Growing loose leaf lettuce in Austin Texas

Austin, TX

Good morning everyone,

I have grown loose leaf lettuce in the past when I lived in Texas in another area, but its been about 15yrs since I did it.

Now that I again have the opportunity to do so, I was going to plant some .
However, I can't remember (TMB=to many birthdays) if I planted in the fall or spring?

Can anyone jar my memory? Because they did so well (that I remember)

Thank you,

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I live just NW of you and I have had lettuce growing since fall. I will plant more in Feb. but you don't get as cold in Austin so you should be OK to sow now. Mine has survived 17 degree temps. As you probably know it will bolt when the weather gets too warm.

Hutto, TX(Zone 8b)


The only trouble I have with Lettuce in Hutto (northeast of Austin) is rabbits. I planted a spring crop and a fall crop last year. The spring crop did okay, but with the drought the rabbits kept the fall lettuce trimmed down to the ground. I built some large window boxes (using cedar fence boards) and I'm going to grow the lettuce up off the ground this spring. Last summer I had decent lettuce into June, before the heat killed the flavor.


Kenwood, CA

Fall and spring both should work. Just remember that lettuce prefers cool temperatures. Lettuce will germinate in 35F soil, but will actually get growing when the temps are in the mid 40s and will grow best when the air temp is 50s and 60s. Lettuce will go to seed when air temps consistently reach 80F or higher. That means you can time your planting and successive crops according the the lenght of your cool-season. If you have 100 days of temps between 40F and 80F you should be able to get in 2 or 3 crops. That would work in spring or fall -- according to the temp range in your garden. Use a milk jug cloche to protect lettuce if the temps unexpectedly drop below freezing.

Austin, TX

Thank you everyone you were all most helpful.
I will order my seeds this week then.


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