Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

21* here and the snow just started again..looks like that icy kind at the moment tho...not a good thing...I just refilled all of the feeders just in the nick of time...LOLAccording to my feet.. we have over 5 inches here in places for sure...

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Marcy I had the same blind issue last year. What I did was take the broken slat out and move the one on the bottom to it's spot. Worked for me in my upstairs bathroom.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

We have about 6 inches of snow, and now freezing rain is falling. Supposed to have 6 more inches of snow overnight. DH got home from staying with his DM, but will not be able to get out tonight. He brought in the kerosene and propane heaters, in case we lose electricity. So at least we will be warm. Have plenty of quilts, so if nothing else will go to bed and pile on the quilts to keep warm.

Everybody be careful out there and stay safe.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Best we can tell, we got between 4 and 5 inches of snow. It started sleeting a bit ago. We went to my neighbors to take pictures of his new litter of puppies and by the time we came out the car was covered in ice. They are saying our total snow fall will between 6-11".

Our seventh daughter left a bit ago and we are back to six kids. LOL By the looks of things, I doubt the girls will have school tomorrow.

Oh, I got to play with puppies. hahahahahaha

This isn't one from the new litter but this is Jazzi (wearing her state champion jacket) holding JJ (8 weeks old).

Thumbnail by Badseed
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Not much going on here... just watching the creek rise. The predicted ice/snow didn't happen... YET... just rain.

Despite having no oomph today, I have actually cleared a path through my office. There's Hope!!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

My signal is getting iffy, so may not be back. It is still coming down, freezing rain, but supposed to turn to snow at some point in time. I bet we have 2-3 inches of ice. DH is not going to stay with DM tonight, he can't get out of the drive, and is reluctant to leave me thinking I might have to use the kerosene or propane heaters.

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Good deal Bonnie! You two just stay in and stay safe! Be careful with the heaters, if you have to use them.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

We're about the same as Bonnie.
Not as much ice .... yet....


Thumbnail by henryr10
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Man, what a drive home. I got off at 6:30pm, but stuck around for an hour talking with a friend I'd not seen in ages. My logic was, there would be less traffic since it would be well after rush hour. Well, that was true, but by the time I left, there was freezing rain. Aaaagh.

I stopped at a drug store and got a gallon of washer fluid, topped it off in the van and put the remainder on the seat next to me so it would be handy. Now, the van's defroster and heater have been struggling the last few months, so the ice just kept building up on the windshield. I had to use the washer fluid about once a minute just to keep the windshield clear enough to see through.

Then...Yep, the washer fluid ran out while I still had about 20 miles to go. There was absolutely no safe place to pull over since I was on The Barren Stretch of 161 (said in an ominous tone), so I hunkered down and peeped through the one clear place down at the bottom of the windshield. The road was bad enough, I could only go about 30-35mph, tops. The wipers scraped loudly as more ice accumulated on the windshield.

Ahhhhh! Thank goodness, Howie had bought a little heater that plugs into the cigarette lighter. We'd been using it to keep our feet warm on those frigid days, but it turned out very handy for keeping the windshield from completely icing over. If it hadn't been for that little heater, I don't know how I would have made it home, because that peephole in the windshield was rapidly narrowing.

Ooooh, I am glad to be home. It took me 1 1/2 hours instead of the normal 35-40 minutes. We're supposed to get 2-5" of snow on top of this, then up to 1/4" of ice, and then 2-3" more snow on top of that.

My boss said to call her in the morning if the roads are bad, because I probably won't need to come in. We'll be slow, anyway, and there's a new hire there all day with her in addition to the normal crew. From the sounds of it, I may well have a snow day tomorrow.

This message was edited Jan 27, 2009 9:52 PM

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Getting slammed up here. Forecast is for 11 inches before noon tomorrow. Chele I will get to the PO Thursday it looks like. Had business to take care of today and didn't make it sorry and tomorrow is all but impossible driving for sure if tonight's streets are any indication. Accident's everywhere and of course a rock salt shortage. Now they are using of all things beet juice LOL.

Stay warm and stay safe all.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I just read the other day that beet juice is supposed to be a good de-icer. Some of the plant-based products work in lower temps than the traditional salt, so are more effective. I'm interested to hear how it works out for y'all up there, Toni.

G'night all!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Pink snow... Huh. LOL

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I know you shouldn't eat the yellow snow....Now not the pink, either? For those who watch The Office on NBC...I bet Dwight Schrute has something to do with that beet de-icer.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

What are you doing still up Kimberley??? LOL ...
Marylyn!!! Sooo good to see you back with us... How are you and your Bunnies doing???

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Yeah, I was heading to bed, but then I thought I'd post the announcement for a scrapbooking retreat the local store's having in February. Craig's List is a PITA to format HTML posts on, though, so it took a while. http://columbus.craigslist.org/eve/1010733928.html

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Well I am off to find my warm bed....I think I am tired....It is 25* and we have a nice crust of ice out there on top of the snow...Chootch fell thru it, and boy did I get a dirty look for putting her out... LOL

See you all in the morning...Stay in if you can, be safe if you can't...

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi, Dusty! I pop in and out. I'm doing fine. :-) The bunnies are doing great, although the little one has this red, slightly flaky circular patch behind one of her knees... It doesn't seem to bother her, but it's not going away. It doesn't look like the pictures of ringworm on Mayoclinic.com. I hate to spend $35 to take her to the doctor's office, be told "it's nothing... put some lotion on it", and bring home 3 viruses and a bacteria as consolation prizes. But on the other hand, it's been there for a couple of weeks now, and she has been acting sleepy lately....

She's still only partially verbal (both bunnies are on the high-functioning autism spectrum, and the little one has a speech delay, although she is coming along VERY well!), so it doesn't help to ask her questions. She either says "no" or "I know!" to pretty much any question I ask that isn't a clear-cut choice. ["Does that hurt?" "No." "Does it itch?" "No." "Are you awake?" "No." "Do you want chicken nuggets or spaghetti?" "I want spaghetti, please!"]

It's a little thing, but it was what I was sitting here thinking about. :-)

You all be very very VERY careful up there in the frozen north! We have a chilly front going through tonight - the trailing southern fringes of the nasty system you are getting, too. Our temps dropped 30° in half an hour - and I'm not exaggerating! - when it reached us. It's still not going to be quite cold enough tonight for me to have to cover my begonias, though, so I have nothing at all to complain about next to your ice on top of snow on top of ice. Yuck!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

It is nasty out there! Took a while to get home last night. I didn't get over 15mph. One good thing about 2nd shift. No one on the roads, I can creep along if I want to.

Mom and I just had a fight about me going to work today. She said she "forbids" me to go to work today. Excuse me?
I told her in this economy, I can't call off work just because she is worried. If I can get to work, I need to go. My boss lives in Johnstown, about 10 miles from me (a neighbor!) and I just talked to him. He said it "wasn't to bad this morning" and that all my co-workers made it in today except one man and wife who went into a ditch on their way in from Mt. Vernon. There are perhaps 60 people that work dayshift. I told him I'd walk out to the road about noon, see what it looked like and make a decision then.

Wish they would bump up Licking County from level 2 to level 3 so I didn't have to go though. I don't look forward to trying to get out my driveway in this mess! Or cleaning off all that ice from my car!

I just went out to feed the birds and take care of our outside cats. I didn't let them out of the pole barn for the day, and they were NOT happy with me. Birds were happy though. They had feed in the big feeder, but the fly through feeder was empty. I put a lot out on the ground too... they really like that. We have not seen any grackles or starlings yet - thank goodness for that, they are PIGS!

We made a pot of chili a couple days ago - going to go warm up a bowl of that for lunch.... if this isn't a day for a nice bowl of warm chili I don't know what is. If I don't go to work I will have to go out and try to get some pictures. It is really pretty out there.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Guess everyone slept in this morning except Jules and I!
Well...we have ten inches of snow here! Our neighbor with the backhoe just cleaned out our driveway for us! He never asks...just drives in and gets to it! There are 3 brothers that live close to us. The one is a sherriff's deputy...the other one a farmer (our farmer)...and the third one has a cement business ...and a backhoe! And the cop and the cement guy are both close neighbors...plus their mother is our next door neighbor...just a field away. Our farmer lives over on the other road from us all.
The deputy checks on us all the time too. So it's really nice to have neighbors like that!
I made a big pot of chicken vegetable soup last night for supper...so we will be having leftovers today! Still have BD cake too! That's Dave's job though! To eat that!
I might go out and play in the snow a bit later on. It's still coming down here!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

That sounds good Marcy...Maybe I will make a pot too...I'm sure glad you and Dave have someone to check on you...Weather like this, you never know what will happen...We have about 10 inches here on the hill too, and it is still coming down pretty heavy......Beautiful to look at, but I sure don't want to be out in it...
I was up at 6am, and did a few things around here....Going to try to finish grooming 2 more Poos today... Nice and warm in the basement... ;-))

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Anyone need some wood?
Another HUGE limb fell in the sideyard.
Whacked the fence and just missed the new room.
The entire yard is covered w/ it Robyn said.

We had 6" of snow by this morning.
I drove in to work in 2" of ice.... then 6 more inches of snow fell.

Suns out now... power is off everywhere... but spottie this time.
Eric has a limb in his power lines.

I kinda doubt we'll be hearing from Bonnie for a bit.
They got hit FAR harder than we did.


Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Yeah... Berties Daughter called her and they are in KY and have no power.. Bertie was talking about driving down there to take them a Generator..BAD IDEA!!!!!

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey Guys:

We're still here. Still snowing and thankfully all we got was snow and not ice. Weird storm this time. Usually we are wallopped and you guys get the break. We just got 11 inches of fluffy snow.

Don't really feel like cooking for some reason. I need to see about getting my appetite back. It's been gone for about a week or so but I am feeling fine. Weird wild stuff.

Gonna finish cleaning up the joint and then go shovel the walk. Glad you guys are safe and taken care of Jules and Marcy. I said a little prayer for us last night.

Talk soon.

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey BTW ((((((((((Dusty))))))))))))). Try to talk her out of driving down. Agreed...real bad idea!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm taking a day off. My neighbor that works for Baker's Acres Greenhouse tried to go to work a couple hours ago to check on things there. She has a little 4-wheel drive. She called me and said don't try to go to work, our road is terrible and it's not worth it. She was sliding all over and turned around and came home. Said her hubby will wait to do our driveway in the morning since I said, "ok, I will stay home tonight!"...

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm glad to hear you're staying home, Jules. They really do need to make it a level 3 from what I've been reading and watching.

i got lost !!!! i i lost the thread !!!
i will have to go back and read everyone's doing
son still sick and its getting worse. I think his temp is back up again. He doesn't eat ,just drink
Toni way to go on the surprise cash !!!!!!! love it . :) hooray .
got truck dug out
just in case
put it in 4x4 high if i need too.
snow stopped finaly yeah
got a it of sun felt good
got to run

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

GW - I don't think our Sheriff would do Level 3 if the world ended. I don't think there has been a Level 3 since Sheriff Billy left office has there?

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

We were a level 3 here...not sure what it is now? All in all we had about a foot of snow here in Darke Co.
I decided I was too chicken to go out and play. It's awfully windy...and I don't like wind when it's cold!
Our new wood we got burns really good!! It's all ash and walnut. It's nice to have a fire that you don't have to keep feeding all the time!
Toni...are you sick? I wish I didn't feel like eating ...or at least not as much!! I was hungry after I went to bed last night, and got up and had tea and toast! Geesh!
Dusty, Jules....glad you two aren't out on the roads. Ric...you be careful out there!!

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

The powers back on!!! It is awful here. prob about a 4-5 inches of snow, but about 3-4 inches of ice. It sounded like a war zone outside last night. You could hear big trees falling everywhere. Our back yard is basically a big hill and we heard a big tree fall and started rolling down the hill. We freaked and ran to the front of house and waited. Thank god it got caught on other trees and stopped. Now we will have to make that a priority tree when the cutting starts.

There was so much ice that my big ole 6 foot 2 oldest son who weighs about 200 didn't even go through the ice/snow layers when I made him feed outside dogs(after last years ice fall and broken arm I'm not taking another fall risk) I will be on my butt going down stairs today to take care of critter's.

Sadly though my greenhouse is toast. Well, I didn't like where I put it any way and there will be parts to salvage. I also made it too big for my needs, so hopefully I will have enough good stuff that made it to build the new one without having to replace much. I am just scared what our driveway will look like. I hope it's clear of trees. Our chainsaw is not working right now. We don't plan to go anywhere for a few days anyway, but we will have to walk down it to see what it looks like. Our neighbor could not make it to his house yesterday and wanted us to see if any trees had fell on his house.
I hope everyone is safe, sound and warm!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Sorry about the greenhouse, Geo. What a pain. I'm glad that tree didn't hit your house! A cherry in our neighbor's yard split and a big chunk came down on her side. It's a scrubby cherry that really could be completely taken out and no one would miss it but the robins. Actually, last year was the first year it ever fruited since we've lived here -- 10 years -- and it was loaded with fruit. I think it was because of the previous spring's hard freeze that damaged so many fruit trees. It was making up for lost blooms.

Oh Geo what a crazy night you had. YIkes. Sure glad the tree stopped. T&P for you. Glad your ok . :)
ds is feeling better. whew kid had me worried.
got some warm olive oil , motrin and he ate a cheese pizza. good news.
got snow removal guys coming , got to get son to Dr again.
Gw hope the cherry tree does good for you this year again.
Nice to have a cherry tree. I love cherries.
well off to check on ds
take care

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)


Thumbnail by henryr10
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Talking to Bonnie.
She's OK... no power.
Plenty of heat.... plenty of food.....plenty to read.......everything is OK .
Wayne's Mother's car is under a tree..... so they have plenty of wood.... LOL!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Glad to hear everyone faired "okay".

I was awake around 3:30am and turned on the TV. My viewing ended abruptly at 5:00am when the electric went out. I put in a call then so they'd be on it. Then we went back to sleep. We awoke again just before 7:00am to the dogs going crazy. There was someone stuck in the ditch spinning their tires and another little truck trying to back back home. Why do people go out in this?? Clinton Co was actually under a level 3.

We had about 5" by this morning and it looks like we got a good inch of ice. Hubby boiled water on the grill this morning so I could have coffee. Then the snow came back. The grill looks to have about 6" of snow from today's blast.

So...after 12.5 hours with no electric, it's down to 50 something in the house and quite nippy! I'll be glad to see the house and water warm back up!

Y'all take care!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Whew, y'all have had a mess today! Glad no one has reported in hurt or frozen solid.

Somehow we escaped it, for today anyway. But we're in a Winter Advisory through Friday night except for a very few daytime hours tomorrow.

Nothin' much going on here... saw a mouse in my newest pantry room (which was my bedroom) but the lazy cats haven't spotted it yet. In their (cats) defense, I keep the door mostly closed to keep it cool, except when I do coffee in the mornings. I don't even remember where I put the mouse traps I bought 2 years ago when I had baby mice in that room...

We have a couple of nurses here, yes? I just discovered what looks like ringworm on the front shin bone just above my ankle. Research online says it's a fungus and thrives on moist areas and dead skin. My skin is dry, dry, dry and the circle is so barely raised or discolored it appears almost flat and non-existant. Any clues?

BBL... stay warm and INSIDE!!!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Y'all wanna see what an Angel Looks like???

Ric is that a bigger tree right next to it ? yikes . good thing that one didn't come down. (knock on wood ) yes pun intended giggle
So glad she and Dh are ok !
Chelle sorry to hear you got no power. Thinking warm thoughts for you . :)
we got about over a 12" of snow
got a guy coming and plowing the drive. LEts hope he gets the circular drive right. I just worry about my peonies. The other kid took out the markers i made uhg. :(
glad everyone is doing good in this weather.
T&P to all of you
gonna go watch a movie iwth the kids. :)

ok I'll bite
what does an angel look like ?

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Looks like this......

Thumbnail by DustyDS

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