackinsand: Yeah, I hear you there, the dogs and cats seem to love my yard, only problem is they aren't my dogs and cats they are the neighbors dogs and cats. Can't figure my neighbors out, I have an acre here, no cats, no dogs, they get 1/8th an acre and buy a dog the size of a horse, go figure right? Then they just open their doors and let them go where they want. I needed pest control when I had people moving in and out of my place so much; but now don't have that problem anymore. Really don't have a problem with pests either. I am concerned about that stuff in the yard and would like it taken care of or identified so I can plant my trees and gardens.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Are there a lot of them or just a few? If it's just a few I wouldn't worry about them and I would go ahead and plant your garden. I'd be more worried about the dogs and cats destroying what you plant than whatever's in there.

Crestview, FL

Ecrane: Chicken wire around my trees while they are babies will keep the cats and dogs out away from the trees til they get strong and healthy. By that time. Maybe a fence to keep them out of my yard entirely will also be in the works. There is a lot of it and I'm sure if Terminex hasn't contacted me by Monday they will definately be here Tuesday doing what they are paid in advance to do or I'll know the reason why. I'm finding that companies and individuals that you pay up front for services tend to put you last on the list when it comes to taking care of you and that ain't right.

Crestview, FL

Hey ya'll case closed, it's spiders!!!! Not a bad thing yeah?

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